After the peace talks were suspended, Lu Chen briefly discussed some recent political affairs in the North with the officials from the North, and then ended the small court meeting.

As Lu Chen expected, just after the small court meeting, when Lu Chen returned to the palace, a guard found him and said that Wu Ming wanted to see him alone.

Lu Chen naturally knew why Wu Ming wanted to see him, so he directly asked Wu Ming to be taken to his study.

After Wu Ming entered the study, Lu Chen said with a smile: "Your Highness Wu Ming, please take a seat."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he came to the study area where he was resting and drinking tea. Wu Ming immediately came to the tea table and sat down.

At this time, Lu Chen said to the maid at the door of the study: "Xiaoqian, make tea."

Having said this, Lu Chen's eyes fell on Wu Ming, looked at Wu Ming and said with a smile: "I wonder why His Highness Wu Ming met with me alone?"

Wu Ming said directly: "I want to ask the King of the North, is he really planning to let me come to the North to be a proton?"

Previously in the political hall, Wu Ming had called himself "my king", but now in front of Lu Chen, he called himself "I" and his figure suddenly lowered.

Hearing Wu Ming's tone, Lu Chen smiled faintly, and then said: "His Royal Highness Wu Ming plays an important role in Dawu and is one of the candidates for the crown prince. Since we are choosing a proton, we naturally have to choose someone important to Dawu."

"In my opinion, you are the most suitable."

Hearing this, Wu Ming quickly said: "The King of the North has given me some praise. Although there are some ministers who support me in the Dawu court, compared with the eldest prince, I am nothing at all."

"My father asked me to come to the Northern Kingdom this time, obviously because he didn't want to ruin the reputation of the eldest prince. This proves that he is the most important in my father's heart."

"If King Bei wants to choose a prince as a proton, he should choose the eldest prince. If he chooses me, I'm afraid I won't be able to play the role of a proton."

Lu Chen said thoughtfully: "Oh? Is that so?"

"But having said that, if I choose the eldest prince as my hostage, I'm afraid Emperor Wu won't agree, right?"

"After all, you said that he is the most important in your father's heart."

Wu Ming was slightly stunned when he heard Lu Chen's words.


Wu Ming sorted out his words and said: "Now that the Northern Army is approaching, I believe that my father will agree to the conditions proposed by the Northern King."

Lu Chen said: "So, your father will also agree to the trade treaty?"

Wu Ming was stunned. What does this have to do with the trade treaty? Aren't they talking about the proton issue again?

Just when Wu Ming was confused, he suddenly came to his senses.

Wu Ming then said: "If the Northern King chooses another prince to be a hostage, I believe that my father will definitely agree to the trade treaty proposed by the Northern Kingdom."

Wu Ming didn't know what kind of impact the trade treaty would have on Dawu, but the people from Dawu's mission just reminded him that among the conditions for this peace negotiation, the trade treaty proposed by the North did not seem to be as obvious as the cession of territory and compensation. The loss is huge, but the harm is the greatest. It is very likely that Emperor Wu will not agree.

No wonder when they first came to the Northern Kingdom, the newspapers said that the hostage chosen by the Northern Kingdom was Wu Yunwan, but suddenly they suddenly changed their minds and became him as the second prince. It turned out that the Northern King wanted to use his own power to make his father the emperor. Agree to the trade treaty.

This is equivalent to a transaction. If the trade treaty cannot be passed, the proton will probably be himself. If the trade treaty is passed, the proton will be someone else.

After hearing Wu Ming's answer, Lu Chen picked up the tea cup, took a sip of tea, and then said: "If His Highness Wu Ming can persuade Emperor Wu to agree to the trade treaty, then I will choose your eldest princess as a hostage. If His Highness Wu Ming failed, then please ask His Highness Wu Ming to stay in the Northern Kingdom."

Wu Ming immediately said: "Don't worry, King Bei, I will definitely convince the civil and military officials of Dawu and my father."

Lu Chen said with a smile: "Then I will wait for the good news from His Highness Wu Ming. I hope His Highness Wu Ming can seize the time. After all, the families of soldiers in the North are still waiting for pensions."

Wu Ming immediately said: "Please give me another month, King Bei. After one month, I will definitely give King Bei a satisfactory answer."

Lu Chen said with a smile: "Okay, I will give His Highness Wu Ming a month. I hope His Highness Wu Ming will not let me wait for a month in vain."

Wu Ming smiled flatteringly and said, "This is natural."

"If King Bei has nothing else to do, I will go back today."

Having said this, Wu Ming stood up from his chair, and Lu Chen also stood up immediately and said, "Okay, Your Highness Wu Ming, walk slowly, I won't see you off."

Wu Ming didn't say much nonsense, he stood up and left.

A few days later.

Dawu Chaotang.

When the trade treaty proposed by the Northern Kingdom was reported back to Dawu, it instantly caused shock in the Dawu court.

Although most of the ministers in the Dawu Court are idle people, they are not fools.

As veterans in the officialdom, those ministers immediately saw Beiguo's purpose. Beiguo not only allowed Dawu to fully open various markets, but even allowed Dawu to use Beiguo currency to trade with Beiguo.

What a joke, using the currency of the North Country, if a large amount of goods from the North Country pour into the North Country, in the future, merchants in Dawu will all use the currency of the North Country in order to purchase goods from the North Country. If the number of goods increases, people will most likely abandon Dawu on their own initiative. Currency, switch to the currency of the Northland.

At this time, Chai Jiliang stood up and said: "Your Majesty, Dawu must never agree to this condition of the Northern Kingdom. Although the Northern Kingdom has not yet issued its own currency, since they have mentioned this treaty, it proves that the Northern Kingdom will issue a new currency soon. "

"Once a large amount of goods and currency from the North flood into Dawu, few people will use the coins issued by Dawu in the future."

Today, Chai Jiliang has been reinstated and has become the prime minister of Dawu again. The reason why Emperor Wu reinstated him was mainly to stabilize Wu Yunwan.

Emperor Wu needed Wu Yunwan to lurk in the North. In order to increase Wu Yunwan's enthusiasm, he had to let Wu Yunwan see hope.

Emperor Wu knew that his daughter was very smart. If all the ministers in her faction were gone and there was no voice in the court, she would probably suspect that she was trying to make a big deal.

So he immediately reinstated Chai Jiliang, an important figure in Wu Yunwan's faction.

After Chai Jiliang finished speaking, another minister also stood up and said: "Yes, Your Majesty, the Northern King is so ambitious that this treaty will harm the long-term interests of Dawu, so we must not agree to it."

Subsequently, many ministers came forward one after another to oppose the trade treaty of the Northern Kingdom.

After the voices of the opposing ministers had almost subsided, Emperor Wu glanced at the ministers in the hall, and then said: "Does anyone else have any other ideas?"

After Emperor Wu finished speaking, a minister from the Second Prince's faction stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I think Master Chai's statement is completely nonsense. In my opinion, this trade treaty will not only do no harm to Da Wu, but will actually be beneficial."

"I believe that everyone present has used some products from the North. Take white paper as an example. With white paper, Dawu will no longer need to use bamboo slips and sheepskins in the future."

After the minister finished speaking, the ministers from the Second Prince's group all stood up and expressed their support for the trade treaty, believing that the currency of the Northern Kingdom would not cause any harm to Dawu.

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