Maoshan Ghostbusters

Chapter 1579: I want to buy Meizhu! I want to buy Meizhu!

Seeing this, Master Azan couldn't help but yawn.

"Oh, these boring editors, if they have nothing to do, they will write nonsense, turn out some of Chen Guzi's rotten sesame seeds, and say it again, about Lin Meng's turning into a black humanoid monster and making a noise on the new star studio, the media did not report much. Is it the second time? Why do you use it again? Is it because there has been no news recently?"

Although this piece of news had too many words, Master Azan was directly sleepy, but he still patiently continued to read it down. After all, there was news about Meizhu.

The above is a magnificent dividing line, just for you netizens to review the terrible events that happened before.

The majority of netizens should be very clear that Lin Meng immediately became a missing person after he brutally killed five 120 first-aid personnel. Of course, he was not completely missing. To be precise, he should have become a ghost.

After the car accident, what broke out was the cruel incident on Bar Street. It was reported that Lin Meng sneaked into the Bar Street and found Liu Xin and Guo Changlong who were together with me. (Liu Xin is Lin Meng’s classmate and has been following Lin Meng had a bad relationship, and Guo Changlong had previously been reported by the media that he appeared at a party in the city square with Lin Meng’s fingers, suspected to be engaged to Lin Meng, Liu Xin and Guo Changlong were hit by Lin Meng after a late night clubbing. The ending can be imagined. ) The angry Lin Meng tortured Liu Xin and Guo Changlong frantically, and tortured the two of them into adulthood. In the end, Guo Changlong was seriously injured with a brick. According to legend, Guo Changlong could not get out of bed until now, let alone Turning over, is about to face the tragic end of paralysis. In fact, the cruel incident on Bar Street has not been determined so far, because the person involved Liu Xin has refused to answer calls from reporters, and Guo Changlong has also refused to respond to this matter.

After the Bar Street incident, Lin Meng once again returned to the Xinxing studio and continued the scene. During the scene, there was a mass murder and several more people were killed. Thinking that the situation would continue to worsen, Officer Ye was nervous for a while, and specially invited high school detective Gao Peng, who was previously popular, and Li Yuantai, who was proficient in spells, to help out. Who knows that Lin Meng has died down, and he has stopped a lot, and seems regretful. meaning. Later, Lin Meng disappeared again.

When Officer Ye brought Lin Meng to justice, he was arrested in Guo Changlong's ward. Surprisingly, Lin Meng not only restored his previous appearance, but also regretted his behavior and volunteered to donate his bone marrow to Guo Changlong.

Now Lin Meng has been detained in the police cell, and she regrets her act of being obsessed with eating Meizhu for a while.

Dear beauty-loving netizens, especially female netizens, what do they think after reading Lin Meng's story? If such a bead is placed in front of you, once it is eaten, it will immediately become a peerless beauty. Would you not hesitate to eat the bead?

At the end of the report, there is a photo of Lin Meng walking towards the police car in handcuffs. The clarity of the photo is not high. You can only see Lin Meng lowering her head and walking forward, without seeing the expression on her face.

Below the report, there is a thread discussion by a large group of netizens.

Two of the netizens have the highest degree of attention.

"Wow, Meizhu, what a magical bead, if I have one, I will definitely eat it."

"Then I can only haha, you are really crazy. It is said that Meizhu has a lot of taboos and violates taboos, but it will cause trouble to herself, such as becoming a black humanoid monster like Lin Meng."

"So what? I only want to be beautiful once, even if this beauty can only last for a long time, but even if it can only be beautiful for a few seconds, I am satisfied."

"Oh, even if it's only a few seconds, you will immediately become a terrible monster, are you willing?"

"I do!"

"It seems that you are really crazy. You are willing to take the risk of becoming a monster for the beauty of only a few seconds."

"I can only say that because you are not a woman, you don't understand the importance of beauty to women."

"You are right, I am not a woman, so I have no idea that your women are crazy about losing weight and plastic surgery to toss themselves in order to be beautiful, and you are also desperately trying to marry a rich family. It seems that you women are born to be one. A creature that is good at self-abuse."

"Don't talk about it anymore, I plan to buy Meizhu, no matter how much money I pay."

"I read your message, will I cry? I wrote this report to educate the majority of women who love beauty with all their heart and soul not to go into misunderstandings for the sake of beauty. It's good for you, but to arouse the enthusiasm for buying Meizhu . Take it, I give you a thumbs up."

"I want to buy Meizhu! I want to buy Meizhu!"

Master Azan smiled noncommitantly, "What kind of **** report is this? What's the point of writing this kind of thing, besides triggering a large crowd of people and eyeballs?"

However, the careful Master Azan still found many problems. For example, at the end of the report, Lin Meng had restored her previous appearance. He carefully looked at the photo at the end. Even though Lin Meng was lowered, he could see that she was already Restored to the appearance of a normal human, it is definitely not a black humanoid monster.

"Well, after this Lin Meng's body undergoes an abnormal change, there is no reason why he will return to the original state on his own? Is it possible that another wizard intervened in the whole thing?"

Although there was such a question mark in his heart, as a senior mage, Mage Azan knew that someone must have intervened to help Lin Meng get back to the original state. Otherwise, Lin Meng, who has been altered, cannot be restored to its original state for no reason.

"Also throughout the report, it's all about Lin Meng, without mentioning Liu Xin, how is Liu Xin now? Is this editor too careless or deliberately missing Liu Xin's situation? These two stupid women They all ate Meizhu, and they were almost the central figures of the whole incident. Why did the editor only write about Lin Meng and not mention Liu Xin?"

Of course, the lustful Master Azan doesn't care about Lin Meng's life or death, he only cares about his pocketbook.

"My ten million, I must know Liu Xin's condition now. Since Lin Meng who ate Meizhu has been arrested, what would Liu Xin be like who also ate Meizhu? Huh? It's been so long. Liu Xin should be completely foxified, right?"

Master Azan was anxious to know Liu Xin's situation, but he searched Liu Xin's news on the Internet and found that it was all old news, which made him even more anxious.

"How on earth is Liu Xin? Is there any hope for my ten million? Has this idiot woman turned into a fox or something happened? Why didn't she call me?"

Master Azan was completely flustered.

Of course, his panic is all because of money. Liu Xin's condition is directly related to his purse.

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