Maoshan Ghostbusters

Chapter 1681: fast! Help me down, I have a fear of heights.

The doctor shook his head vigorously and said angrily, "No! I really want to commit suicide."

Master Azan smiled, "Since you really want to commit suicide, I handed you the scalpel. Why don't you even have the courage to take the knife?"

The doctor covered his face and cried loudly. After a long while, I lifted my head, choked and said, "Because I think the death method of cutting the artery with a scalpel is too cruel. In fact, every time I have an operation, I use a scalpel to open the patient's stomach. , Will be very nervous. To tell the truth, I am really afraid of hearing the crisp noise when I cut my belly with a scalpel. Although I am a doctor, I have a psychological barrier to that noise."

Master Azan sneered, "It's a bit puzzling that you, a doctor who often performs operations on patients, said this kind of thing."

The doctor cried, "I know that such a mental disorder is indeed a shame for the doctor. So I have been hiding it in my heart, and I have never talked about it to anyone. But every time I hear that groaning sound. I still feel scared."

Master Azan nodded, "It seems that this method of death is not suitable for you."

The doctor nodded, "Yes, I really want to die, I just want to find the right way."

Master Azan smiled and said, "Since you really want to die, there is naturally a way."

Master Azan walked to the window, opened the window, and looked downstairs.

"Well, come on, come here, come to me."

The doctor froze in place, not knowing what to do.

"Come on, come here. Why are you standing still? I told you to come over."

Master Azan waved to the doctor.

The nurses felt something was wrong and exclaimed in unison.

"Doctor, don't pay attention to him, he is a lunatic, you must not go there."

Master Azan glared at the nurses, "Shut up all of you! Don't mix up."

The nurses were frightened by Master Azan's fierce eyes, and none of them dared to speak.

Master Azan walked over and patted the doctor on the shoulder, "Come on, follow me to the window."

The doctor looked blank and nodded blankly.

The older nurse rushed over, grabbed the doctor's hand, exclaimed, "Doctor, he is crazy, you can't go with him."

Master Azan grabbed her by the hand and overthrew her to the ground, "I said, don't let you be nosy, just get out of my way and shut up!"

Then, he put his arms around the doctor's shoulders and said with a smile, "Come on, let's go to the window now."

The doctor mechanically followed Master Azan and walked to the window.

The nurses watched all this, daring not to speak.

Master Azan led the doctor to the open window, and then opened the window wider so that the doctor stood there.

"Doctor, since you think it is a very painful thing to cut the carotid artery with a scalpel, and you yourself have a psychological barrier to the crisp sound when you cut the skin with a knife, you can just jump off the building. . The floor here is not very high, but jumping from here is enough for your brain to crack and die immediately. Come on, I have opened the window for you, if you just jump down, it will be completely destroyed. From now on , Don’t think about anything. Whatever your wife and gangster abused you, you can completely forget about it. As long as you jump, all the troubles and pains in the world will come to an end, how? You want to relieve Worries, you only need a gentle jump. When you fall to the ground, you may feel a bit painful. You know, jumping from such a high place, it must be unavoidable to break the brain and internal organs, but in order to get permanent relief, It’s worth paying for this painful price."

The doctor nodded, grabbed the window sill, and was about to stretch one leg onto the window sill.

Seeing this, the nurses immediately exclaimed in unison, "Doctor, you can't jump off the building, if you jump down, you will be completely out of help."

Master Azan said, "Don't worry about them, come on, I'll help you. I can see that this window sill is very high, and it's a bit hard for you to climb up by yourself. I'll help you, and I will help you up."

The doctor said, "Thank you."

With the help of Master Azan, the doctor climbed to the window sill. He rode on the window sill in a horse-riding position, with one foot in the window and the other outside the window. At this time, half of the doctor's body was already suspended, and the cold wind whispered. His hairs stand on end.

Master Azan said, "Doctor, since you are going to jump off the building, why are you still riding on the windowsill? Come on, be brave and stand up."

The doctor's face turned pale, and the big beads of sweat fell one by one.

Master Azan said, "Huh? Doctor, you look nervous, don't you regret it?"

The doctor stammered, "No, I have no regrets, but I don't feel like my legs and feet are mine. They can no longer be my command."

Master Azan smiled, "I understand, it's because you are too nervous. It's okay. Almost every suicide will inevitably be a little nervous before dying. This is normal. Don't worry, your legs and feet are weak and you can't stand up. , I hold you, you can stand up."

The doctor nodded like a puppet, "Okay, thanks a lot."

Master Azan helped the doctor to stand up. The doctor stood on the window sill, looking at the bustling street and the bustling crowd downstairs, feeling a dizzy attack, he could not help but grabbed the window frame and screamed.

"Quick! Help me down, I have a fear of heights. I can't stand on the windowsill. If I stand here again, I will fall."

However, Master Azan stood motionless and looked at him coldly.

"Doctor, didn't you plan to commit suicide? Why are you worried about your fear of heights?"

The doctor answered the question, "I have a fear of heights, so I can't stand on such a high place."

Master Azan smiled, "Since you are so scared, just get down by yourself. The window sill is only one meter high from the ground. You can't even climb one meter high, right?"

The doctor gripped the window frame and cried loudly.

"I'm useless, I'm really useless, please help me down. I'm too scared to move now. I really don't even dare to jump at a height of one meter."

Seeing this, the nurses rushed up and helped the doctor down from the windowsill.

As soon as the doctor stepped off the window sill, he immediately collapsed on the ground.

The nurses hurriedly took tissues and wiped the cold sweat from his foreheads.

The doctor sat on the ground, shivering.

"God, I was scared to death. I was standing on the windowsill just now and I felt like I was about to fall. Thank you for saving me."

The nurses gathered around Master Azan and cursed in unison, "Are you crazy? The doctors told you he was afraid of heights, why did you let him stand on the windowsill? You really wanted to kill him. ?"

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