Maoshan Ghostbusters

Chapter 278 - Armistice reconciliation

Faced with the accusations and scolding of countless orcs, Zuo Weizhong was obviously at a loss. He continued to pretend to be kind and kind to explain to the orcs. His far-fetched and ridiculous reasons were repeated over and over again, but the orcs never stopped. Don’t believe him anymore. Because he said, everything will never change from his ancestry, so let the orcs go to war with the people of the Golden Elephant Kingdom now.

The orcs waved their battle axes and hammers at him, shook their heads vigorously, “No, shut up, liar. We will never believe you again. We are hungry and tired now, and don’t want to fight anyone!”

Just as the orcs and Zuo Weizhong were arguing hard, the crowd separated, and the old king walked tremblingly in front of the orcs, and several guards followed the old king.

The old king raised his cane studded with jewels and shouted, “Everyone be quiet, I have something to say.”

The guards shouted, “Silent! Quiet! The old king has something to say.”

Everyone present was quiet, including the orcs with green skin and red eyes.

The old king coughed and coughed, “Dear orc brothers, I would like to ask you all, you came to our world through the portal, just want to have a new home, right? Because I listened to your conversation, you have many times Mention food and water.”

The orcs nodded shamefully, “Yes, honorable Majesty, we originally had the same beautiful homes as you, with blue sky and white clouds, rivers and mountains, grass and wildflowers, and countless animals to hunt, and we were only brown. Dark-skinned nomadic tribes, we were like you at that time, loving and prosperous. But our happy life was soon ruined. A stranger came to our tribe and we received guests with the honorable etiquette He, and he lied to us to drink the blood of the devil. After we drank the terrible liquid called the blood of the devil, we immediately turned into a monster with green skin and red eyes, becoming bloodthirsty and impulsive to fight. Uncomfortable, strangers provided us with all kinds of new weapons. We fought desperately, fighting day and night until we woke up one morning, we found that the original blue sky and white clouds had all disappeared, the sky turned blood red, and the sight was In the endless desert, without food or water, we simply cannot survive, but even so, the devil’s blood in our body is still torturing us, issuing orders to kill from time to time, so we kill our companions as food every day. We also know that this terrible life cannot be continued at all. The day when we eat up our companions is the moment when our orcs will be extinct. At this time, this liar named Zuo Weizhong appeared, and he said that he could take us To a beautiful new world, where there is endless food and water. So we came.”

As soon as the words of the orcs fell, the people started talking in a low voice. They changed their previous disgust and cast sympathetic glances at the green-skinned guys. The eyes of the people were moist. They could not imagine that these poor orcs would fight tirelessly and kill people after being tricked into drinking the blood of the devil and turning into poor greenskin monsters. In the end, in the severe lack of food and water, The scene of killing the companion and feeding on the companion’s meat.

“It’s so pathetic.”

“It turns out they are so unfortunate.”

“It turns out that they weren’t green-skinned monsters before.”

Some kind-hearted people even immediately turned around and ran to the shops on the street to take some food and water and hand them to the orcs.

The orcs were holding food and crying with emotion. You must know that they have not eaten cooked food for a long time. Before their homes were destroyed, they had changed their ancestors’ habits of eating raw meat. They would roast their prey on the fire before eating. Sometimes the prey is cooked in an iron pan. But when their homeland became a desert, they had to eat raw meat, because there was no firewood in the desert.

Seeing the orcs gobbled up, the people laughed kindly.

The kind-hearted people were afraid that they would not have enough to eat, so they sent more food.

The old king coughed and coughed, “Dear orc brothers, I think so, since you have traveled a long distance here just to build your home, then if you want, you can stay and live with us. Our Golden Elephant Kingdom is a The big warm family has always been called the country of etiquette. I believe you will definitely feel at home here.”

Of course, this is what the orcs can’t ask for. With their homes destroyed and nowhere to shelter, they really need a place to stay. Since the old king opened his warm embrace, how could they refuse?

“Really? That’s great.” The orcs raised their battle axes and hammers and cheered.

“Long live the old king! Long live the Golden Elephant Kingdom!”

“We have a home, we don’t have to wander anymore, we will have a lot of delicious food.”

The people of the Golden Elephant Nation also cheered together, “Long live the Golden Elephant Nation! Long live the old king!”

The people are also happy that they have such a wise and benevolent monarch.

Feng Ruchu smiled and shook his head, “Xiaobai, do you think these orcs are actually very simple, as long as there is food and water.”

The skull smiled, “Master, the feelings of animals are often very simple. Although the orcs have evolved to look like humans, their thoughts are far less complex than humans.”

Feng Ruo whispered, “Then the orcs are still animals.”

The skull lowered his voice, “Yes, Master.”

There was cheers on the street. Everyone was very excited. The cheers spread directly to the portal of teleportation, and the long line of orcs began to advance again. They also felt that they had entered such a new world full of laughter and laughter. feel happy.

The enthusiastic people simply filled the streets with food and water, so that the hungry orcs could directly fill their stomachs.

In this situation, Zuo Weizhong was so stupid that he knew his plan to miscarry again. He snorted and hid the huge face in the dark clouds.

Although everyone on the street was immersed in the joy of peace after the war, the hospitable people were busy entertaining the orcs who had traveled from a long distance, and no one noticed the change in the expression of Zuo Weizhong’s huge face.

But all this did not escape the eyes of Queen of Thorns. For a long time, she had been squinting the blood-red phoenix eyes, carefully looking at Zuo Weizhong’s huge face, just listening to Feng Ruchu’s story about him, she was right His disgust is even more.

Should such a heinous guy be punished properly?

The Queen of Thorns likes punishing others the most.

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