Maoshan Ghostbusters

Chapter 2897: Black shadow on the windowsill

The devil yelled twice, "Speaking of which, this thief is really dull. The owner of the house has already walked over. He hasn't noticed it. He is still there. Is he conscious? Does he feel it at all?"

Luffy smiled, "I'll ask you now, what do you think is that clicking sound?"

Mo Yue frowned, "I don't know, because I was not there at the time, and I didn't hear the click with my own ears, so I can't infer what it was."

Luffy smiled, "Then let me remind you that the clicking sound is coming out of the window sill."

Mo Yue smiled, "A click on the window sill? Could this be the sound made by a thief when he wants to enter and pry a window?"

Luffy smiled and said, "Do you think thieves want to steal something, will they choose to pry the door or the window?"

Demon Yue frowned, "Huh? Well, I think it's possible. You didn't make it clear in the story just now, that person lives in a bungalow, not a building, if the bungalow, the window and the door are next to each other Yes, as for the building, there is no window beside the door, and the window of the building, the thief has to climb the wall to climb in, it is very dangerous. Generally speaking, the thief will not choose to enter and exit through the window of the building."

Luffy smiled, "You're wrong again, now there are more spider-man thieves, they are holding ropes, and even 20-story tall buildings can enter and exit at will."

Demon Yue smiled bitterly, "It seems that you, the thieves among humans, really take great pains to steal things. It's hard work to climb in the 20-story tall buildings. But, Luffy, what you just said. In the story, the man lives in a bungalow."

Luffy nodded, "Yes, it is indeed a bungalow. However, I forgive you for not guessing what the clicking sound is. Forget it, let me go on with you. Cat Ling sighed and used that person again Then I went on to speak in a tone of voice. At that time, I held my breath and rubbed it almost step by step. I was afraid of alarming the thief. You know, I told you just now, I must see his face clearly. I now suspect that the thief outside the window is the same thief who stole the old Wang’s house. If this is the case, I must see his face clearly. This time. Never let him go. My instinct tells me, this guy. It's a habitual thief, a habitual thief who often occupies this area. Such a guy, if he doesn't want to catch him, he still has to steal others and cause others trouble. I told you before that my sofa is the Soviet Union. The sofa, the tall one, covers almost half of the window. Maybe you think I’m exaggerating. I believe if you see the sofa with your own eyes, you will believe what I said. However, I don’t think you should have a chance to see our sofa. He stopped suddenly and laughed cruelly again. I was so nervous that I didn’t dare to express myself, so I could only continue to listen to him. The man sneered. Dao, I continued to walk forward, bypassing the high backrest of the sofa, and was surprised to find that there was a black shadow on the window sill, and that black shadow was very small, definitely not a human shadow, because the black shadow is spherical, just the size of a basketball. Human shadows cannot be spherical, and human shadows are designated to be much larger than basketballs. What is this? I tried to blink my eyes, trying to see what the spherical is, but it happened that there were a lot of clutter on the windowsill. Things, in fact, those clutter are things that should be thrown away. If my wife hadn’t left, she would have been unable to stand it any longer, and they had all been cleaned up for me. But now, I live by myself and no one cares about me. , All trash is considered a treasure, and I can’t bear to throw it away. As long as there is a place to put things in the house, it is full of garbage. The windowsill is full of trash. There are a few old flower pots that are dilapidated and exposed, and a few Paper boxes and a few pairs of shoes, these things are all randomly piled on the windowsill, piled up high, if it weren’t for the dark shadow swaying unceasingly, I hadn’t noticed that there was such a black ball on the windowsill at all. What the **** is that? And what I can be sure of now is that the clicking sound is made by the black shadow. At this moment, the clicking sound is still going on, this guy is too dull. It didn't even notice me. Is it coming? At this time, I can only say that he is it, because at this moment, I have been able to determine that the black shadow is definitely not a human. So it is more suitable to use, but specifically, what kind of small animal it is, I haven't figured it out yet. Because the body is spherical, there are many small animals the size of a basketball. At first, I thought it was a weasel, but it didn't feel right. The weasel is one of the four common pests in rural areas. Is there such an animal as a weasel? After knowing that the shadow is a small animal, I don’t feel nervous anymore, and my heart to lift it up is also relieved. I understand now, the click is it The sound of his little paw scratching something. When I realized that it was a small animal and not a thief, I suddenly felt dumbfounded. Just a few minutes ago, I was almost scared to pee, and even the wooden stick was ready. He was about to fight the thieves, but what he didn't expect was that the one lying on the windowsill was just a small animal. However, the question now is, what kind of animal is it? When I thought that I was awakened by a nasty little animal, I suddenly felt a little angry. This gadget came to my window sill in the middle of the night and rummaged about it. What did I plan to find? In my impression, there is nothing to eat outside the window sill of my house. Isn't this nasty little beast so hungry that he has to swallow paper boxes and smelly shoes? Just when I was about to roar and call it an asshole, it stretched out its small paws and scratched it again. This time, I saw clearly that it was not scratching the debris on the windowsill, but my window screens and On the window frame, the small sharp claws scratched the screens and the window frame, making strange noises. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought that a thief was going to pry the window and climb in. I stood in the dark, staring at it with wide eyes, but it still looked unconscious, and continued to scratch with my small paws. The click sounded particularly harsh in the silent night. Listening to it, I seem to There was an illusion that the little beast hit the ground like it was scratching my chest, itchy and unbearable. I can't help it, roaring, what are you doing? At the same time, I turned on the flashlight and took photos of the dark shadow on the windowsill. At the same time, the click finally stopped, and the dazzling flashlight shone on it, and it immediately raised its head and looked at me in surprise. "

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