Maoshan Ghostbusters

Chapter 294 - Turnover

At this time, the people shouted and made a mess.

There was a cold wind blowing from nowhere, and heavy snow with goose feathers was flying all over the sky under the lead gray sky with the cold wind.

The weather has also become more and more evil. The warm sun before is no longer found, replaced by dark clouds and the biting cold wind that seems to cut people’s skin.

No one noticed that a weird black bird stood on the branch of that old locust tree.

The black bird is standing on a tree branch full of snow, unremarkable, if you don’t look carefully, you will think it is just a small black spot.

There were so many soldiers in the grave-like pine forest. Their roar shook the entire forest. The swords in their hands were shining with cold light, and the murderous aura they brought was even colder. The cold wind raging everywhere.

The roar of the soldiers and the clanging of swords shook the snow from the trees.

The birds in the forest were so scared that they all fluttered away, and the little animals were so scared that they ran away. But the weird black bird still stayed on the branch, his eyes were not instant, and he looked at these humans who were about to fight with cold eyes.

The black eyes of the bird gleamed darkly and cruelly.

This black bird is of course the lover of Princess Zi Kite, Zuo Weizhong. At this moment, Zuo Weizhong is looking coldly at Jin Yingxun, who is in the encirclement of the rebels, panicking and helpless.

It seemed that his strategy could not be better. If he wanted to defeat the powerful Jin Yingxun, he had to imprison his skeleton slave. Jin Yingxun, who was imprisoned by the skeleton slave, was like Lu Bu who lost the Chitu Ma, with only one dead end.

Is there anything in the world happier than seeing a rival in your own trap and dying?

As long as the rival dies, all the humiliation and torture he has endured will be restored. Even the shame of crying in the stinking ditch or being drunk in the tavern before kicking and kicking can be calmed.

Does even Kim Young-hoon who is the king of a country have today? Zuo Weizhong smiled triumphantly. It turned out that the king was not as powerful as he had imagined. As he expected, as long as he persuaded Princess Zi Kite to imprison the skeleton slaves, dealing with the top skeleton master Jin Yingxun would be as simple as turning the palm of his hand.

The key point of the whole plan is Princess Zi Kite. Now the princess is obedient to his words, only his horse’s head is the best. Is she finally willing to put down her noble status and obey him desperately? There is no doubt that this beautiful and proud princess has completely fallen in love with him, and now she is like a weak little lamb in front of him, and the former arrogant girl no longer exists.

Zuo Weizhong’s efforts finally got rich returns-Jiangshanbeauty is within easy reach.

Each hand has a deck of cards. An idiot will beat a good hand, and a smart person will beat a bad hand.

So who is the smarter Zuo Weizhong and Jin Yingxun?

With a bad hand, Zuo Weizhong racked his brains and fiddled with his wrists, and finally defeated Jin Yingxun, who was much stronger than himself, and finally turned back and became the winner.

And Kim Young-hoon, who got a good hand, lost his wife and broke down, but who is to blame?

(So ​​sometimes you may not be too anxious to get a bad card. If you get a bad card, it doesn’t mean you lose. Aren’t most of us born with a bad hand?)

“Jin Yingxun, you asked for all this, you are your king, why do you have to take away my most beloved woman? Fight with me, you are a bit too tender.” Zuo Weizhong sneered.

Everything was carried out in an orderly manner according to his plan. Princess Zi Kite secretly helped him imprison the skeleton slave. No one would have thought about this. Even Kim Young-hoon himself could not think that the person who imprisoned the skeleton slave and harmed him was his beloved. wife. Zuo Weizhong did not go out with him, so even if Jin Yingxun suspected that he did the hands and feet, he would be ruled out because he was not on the spot.

Isn’t that great? Even if someone traces the culprit behind the imprisoned skeleton slave after Jin Yingxun’s death, he will not think of Princess Zi Kite and him Zuo Weizhong. The more Zuo Weizhong thought about it, the more proud he became, and he couldn’t help laughing out loud. His laughter was not small, but he did not hear the terrible and proud laugh.

Because the surroundings were too noisy, his laughter was quickly obscured by people shouting, and everyone was busy fighting. The rebels planned to kill all the guards and then kill the king, and the guards were fighting for the old. Fate protects the king. When life is at stake, who has the leisure to pay attention to an inconspicuous black bird resting on a tree branch?

Seeing countless rebel soldiers rushing towards her husband with swords and axes like wolves, Princess Zi Kite was so scared that she covered her eyes. What echoed in her ear was Zuo Weizhong’s terrifying voice, “Do you love me or him?”

Princess Ziyuan screamed and fainted. Since she was in the carriage, no one noticed that the king’s favorite woman fainted. Even her not-so-loud scream was obscured by the screams of the rebels.

At this moment, the ancestor worship team was in a mess, and the chief guard shouted, “Don’t mess up, swear to defend Your Majesty the King!”

Several strong rebel soldiers swarmed up, and were chopped down one by one by the chief guard.

The officer of the guard has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and he has a good sword skill.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of rebel corpses were lying on the ground, the snow on the ground was quickly stained red by the blood of the dead. The blood seeps into the snow, like a beautiful flower blooming on the snow, blooming strangely and charmingly.

A strong **** breath quickly diffused, and the stagnation was unable to dissipate in the air for a long time.

Seeing this, the rest of the rebels all hesitated and did not dare to push.

The chief guard held up his **** saber and yelled, “Who else?”

The **** saber of the chief guard boosted the morale of the guards, and the guards shouted in unison, “Long live the king! Protect your majesty to the death!”

Since the guards are all riding horses, and the rebels rushing in front are all on foot, the guards have some advantage for the time being.

The guard commanded the guards on horseback to slash and kill the rebels on foot. For a time, blood was splashed and the rebels screamed again and again. They retreated and were trampled on by the guards’ horses. .

But the advantage was only temporary, because the cavalry of the rebel army quickly came from behind, and the number was uncountable.

The guards were holding sabers to protect the carriage that the king and queen were riding in, but it was too late, because the disparity in numbers was so great, how could a team of hundreds of people fight against tens of thousands?

The chief of the bodyguard looked at the cavalry contingent, waved his sword and shouted, “Long live the king! Protect your majesty to the death!”

The tragic cry echoed in the valley of snowflakes, and it seemed so weak.

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