Maoshan Ghostbusters

Chapter 2949: how you look like

Mo Yue laughed and said, "I really want to applaud that woman when I hear this. Damn, this woman is so clever. She clearly held her husband's handle, but waited quietly for her husband to show off. Such a woman is terrible."

Lu Fei smiled, "Yeah, I also feel that this kind of woman is terrible. She has already had evidence of her husband's affair, and she has to pretend to be ignorant and ask little by little. This kind of person is really scheming."

Mo Yue smiled bitterly, "I don't know how I die when I live with this kind of woman."

Lu Fei smiled, "If she wasn't so scheming at the beginning, how could she trick that man into abandoning his wife and abandon her son and righting her little third? Well, don't send any more emotions, or continue to listen to my story. After the woman said those words, her face was very calm, as if she was telling a story about an unrelated person, even with a mocking smile on the corner of her mouth. But her body was shaking constantly, Xiangxiang, a country girl , Staying in the city for a long time, she also broke her studies. I still remember that when she first came to work in our factory, she couldn't speak Mandarin well, and now she has learned to speak with her tongue straight. She is stubborn with me, Noisy, she said I am old. The man was surprised, huh? This girl is so presumptuous, dare to talk to you like this? She is so courageous. I think she doesn't want to be confused, right? Female sneer, this hateful country Sister, she taunts me, do you know how I did it? The man frowned, how did you do it? The woman raised her slap and swiped forward, as if Xiangxiang was standing in front of her , And then smiled proudly, did you see it? I was like this, and slapped her severely. After she was slapped by me, she was completely honest, no longer quarreling with me in Mandarin, but talking about her hometown If you ask me to forgive her, I think my slap should have woken her up. A country girl like her should have understood how humble she is from her background, and be a working girl in a safe manner. Isn't it right? Boss, she wants to climb high branches. Don’t blame me for the slap. Husband, to tell you the truth, after my slap, five distinct fingerprints immediately appeared on her face. I told her, let She stay away from my man, otherwise I have to break her neck. The man was surprised, oh my god, break my neck, wife, you are so cruel. The woman laughs, huh? What? You Feeling distressed? Tell you, if she dares to hit your idea, I will be polite to her, I must kill her. After the woman finished speaking, she gave a cold snort, her eyes glaring at a certain point in the void, as if It’s like standing there. The man smiles bitterly, wife, you calm down. Actually, I don’t have a relationship with her anymore. I have made it clear to her. The chain is regarded as the service fee for her to accompany me. In fact, you are at all. There is no need to beat her. The woman sternly said, I know you feel sorry for her, I just want to beat her, she wants to be like me, squeeze out of the palace, and be in the position by herself. I fight? The man persuades, my dear, you think too much, she is a country girl, how dare she have this kind of thought? Female sneer, you are not her, how can you know her thoughts, why do you say her Don’t you dare? She gave you her innocent body. Do you think she will only have a gold chain? You think her too stupidly. The man persuaded me, my dear, you are too sensitive She is a country girl, how can she have such a brain? Female sneer, dear husband, don’t think I don’t know what you think, I’m old and ugly now, are you planning to take this opportunity to take me Stopped, right up Xiangxiang? The man smiles bitterly, what are you talking about? The woman smiles, husband, don't think of me as a fool, I know everything, your next plan Plan, it must have stopped me, Fuxiangxiang is on top. The man's sneer is simply unreasonable, you are really crazy, full of nonsense. Xiangxiang and I just play casually, why do you have to catch this mess? The woman smiled, husband, I know you want to eat small fresh meat, but there is something you specified that you didn't think of it. The man felt that the expression on her face was weird, he couldn't help but asked, what are you talking about? What do you want to say? The lady laughed, your look. The man was taken aback, my look? What are you talking about? What's wrong with my appearance? The woman smiled, dear husband, you are like me, wearing a mask 24 hours a day, I believe you haven't seen yourself in a long time. The man listened, he hummed in his heart, and said in a low voice, I really haven't taken off this mask for a long time. To prevent poisoning, I even wear a mask when I sleep and take a bath. The woman smiled, so it's been a long time since you looked in the mirror. The man frowned, yes, it's really been a long time since he looked in the mirror. The woman took out a mirror from her small shoulder bag and handed it to the man. Hey, my dear, I have a mirror here and I can lend it to you. The man didn't reach out to pick up the mirror, but turned his face to one side indifferently. What are you doing? Looking in the mirror is what your women do. Why do I want a mirror? The woman smiled, of course it was taken. What do you think I used to give you a mirror? The man shook his head vigorously, no! I said, I don't need to look in the mirror, I am not a woman, why look in the mirror? The woman did not retract her hand. She still held the small mirror. It seems that if a man doesn’t pick up the mirror, she would never retract her hand. Dear husband, don’t you want to see who you are now? The man shook his head, no! I have said, I am a big man, what mirror? You don't need it, put it away. When the man finished speaking, he turned his face away without looking at the woman's face. The woman walked up to the man with a smile, stretched out her hand to stroke the man's shoulder, and said softly, dear husband, are you afraid of seeing yourself? The man sneered, I said, I’m a man, it doesn’t matter to me how I look, whether it’s ugly or handsome, as long as a man has money in his pocket, what's the point of being handsome? The woman laughed, saying that, but I think you should still look at yourself. When the woman finished speaking, she stretched out her hand and tore off the mask on the man's face. I kept staring at the man and woman's every move. When I saw the woman tear off the mask on the man's face, I saw the man's face and almost yelled out in shock. I believe that if it were not for the rumble of machinery from the factory building to cover up my shouts, the couple would definitely hear my shouts. "

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