Han Xu pouted:"The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants just enjoy the shade. What are you talking about?"

Zhang Xiaoling gave him a fierce look!

Han Xu chuckled, completely ignoring the girl's fierceness, and asked:"Xiao Ling, what's the latest news in the world?"


This girl seems to be angry...

But she has that kind of temperament. She is cloudy and sunny at times, and her expression softens in less than a minute.

"You should know the news that Buddhism has been destroyed, right?

Han Xu nodded:"Well, Buddhism in the Central Plains has been wiped out, happy, happy!" The little girl shook her head:"It's not all wiped out. Many Buddhist masters have defected to the evil sect. The evil sect has been making a lot of trouble recently." Hearing this

, Han Xu frowned and asked,"Is it because of the Holy King?" Zhang

Xiaoling nodded and said,"There are some. The Holy King has been like you in the past ten years and has never shown up." Many people in the world said that he had passed away. Without him in charge of China, the masters of the evil sect appeared again and again, causing a bloody storm in the world."

"Then don’t you Taoists take care of it?"

"No matter what, I just came out of Purple Valley and advanced to transcendence and sainthood. The elders have called on the Taoist old monsters...the old seniors to come out. When I get back, they will issue the Heavenly Master's order to encircle and suppress the evil sect."

Han Xu said with concern:"The evil sect has always been surrounded and suppressed by Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism, but it can still survive and continue to have masters. This shows that it is not simple. Nowadays, the masters of the Buddhist family have joined the evil path, which has further strengthened their power. Although you have advanced to extraordinary level, you still have to be careful. Zhang

Xiaoling said with a nonchalant look on his face:"This Heavenly Master has great supernatural powers and is invincible in the world. Are you still afraid of some of his evil ways?"

Han Xu sneered:"Invincible?" just you?"

"Forehead…….Although you are a little behind compared to you, you are a freak who was able to challenge the extraordinary when you were an innate grandmaster. Now that you have advanced to the supreme level, you are probably even more perverted, right?

Han Xu glared at her and said,"I don't know how to use good words, but I have learned to be proficient in swearing.""

There is no word 'pervert' in the ancients. This sentence was learned by Zhang Xiaoling and Han Xu.

The little girl didn't show any weakness and immediately stared back. Then she glanced at the iron pot and suddenly showed a greedy look.

"Haha, my food is ready."

As she said that, she picked up a bowl next to the pot, filled it with the colorful and unknown things, and asked:"Are you really not going to eat it? Han

Xu kept shaking his head:"No, you can taste it yourself.""

"Not bad, let me tell you, the dishes I cook now are delicious. Zhang

Xiaoling said with regret, as if Han Xu missed a big opportunity if he didn't eat.

Han Xu continued to shake his head:"You'd better enjoy it by yourself.""

"Then I don't care about you."

The little girl said something, and then she hugged the bowl and ate happily. The food was so delicious!


After she was full, she stretched and said with a satisfied smile:"Ha, I'm full. Han Xu, what are your plans next?"

Han Xu thought for a while:"I want to go to Ji first. Next, the ten-year period has come, and it’s time to return the token of the Confucian leader to the senior saint king."

"I will go with you"

"What are you going to do? Aren't you going to issue an order from the Heavenly Master to call on Taoists all over the world to encircle and suppress evil sects?"

"Yes, but there is no need for me to issue the Heavenly Master’s order in Longhu Mountain, right? Let's go, let's go. I've grown up and I haven't been to Jixia City yet."

With that said, the little girl picked up Han Xu and left.

Han Xu shook his head and chuckled, and had no choice but to take her on the road with him.

In fact, after not seeing each other for so many years, he was a little reluctant to separate from Zhang Xiaoling.

The two walked and chatted all the way. , from Zhang Xiaoling's mouth, Han Xu learned about the changes in the world in the past ten years.

One of the most important things was that the imperial court opened a martial arts hall.

In the Shenzhou Empire, there are also many masters of the country. These people are They are innate grand masters and have the highest level of grand master.

They don't have to do anything on weekdays. They only need to take action when China is in danger of destroying the country.

These people are also the foundation of the imperial court.

But for a huge empire, these masters of country control There are still too few!

Therefore, the first thing Dongfang Chuxue did after he came to the throne was to open martial arts halls in various places. Anyone who is qualified to practice martial arts, regardless of their origin, can enter the martial arts hall to practice.

And the martial arts students practice The techniques are all martial arts secrets collected by Ouchi Collection and Dongfang Chuxue's people.

It must be said that this measure can indeed greatly increase the power of the imperial court.

However, practicing martial arts is not something that happens overnight, nor does it last for ten years or a hundred years. I can’t see any results.

Apart from destroying the Buddha, ascending the throne of the Empress, and unifying the Holy Sect, the only major event in the world is the evil sect incident.

In recent years, because the Holy King has not emerged, the Taoist Zhang Tianshi has not yet grown up, and the evil sect has become crooked. They are becoming more and more wanton.

There have been murders in the world where evil sects massacred people.

More importantly, many masters of evil sects who had long disappeared in the eyes of the world have appeared one after another.

Such as Wu Sheng's old mother Their masters are Wuji Saint Ancestor, Ghost Lord, Hongyue, Nitian Emperor, etc.

But these people just showed up in the world and did not make trouble.


After the two people came down the mountain, they went straight to Jixia.

Zhang Xiaoling practiced in Longhu Mountain for ten years and finally achieved the degree of Heavenly Master. He was able to go down the mountain and walk around the rivers and lakes happily. Naturally, he had to go to one place and play another.

Han Xu also likes to travel, so the two of them didn't walk very fast. After more than ten days, they had just walked more than a thousand miles, and they were still far away from Jixia.

"Haha, it’s still fun to travel around the world. I really want to never go back to Longhu Mountain."

The little girl walked in front of Han Xu, drank a big sip of the wine she had just brought, and said happily.

Han Xu chuckled:"As a Zhengyi sect Zhang Tianshi, how can I do it without returning to Longhu Mountain?"

"Then go back once a year and stay one day at a time. what do you think?"

"Haha, I think you are very unreliable."

The two were talking when a group of people suddenly came in front of them. There were probably hundreds of them. Everyone was holding a sword and had a serious face. The leaders were all handsome and distinguished. One of them was a middle- aged man with a long beard. The man has a somewhat elegant aura.

The cultivation level of Han Xu and Zhang Xiaoling is far higher than them. When they restrain their aura, this group of people can't see their depth at all, and they regard them as ordinary people.

See. The two people were blocking the road, and someone in the crowd shouted:"The two people in front get out of the way, don't block the road."

As soon as he said this, he was immediately reprimanded by the elegant man:"How presumptuous! We are from a well-known and upright sect, how can we use our power to bully others? This road is an official road, and everyone in the world can walk on it. We are just meeting each other head-on, so why should we block the road?"

With that said, the elegant man walked up to Han Xu and Zhang Xiaoling, cupped his hands and clasped his fists, and smiled apologetically:"You two were frightened. I will send Yue Buqun of Huashan Mountain to apologize to you two."

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