Martial Arts Immortal

Chapter 123 Pros and Cons


In the mountain forest, water drops drip from the leaves.

A heavy rain last night heralded the arrival of winter and the temperature dropped significantly.

After the heavy rain, it was cloudless.

The golden sunshine is shining, bringing a touch of winter warmth.


Bang bang bang——

Early in the morning, thunderous roars could be heard in the mountains and forests, as well as violent collisions during battles.

The roar of the ferocious beast contained strong anger and frustration.

On the other side, Xiao Hei was leaning against a slightly wet tree trunk, eating wild fruits he picked from nowhere, and watching the battle ahead with relish.

He had seen this kind of battle several times.

Although each time they ended up retreating and escaping, Xiao Hei still watched with great interest.

It was very happy to see this ferocious beast, which it had a grudge against, roaring in frustration under Lin Zheyu's fist.

Hiss - chirp -

Seeing Lin Zheyu punch the ferocious beast on the nose, causing the beast to roar angrily, Xiao Hei shouted excitedly, seemingly applauding Lin Zheyu.


Caught off guard, Lin Zheyu was violently swatted away by the vicious beast's claws, breaking several tree trunks in succession before he stopped.

Just now, he wanted to take the opportunity to attack the beast's neck, which was the beast's weak point.

But I didn't expect that this ferocious beast was extremely cunning. It had been prepared long ago, using its weakness to attract Lin Zheyu's attack, and then took the opportunity to slap it away with a claw.

"You can't hit him. This guy is too vigilant and protects his own weaknesses very well."

Lin Zheyu rubbed his chest and felt a little painful when he was hit by the opponent's claw.

Fortunately, he is now physically strong, comparable to a ferocious beast in the Marrow Realm, with rough skin and thick flesh, and a mere claw, which is not in the way.


The beast roared angrily, its eyes full of violence.

I was pestered and beaten several times by this little thing in front of me. Although it was obviously weaker than myself, I couldn't beat it to death.

This made it feel very frustrated.

It roared and pounced on Lin Zheyu before he could attack again.

Lin Zheyu rolled on the spot to avoid the collision of the vicious beast.

He suddenly jumped up from the ground and continued to rely on his superb Qinggong to fight with him.

Nine days have passed since the last time.

Lin Zheyu has completely raised the tenth level of Jin Yan Gong to the perfect level, and his Qing Gong movement has reached another level.

Even without the use of energy and blood bursting techniques, relying on the dexterity of ghost-like movements, he can easily fight with ferocious beasts.

A few minutes later.

The power of Qi and blood in the body has been reduced to less than one and a half percent.

"Punch him and then retreat." Lin Zheyu said secretly.

If you continue to fight and exhaust all your energy and blood, you will have no choice but to be slaughtered by the ferocious beast in front of you.

As soon as he thought about it, the aura on his body became a little stronger. The Qi and Blood Explosion Technique started to work, and six times the power of Qi and Blood poured into his right arm.

At the same time, the punch was strengthened on the fist, and the bull fist with three times the power was blasted out with astonishing power.

After this period of tempering and improvement, he was able to use three times the Bull Fist at will, but he could only use four punches.

The fist postures are matched with the boxing techniques, and the over-frequency explosion consumes a lot of energy and spirit.


A punch with eighteen times the power hit the beast's head. Lin Zheyu felt as if he had hit extremely hard black iron, and his arms were slightly numb.

The skull of the ferocious beast is extremely hard, and its defense is terrifyingly strong, making it impossible to attack.

Although the huge force did not cause fatal damage to the ferocious beast, it was directly blown away.

The huge body flew upside down for more than ten meters and broke several big trees before stopping.


The beast let out a roar, turned around and ran away without looking at Lin Zheyu.

Now, Lin Zheyu didn't have to run away, but the beast wanted to run away.

After several consecutive battles, it knew that it couldn't defeat the person in front of it.

Although he is not strong, he is extremely annoying. His body skills are extremely flexible and he cannot be killed no matter what. Fighting with Lin Zheyu is really frustrating.

Now when it saw Lin Zheyu, it wanted to turn around and run away.

But how could Lin Zheyu let it run away so easily? He would catch up with it every time and fight fiercely with it to hone his bull fist and fist skills.

After a battle, the energy and blood power was almost exhausted, and then he let it go.

"The skull is so hard."

Lin Zheyu couldn't help but sigh.

With his current physique, the punch just now was unable to defeat the ferocious beast. Instead, his fist felt slightly numb.

If you can subdue this ferocious beast and use it as a mount, it would be a good choice.

It's a pity that Lin Zheyu can't beat him.

"Xiao Hei, go hunt a ferocious beast and come back to barbecue."

"Remember not to go to the wrong place and go back to Cave No. 3."

Lin Zheyu glanced at Xiao Hei, who was leaning comfortably holding a wild fruit, and gave instructions directly.

When he heard that he could eat barbecue, the little guy's eyes lit up and he jumped up, ignoring the fruit rolling to the ground.

Blinking his eyes, he disappeared into the forest.

After such a long period of running-in, Lin Zheyu and Xiao Hei have become more and more understanding.

He is not responsible for the beasts or firewood for the barbecue. He can just tell the little guy to prepare it. Lin Zheyu only needs to be responsible for the barbecue.

After Xiao Hei disappeared, Lin Zheyu picked up the golden scale knife stuck on the ground and walked towards the cave stronghold.

After being in the mountains for so long, he prepared multiple stronghold caves in this mountain forest where he could take shelter and rest when it rained.

Gulu gulu——

I took out the water bag from the package and drank several mouthfuls of the high-concentration Yixuezhuanggu decoction. My abdomen suddenly felt warm.

Wisps of qi and blood grew out, and the power of qi and blood quickly recovered.

Not long after Lin Zheyu returned to the cave, Xiao Hei also came back with a python more than ten meters in his mouth.

There was a lot of dry firewood piled up in the cave.

Lin Zheyu asked Xiao Hei to pick up these firewood when he was free and store them in case there was no firewood available when it rained.

Today, it just came in handy.


In the cave, a bonfire was lit.

Xiaohei watched Lin Zheyu handling the python eagerly, rubbing his paws impatiently.

Finally, he got impatient and tore a piece of snake meat with his claws. He grabbed a branch with two claws, stuck it in and started grilling it.

By the time Lin Zheyu had finished processing the snake meat and was about to start grilling it, Xiao Hei's own was almost done.

It looked at Lin Zheyu, barked a few times, and then looked at the spices on the ground.

Lin Zheyu smiled and helped Xiao Hei put on the seasoning.

The aroma of barbecue mixed with the aroma of cumin and chili powder fills the cave.

The little guy smelled the fragrance, and his saliva immediately flowed down.

More than an hour later.

Xiao Hei turned his belly, squinted his eyes, and crossed his two paws on his belly, looking very comfortable.

Lin Zheyu, on the other hand, was sitting cross-legged on the ground, using the Turtle Breathing Technique, and practicing the soul secrets in the Seven Evil Ghost Scriptures to help his body and spirit recover quickly.

After the body becomes stronger, not only the defense power is improved, but the digestion and absorption speed and body recovery speed are also greatly improved.

As long as you get adequate nutritional supplements, you can restore your exhausted energy and blood to its peak in almost a day.

After more than two hours, about 30% of the energy and blood strength was restored.

"Don't sleep, Xiao Hei, go hunting for powerful beasts."

Lin Zheyu slapped the sleepy Xiao Hei awake and gave direct instructions.


Xiao Hei shook his head, rubbed his eyes humanely with his two paws, and became lively again.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

early morning.

The roar of beasts in the mountains and forests shook the sky.

When Lin Zheyu wakes up in the morning, he will first hunt for that powerful beast and practice fierce fighting to hone his bull fist and fist skills. In the afternoon, he will go hunting for the beast.

Bang bang bang——

The battle was extremely fierce, and Lin Zheyu's aura was extremely amazing.

After this period of training, his boxing skills have become much more concise and he has become more proficient in using them.


The ferocious beast roared, as if going crazy, waving its claws and slapping randomly.

In an instant, the wind howled.

Lin Zheyu's footwork of the Golden Wild Goose Kung Fu was integrated into the Wanjun Steps and Shadow Steps, and his footwork was full of ethereal ghosts.

He was like a phantom, moving quickly around the ferocious beast, firing out bull punches continuously, making the ferocious beast go crazy with anger.

Bang bang bang!

The fist landed on the ferocious beast, making a bang bang bang sound.

Although it doesn't hurt, the beast feels extremely irritated and angry.

"good time!"

Suddenly, Lin Zheyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and the power of qi and blood surged in his body.

The Qi and Blood Explosion Technique was activated, bursting out six times the terrifying amount of Qi and Blood.

The muscles all over his body bulged in an instant, the fist wind howled, and the powerful fist force was like a terrifying pressure, crushing towards the ferocious beast.

In an instant, the ferocious beast felt a dangerous aura.


Boom boom boom!

Before it could react, a huge fist landed on its forehead.

Terrifying power burst out, and punch after punch, a powerful attack with eighteen times the power, landed on the beast's forehead.

A dull sound came out, and the ferocious beast was stunned by the sudden attack.

Even though its defense was amazing, it was still dizzy after being beaten by Lin Zheyu.

However, this dizziness only lasted for less than two seconds before he recovered.


The moment the beast recovered, it roared, quickly turned around and fled.

Lin Zheyu stood there silently, comprehending the feeling just now.

Just after a burst of output, if the beast was stunned for two seconds and launched a fatal blow to the weak spot on its neck, it would be possible to seriously injure it.

But it was just a serious injury.

But Lin Zheyu didn't do that.

This ferocious beast has been sparring with me for so long, and there is no need to seriously injure it.

And he always felt that this ferocious beast was quite pitiful. It was targeted by him for no reason and then received so many beatings.

"Barbarian Bull Fist and Gale Slash each have their own advantages and disadvantages."

"If I used Gale Slash just now, every time I burst out with a triple attack, I would have to go through the eight swords in front to accumulate momentum."

"But Man Bull Fist does not use it. It can continuously burst out three times the attack. However, Man Bull Fist consumes a lot of energy and energy. Currently, it can only use four punches."

Lin Zheyu thought to himself and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the two martial arts.

Gale Slash explodes with three times the power, mainly relying on the skills of leveraging force and accumulating force, and there are not many places where it can be used.

However, the theoretical power of Gale Slash can explode ten times the attack.

If you want to explode more than three times or even ten times the attack, you can only rely on the improvement of potential in the future.

At that time, it will probably be like the Manniu Fist, only able to unleash a few powerful attacks.

However, no matter how you improve it, Gale Slash still needs a process of accumulating energy, and there is no way to continuously explode like Barbarian Bull Fist.

If you had used Gale Slash just now, just the process of accumulating energy would have consumed a lot of energy and blood.

After bursting out with an attack that is eighteen times stronger, a new round of charging is required.

The gap in the middle gave the beast time to recover.

There was no way he could beat him into a daze with four consecutive punches that were eighteen times more powerful than the Barbarian Bull Fist.

After using Gale Slash many times to seriously injure the ferocious beast, the energy and blood power in Lin Zheyu's body was probably almost exhausted.

"It's a pity that it's not strong enough. Otherwise, you can try to capture it and train it as a mount. In your spare time, you can also use it as an actual combat opponent to hone your boxing skills and punches."

Lin Zheyu said regretfully.

I will leave Bafang City the day after tomorrow, and I will have no chance to practice with that ferocious beast again.

"Xiao Hei, go catch a ferocious beast and bring it back for barbecue." Lin Zheyu ordered.

After eating, he rested for a while, and under the guidance of Xiao Hei, he easily caught a ferocious beast with three levels of energy and blood.

With his current strength, as long as he can find a vicious beast, catching it is as easy as eating and drinking.

Xiao Hei lured the ferocious beast over, and Lin Zheyu fired out a barbarian bull punch that was eighteen times more powerful. He could knock the ferocious beast unconscious with just one punch.

Time passed, the sun set in the west, and the sky became dark.

After selling the ferocious beasts he hunted in the market, Lin Zheyu took Xiao Hei to the mountain forest not far from Xuanning Gate.

"For these two days, you stay here and don't go too far. Do you understand?"

Lin Zheyu ordered.

He was leaving the day after tomorrow, and he planned to take Xiao Hei with him.


Xiao Hei called out twice suspiciously, but still nodded in understanding.

After such a long period of running-in and learning, it has been able to understand the meaning of many words.

"Okay, let's go play. Be careful and don't run around. There are city guards guarding the area." Lin Zheyu warned.

He wasn't too worried.

As a ferocious beast, Xiao Hei has a strong ability to seek good fortune and avoid evil.

With its intelligence, it knew where to go and where not to get close. If it weren't for Lin Zheyu this time, he wouldn't have come so close to Bafang City.

After making arrangements for Xiao Hei, Lin Zheyu moved towards Bafang City.

After staying in the mountains and forests for three days, my energy and spirit have returned to their peak. Tomorrow, I can break through the limits and harvest my power.

At the same time, stop by the teahouse to listen to books or listen to music in Chunmanlou, combining work and rest to relax.

early morning.

The weather was a bit gloomy and misty.

In the yard, Lin Zheyu was wearing a 500 kilogram weight, and he felt a powerful aura.

Bull collision!

The horns of a bull!

He practiced the Barbarian Ox Fist over and over again without getting tired of it.

He has practiced many techniques, many of which are second-rate techniques, far from being comparable to third-rate techniques such as Manniu Fist.

But unexpectedly, in the end, Lin Zheyu discovered that the potential of Manniu Boxing was not inferior to those second-rate techniques.

Although you can only practice to the peak of Zang refining by relying solely on Man Niu Fist, if you have good talent, breaking through the Qi and Blood realm will be the end.

But the boxing power contained in Manniu Boxing has great potential.

Especially when practicing with a weight of 500 kilograms, Lin Zheyu gained a different understanding of the power of Manniu Fist.

A punch is thrown out with great force and strength. With the support of the punch, it has the charm of defeating all means with one force.

More than an hour later.



Lin Zheyu was lying on the ground, his chest rising and falling, and his whole body was exhausted.

Not only was his energy and blood exhausted, but his physical strength was also squeezed to the limit.

【God rewards those who work hard】

Name: Lin Zheyu

Source Power: 2


Fierce Wind Slash (Perfection)

The secret method of boiling blood (minor success 78%)

Jin Yan Gong (100% on the tenth level)

Hundred Refining Book (Third level 100%)

Turtle Breathing Technique (Third Level 100%)

"Just practice the secret method of boiling blood slowly, and you will soon be able to practice it to perfection."

"I'll accumulate Yuan Li first. When I get to the Central Plains, I'll find a good technique and then improve it."

Lin Zheyu looked at the data in his consciousness and said secretly.

After cultivating the tenth level of Jin Yan Gong to perfection, he accumulated two more units of source power.

Recently, the speed at which he accumulates energy has increased.

Although it is still in the realm of the four changes of Qi and blood, after the physical improvement, every time the limit is exceeded, the source power obtained has also been improved.

Nowadays, every time you break through the limit, you can get about 1.5 units of source power.

This time I broke through, I only got one unit. Next time I break through, I can get two units of source power.

After resting for ten minutes, he refined every strand of energy and blood.

With the help of the power of Qi and blood, Lin Zheyu's pain all over his body was relieved a lot.

Slowly sat up and came to the corner of the yard.

In the corner, five medical pots were being boiled over a slow fire, and the rich aroma of medicine wafted out from the pots.

In each medicine pot, he put three sets of medicinal materials for nourishing blood and strengthening bones.

Tomorrow is the day to set off. These medicinal soups are mainly prepared in advance and can be used on the way to the Central Plains.


The clouds in the sky have dispersed a lot.

The soft sunshine shines from the dark clouds, bringing a little warmth to the cold winter.

dong dong

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a crisp knock on the door outside the yard.

"Senior, this is Mr. Peng's gift to you. Please accept it." The visitor said respectfully.

Lin Zheyu frowned and looked at each other.

Mr. Peng's full name is Peng Yunlong. He is the second son of the leader of the Giant Spirit Gang. He is good at dancing and likes to make friends with strong people.

Lin Zheyu became quite famous in the market at the foot of the mountain outside the city.

The big forces in Bafang City all knew that there was a fierce man coming to Fang City.

It is often possible to hunt live ferocious beasts in the Qi and Blood realm, the most powerful of which are ferocious beasts comparable to the Six Transformations of Qi and Blood.

Before, his whereabouts had not been exposed. He would only appear in the market when selling ferocious beasts. Those forces who wanted to find him could only go to the market and wait.

And as he showed his current identity to others and rented a yard in Bafang City, major forces came to find him.

Faced with many invitations and visits, Lin Zheyu refused them all.

Only the second son of the Giant Spirit Gang, Peng Yunlong, still took the trouble to send gifts every once in a while.

"Carry the things back."

"Thank you Mr. Peng for your kindness. I'm just used to being a solitary person and don't like the interaction with others."

Lin Zheyu said lightly and refused directly.

"But the young master has given instructions, if you don't accept it..."


Lin Zheyu didn't wait for the other party to finish speaking, and closed the courtyard door directly with a banging sound.

Outside the yard, several members of the Djinn Gang looked at each other with helpless expressions in their eyes.

'I'm going to get scolded again when I go back, ugh...'

Several people couldn't help but think in their hearts, their faces looked a little ugly.

If the gifts are not delivered, they will be scolded and punished when they return.

In the past, most strong people would accept it if they sold it badly, but I didn't expect this senior to be so incompetent.

Ignoring the members of the Djinn Gang.

Lin Zheyu poured the prepared decoction into five water bags.

On the way to the Central Plains, the journey is long. When you are on the road, sometimes it is not suitable to make medicinal soup, so prepare some extra for backup.

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