Martial Arts Immortal

Chapter 132 Broad and Profound

The market outside Ruyang City is very lively.

There are even shops selling exercises.

This is indeed the Central Plains region where martial arts flourish, and it is far from comparable to southern barbarian places like Bafang City.

Lin Zheyu visited several shops selling exercises. They were all commercial exercises, nothing surprising.

Moreover, the level of the skill is not too high, and it can only be practiced to the level where Qi and blood change.

Even in the Central Plains, where martial arts are prosperous, the official government has restrictions on the spread of martial arts and does not want them to spread wantonly.

"If you want to find good skills, it seems you have to look for them on the black market."

Lin Zheyu thought to himself.

Not only are there no good products for publicly sold exercises, but they are also very expensive, almost eight hundred taels of silver.

In the teahouse.

came the angry voice of Mr. Storyteller.

"Sex, lust, lust, as long as the ages pass, a gentleman will lose his virtue and a villain will always be happy, and even a great man can hardly keep a beautiful woman away..."

Lin Zheyu sat below, listening to the story with interest.

Teahouses, restaurants and other places are the best places to find out all kinds of news.

Although most of them are rumored and exaggerated, the news circulating is the most hotly debated matter at the moment.

After finishing a story, the teahouse became lively.

Some discussed the subsequent development of the story, while others chatted about all kinds of gossip.

"Have you heard that a powerful demon appeared in the Lieyang Mountains and several villages were destroyed?"

"Is there such a thing?"

"When did it happen that several villages were destroyed?"

"It happened more than ten days ago, but the demon was casually killed by a passing strongman."

"Phew, it's okay."

"Tomorrow is the day when the fourth lady of the Zhao family openly recruits a son-in-law. Are you going?"

"The largest Zhao family in Ruyang City?"

"No, it's the Zhao family in Yongping District. I heard that there is a powerful person in charge, and the family is very powerful."

"They have set up three levels to test character, literary talent and martial arts. As long as you can win the competition, you can marry the fourth lady of the Zhao family regardless of your background."

"Is she a bride-in-law?"

"Zi, it's okay to marry into the family. This is the Zhao family. After marrying into the family, you can save hundreds of years of hard work."

"The military draft is open again, and anyone with a clean background can sign up."

"I heard that the war in the Southern Barbarians is serious. It's a good time to make contributions. Will you go?"

"No, I heard that the rebels are very fierce and have contributed to several cities in a row. Going there is almost like sending death."

"Wealth and power must also be enjoyed with a life."

"You didn't come to Changle Tower yesterday and missed a lot of wonderful things."

"A martial artist from out of town rushed into Changle Tower to seek revenge. When he did so, he accidentally bumped into the man at the next table.

Guess what? "

"Fuck, I didn't know."

"Hey, after a while, the man started itching all over his body and his skin ulcerated. It was scary."

"Damn it, poison master, what kind of strength does that person have?"

"How do I know? I'm just a Zang-Refining Realm warrior and I can't see through it."

Listening to all kinds of gossip, Lin Zheyu learned a lot about Ruyang City.

The control in the city is still very strict, and no warrior dares to act recklessly in the city.

Outside the city, there are also major forces guarding it, but the control is much looser.

After all, there is a lot of mobility outside the city. If something really happened, it would not be easy to find the murderer.

But in reality, few people will act recklessly unless they can judge the opponent's strength and ensure that they can win.

Or have a deep hatred.

Because you don’t know if you will meet the old Yinbi who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger.

There are many powerful warriors who can't be seen clearly when they hide their aura.

Or the strength far exceeds the realm. It is obviously only the Qi and Blood realm, but it has the strength comparable to the martial arts of the Marrow Realm.

Just like Lin Zheyu.

In this case, the warrior will be very cautious when taking action.

After many tests and confirmation that there is no danger and the ship will not capsize in the gutter, we will take action.

Those who are reckless have long been eliminated by the cruel society.

Lai Chang is a good example.

The sky is getting dark and night has fallen.

The market became more lively.

Lin Zheyu left the teahouse and came to Yingchun Pavilion.

This is the only Chunlou in the market, and it is extremely famous. I heard that there are female warriors in the Zang Refining Realm who have a lot of fun.

Lin Zheyu just came here to see what kind of tricks he could play.

The bright moonlight shines.

Outside the Yingchun Pavilion, an enchanting woman dressed in tulle, looming, stood outside the building and solicited guests with a charming voice.

Lin Zheyu walked out of the Yingchun Pavilion with a smile on his face.

"Well, there are indeed many varieties, but the price is a bit expensive, so I can't come here often."

Lin Zheyu smiled lightly and felt comfortable.

After traveling for several months in a row, practicing martial arts and studying poison books, he was already exhausted.

This kind of fatigue is not mental fatigue, but comes from spiritual fatigue.

I went out for a walk today and returned to a society full of fireworks. My soul seemed to have gone through a baptism and became much clearer and more transparent.

"It's a pity that Jia Yanyong and the others are not here, so a lot of fun is lost."

Lin Zheyu secretly regretted it.

It is better to be happy alone than to be happy together. If someone shares the happiness together, the happiness will be doubled.

I don’t know how they are doing in Bafang City.

Are the rebels still unstoppable?

Senior brother Han Mo and his master didn't know how they were doing.

"I don't want these unhappy things anymore. Everyone has their own destiny. I just want to be clear in my heart."

Lin Zheyu shook his head.

Lin Zheyu has already repaid his master's kindness in passing on his skills and his senior brother's support.

When he left Songyicheng, he also helped Feihong, which could be regarded as repaying his kindness.

"I need to find a place to settle down and make some friends, otherwise it would be boring to go to the Spring House without anyone to accompany me."

Lin Zheyu muttered.

Humans are social animals and need to have a few friends and their own social circle.

It doesn’t have to be much, but it should be there.

Otherwise, it is easy to suffer from mental problems.

When we returned to the inn, the night was already deep.

The inn hasn't closed yet, and there are still people eating late-night snacks on the first floor.

Lin Zheyu passed by Lai Mao's room and knocked on the door gently.


Lai Mao's voice sounded, but he didn't run away.

He was cautious by nature and cherished his life very much. He did not want to take the risk of escaping before getting the antidote.

"it's me."

"How is the copying of the exercises going?"

Lin Zheyu said lightly.


The door opened, and Lai Mao walked out with two exercises he had just written.

"These are the two exercises I just wrote. You read them first, and I will continue copying them."

Lai Mao said.

He looked at Lin Zheyu nervously, trying to see something from his face.

It's a pity that he was disappointed. Lin Zheyu took the technique expressionlessly, "Very good, keep up the good work. I'll see how the technique goes first before talking about it."

After saying that, he turned around and left.


Lai Mao exhaled and continued to turn around and go back to the house to copy the exercises.

The other party seemed to be easy to talk to. As long as he cooperated seriously, he had a high chance of surviving.

Take the two exercises and return to the room.

Xiao Hei was already lying on the ground and fast asleep.

It is now wandering in the market with Liang Yuhan and Liang Yunhui, mother and daughter. Liang Yunhui likes it very much and often buys it food and barbecue.

Lin Zheyu was worried that this little guy wouldn't be abducted by the other party.

""Purple Yang Sword Technique", "Ling Miao Shen Technique""

"Two mediocre techniques, pretty good."

"The "Purple Yang Sword Technique" is of no use to me, but this "Spiritual Body Technique" is of some reference value."

Lin Zheyu flipped through the two books of exercises and thought to himself.

In terms of the exquisiteness of the exercises, "Lingmiao Shenfa" is one level better than the original "Jin Yan Gong".

However, after several improvements and improvements, the "Golden Wild Goose Kung Fu" has far surpassed the ordinary body skills. The body skills alone can be regarded as almost top-notch among the second-rate skills.

Even, maybe it can be compared with the first-class Qinggong.

"The concepts and techniques involved in "Lingmiao Shenfa" are very novel. We will incorporate them into the next update of Jin Yan Gong."

Lin Zheyu said secretly.

Sitting under the kerosene lamp, memorizing the contents of the exercises.

There is not much content in the exercises. If the exercises are written for beginners, they need to be very detailed and record down all the mistakes and precautions that may be made.

This book of exercises was written by Lai Mao for masters like Lin Zheyu to practice, so there is no need to write it in too detail.

Just record the main cultivation methods, techniques, breathing methods, and secret medicines that need to be used during cultivation.

In less than half an hour, Lin Zheyu had memorized both techniques in his mind.

time flies.

Seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

On average, Lai Mao handed Lin Zheyu two exercises every day.

"This is the last secret book."

"Can you give me the antidote now?"

Handing over the last secret book, Lai Mao looked at Lin Zheyu expectantly.

In the past few days, he has been extremely cooperative, not using any tricks or running away.

"How do you feel now?"

Lin Zheyu looked at Lai Mao with a strange expression.

It is recorded in the Poison Code that after taking Zichong Pills, toxins will attack every seven days, causing myocardial angina, and the whole body will feel like being gnawed by thousands of insects, with unbearable itching.

But looking at Lai Mao, he didn't seem to feel anything.


"How am I going to feel?"

Lai Mao was a little confused. He didn't know what Lin Zheyu meant by this sentence.

"It's okay, don't worry yet."

"If you feel anything wrong with your body in the past two days, come to me immediately. I will stay at the inn these two days."

Lin Zheyu said with a smile.

After saying that, with Lai Mao's blank, frightened and worried eyes, he turned and returned to his room.

"He...he's testing medicine on me?"

Lai Mao swallowed and scolded Lai Chang bloody in his heart again.

If it hadn't been for the trouble this bastard caused, he wouldn't be in the situation he is today.

"He should have developed an antidote, right?"

Lai Mao was a little worried.

He had tried medicine on his enemies before, but there was no antidote, so he was very worried about it.

I don’t know if Zhao Hao is testing some mature poison to see if it can work on the warriors with the four changes of qi and blood.

Or test a new and improved poison.

If a new poison is tested, it will be troublesome.

Lai Mao could only pray that Lin Zheyu was testing some mature poison for its effectiveness on Qi and Blood Realm warriors, and that he had an antidote on his body.

Lin Zheyu ignored Lai Mao's thoughts.

Now that his goal has been achieved, Lai Mao is no longer important.

Thirteen skills were obtained from Lai Mao. If they could all be sold, they would be worth a lot of taels of silver.

The premise is that it can be sold.

Setting up a stall to sell exercises on the black market requires a bit of luck, and sometimes you may not be able to sell a copy in just a few days.

""Blood Knife Technique""

"Another sword technique?"

Lin Zheyu turned over the first page, and what came into view were the three characters Blood Knife Jue.

Lai Mao is a swordsman. Among the thirteen secrets of skills, there are six sword techniques.

Among these books on swordsmanship, two are about short sword swordsmanship, which are probably the techniques Lai Chang learned.

The rest include one book of Qing Kung Fu, one book of boxing skills, one book of palm skills, and three books of explosive martial arts.

Including the current book "Blood Knife Art", there are a total of thirteen books.

"Another explosive martial arts book."

"Hey, reverse the yin and yang, turn the whole body upside down, and in the conflict, inspire strength far beyond one's own..."

"Reverse the forbidden law..."

"It's really an amazing skill."

A look of surprise appeared on Lin Zheyu's face.

Of the thirteen skills obtained from Lai Mao, only the "Spiritual Body Technique" is more useful and can further improve Jin Yan Gong.

Other techniques are of little use to Lin Zheyu's martial arts path and can only be used to enrich his martial arts knowledge.

He also thought that Lai Mao was hiding his own secrets and deliberately did not give him the secret technique that Lai Chang used to stimulate his potential.

I didn’t expect it to be saved for last.

Although "Blood Knife Technique" is a book of sword techniques, it can actually be regarded as two techniques, divided into the Rebellion Forbidden Technique and the Blood Knife Technique.

The Reverse Chaos Forbidden Technique is similar to the Boiling Blood Secret Technique. They are both used to stimulate the body's potential and explode with power that far exceeds one's own strength.

The difference is that the method used in the anti-chaos ban method seems too incredible.

Just by looking at the name, you can tell that it is unusual.

"No wonder it's called Blood Knife Technique. If this secret technique is not good, your whole body will explode and turn into a bloody man, right?"

Lin Zheyu couldn't help but mutter.

Although he was complaining in his heart, he was extremely interested in the anti-chaos forbidden method in the Blood Knife Jue.

It is almost the opposite of the secret method of boiling blood. It reverses the flow of qi and blood and circulates in the acupoints all over the body.

Every time it runs for one week, it reverses itself. After nine weeks of reversal, it reaches its limit, and its strength crazily increases to six times its original level.

It is much more powerful than the blood boiling secret method.

"What a genius idea!"

"Martial arts is really broad and profound, and all kinds of magical techniques are endless."

Lin Zheyu sighed.

But a doubt also arose in my mind.

These secret methods of burning essence, energy, and stimulating potential all achieve the effect of improving strength by briefly purifying the power of energy and blood.

In other words, using the Reverse Chaos Forbidden Method, the power of Qi and blood can be purified to six times its original level.

Is there any limit here?

"If you reach the ninth level of Qi and Blood Transformation, can you still increase your strength so many times by using this secret method?"

"If possible, is it true that the Nine Changes of Qi and Blood are not the end of the Qi and Blood Realm?"

"If I directly use the secret method of boiling blood to improve, can I be promoted to a level far beyond the nine changes of qi and blood?"

Lin Zheyu's thoughts were racing.

Ever since he used his source power to improve the secret method of boiling blood and accidentally discovered that the secret method of boiling blood had the effect of purifying qi and blood, he had similar doubts.

In the realm of Qi and blood, there are three changes and one hurdle.

After crossing over, your strength will grow by leaps and bounds.

After going from the peak of the second Qi and blood transformation to the third Qi and blood transformation, his strength directly increased several times.

When Lin Zheyu's Qi and Blood Transformation were at their peak, he could only leave a mark of two millimeters on the iron birch wood pile.

A complete qualitative change was completed, he was promoted to the third change of Qi and blood, and his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The mark left on the iron birch wood pile increased directly from two millimeters to two centimeters.

Therefore, he has no doubt that purifying Qi and blood can increase his strength so many times.

Lin Zheyu was curious whether a warrior with nine changes of Qi and blood could achieve such a large increase using secret techniques.

If so, the secrets involved would be extremely interesting.

"How about just using the secret method of boiling blood to improve it? I can just verify this conjecture."

Lin Zheyu thought to himself.

He really wanted to use the secret method of boiling blood to improve his martial arts realm. Forty units of Yuan Power could probably change the quality of his blood three or four times in a row.

By then, the Nine Changes of Qi and Blood will not be far away.

"Well, no rush, no rush."

"After the mental exhaustion, it was really uncomfortable. It was even more painful than when I upgraded the Hundred Refining Manual, and it lasted for several days."

Lin Zheyu resisted the urge and suppressed the thought just now.

Every time he uses a unit of source power to improve the secret technique of boiling blood, he has to rest for about ten days to recover from his mental overdraft.

It has been more than a year since the forty units were used up.

Not only do you miss many opportunities to obtain source power, it is also extremely time-consuming and extremely painful.

Only as a last resort or through other techniques, after reaching the ninth level of qi and blood changes, there is no way to continue to improve.

Only then would Lin Zheyu begin to try to use the secret method of boiling blood to improve his energy and blood, so that his energy and blood would change qualitatively again.

No, it's not the blood boiling secret method, now it's the reverse chaos forbidden method.

The effect of the Reverse Chaos Forbidden Technique is better than that of the Blood-Boiling Secret Technique, but I don't know how much energy and energy it consumes.

If the consumption is greater, Lin Zheyu is really worried that if one unit of energy is used up, his spirit will be overdrafted.

People simply disappear.

"Practice first and see."

"Although they all involve acupoints all over the body, although the Niluan Forbidden Method uses fewer acupoints, it still has many dangerous acupoints."

"One mistake can lead to serious consequences."

Lin Zheyu said secretly.

He memorized the contents of the Niluan Forbidden Law two or three times, and only after confirming that it was correct did he start practicing.

With the experience of practicing the secret method of boiling blood, I got started very quickly this time.

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