Martial Arts Master Travelled to Ancient Time and Farms

Chapter 216: those sprouts in the spring breeze

  Cheng Ling is very clear about the various prices of Yongzhou City.

She told the villagers: "Fresh yam is rare in the local city of Zhoucheng, so when yam is on the market, it can be sold for 30 cents a pound in retail. But if it is not retail, but sold to vendors, then the price There's a difference."

   Then she explained to the villagers the difference between retail sales and bulk sales, talked about transportation costs and wear and tear, and also talked about the differences in prices in different places.

   This knowledge is not a secret, nor is it great, but it is also something that the villagers usually cannot receive.

   Not even villagers, even many scholars, if they just devote themselves to studying and do not have contact with the people's livelihood, it is difficult for them to understand this.

  The villagers listened to each and every one of them with novelty and intoxication. They only felt that the little gentleman in front of him not only looked like a fairy, but also had a belly full of knowledge, like a fairy.

  Cheng Ling received a very high courtesy in Xiaoshu Village. After talking with the villagers for a while, she was invited by the Lizheng of Xiaoshu Village to sit at home.

   At this time, the allergic symptoms on the baby's body have basically subsided.

   His allergy was obviously acute, it came on quickly and disappeared quickly. On the one hand, the effect of Cheng Ling's medicine was outstanding, on the other hand, it was probably related to the baby's own constitution.

  Cheng Ling specially reminded the villagers: "Whether it is yam or yam egg, it is a good thing. Although yam egg is called Lingyuzi, its effect is almost the same as that of yam, but everyone must remember that it cannot be eaten raw."

   She also talked about several ways to cook yam, steaming, boiling, or even burying it under the stove and roasting it with the skin on.

   As for other complicated methods, Cheng Ling didn't say anything, saying that the villagers didn't have the conditions to do it, so it would be better to keep them, but it would be less troublesome.

   After arriving at Sun Lizheng's house, Mrs. Sun Lizheng took a few daughters-in-law and went to the kitchen for lunch.

There were seven or eight people in Cheng Ling's party, and they also brought Xu Er and Fang Langzhong's master and servant, plus Sun Lizheng and the two elders in the village. Everyone sat in the courtyard of Sun Lizheng's house lively. Keep talking.

  The topic is still centered on yam.

   Now in early February, it is not the season for yam harvest, but it is the most suitable season for yam sowing.

  There are a lot of wild yams on Xiaodong Mountain next to Xiaoshu Village.

According to Xu Er: "Every autumn, the half of the **** of Xiaodong Mountain facing the sun is full of palm leaves. You can see a bunch of them after walking a few steps. , I just wanted to save up some yam, pigs, it shouldn't be a problem to eat a little rough..."

   said, he laughed again.

  Xu Er thinks he is lucky, because pig food needs to be boiled, so he often mixes all kinds of rotten vegetable leaves and mountain eggs and cooks them for pigs to eat, but he has never eaten raw mountain eggs for pigs.

  The pig is fine and looks very good. Now he has a lot of wild eggs in his cellar. If this can be sold, wouldn't it be a lot of money?

   Even if this yam egg sells for less than thirty cents a pound, even if it sells for twenty or fifteen cents, it is worth much more than ordinary coarse grains.

Cheng Lingdao: "There are so many wild yams on the mountain next to Xiaoshu Village, which just means that the climate of Xiaoshu Village is suitable for yam growth. Now is the good season for yam planting. Have you ever thought about moving some yams from the mountain? Xiaomiao come down and plant yam on a large scale?"

   Transplanting yam, planting artificially?

   That's right, Cheng Ling told everyone about yam for so long, isn't the drama meat here?

  Sun Lizheng's eyes lit up, but as Lizheng he had to think more, he was excited and hesitant at the moment.

"If this yam can be planted, of course it would be great, but if it can't be planted? Isn't everyone's land abandoned? Besides, if it is planted, where will it be sold? Yongzhou City is so far away, We don't know the land well either..."

   These are indeed big problems. You can't say that yam has economic benefits, and you just pat your head and tell the villagers not to grow food, but only to grow yam.

   That is not to persuade Nongsang to teach, it is illegal and dereliction of duty!

Of course   Cheng Ling would not do this, she also thought of all the questions raised by Sun Lizheng.

At the moment, he said: "The tax fields stipulated by the imperial court, of course, must be planted according to the government's plan. Grain and hemp should not be taken lightly. But other than the tax fields, can't some of the land used for growing vegetables be used for yam? It doesn’t have to be a lot, it’s all voluntary…”

  The situation in Xiaoshu Village is different from that around Yongzhou City.

In the surrounding area of ​​  zhou city, because of the gathering of wealthy clans and many landlords, a large amount of land is concentrated in the hands of large and small landlords of various levels.

  In addition to the tax fields stipulated by the imperial court, the people often have very little privately owned fields. As a result, a large number of farmers had to be reduced to tenant households and rented fields for a living.

  Xiaoshu Village is remote, with many mountains and sparsely populated areas. The land owned by the people is much more than that of the tenants around the prefecture.

   It’s just that there are many mountainous areas, and the grades of the fields are often not high, and it is a bit laborious to grow millet and hemp. Coupled with the inconvenience of transportation, the life of the villagers in Xiaoshu Village is also poor.

Cheng Ling added: "I have some methods for yam cultivation here. In fact, if the villagers are reluctant to part with their own fields, they can arrange the mountains on the mountain, turn back to open up wasteland, and then go to the yamen to register, and they can have more names. field."

   also said: "Where the mountains are facing the sun, if they are arranged into terraces, it is also very convenient to grow yam."

   These words led to Fang Langzhong's question: "Terrace fields? May I ask Xiaolangjun, what are terraced fields?"

  The old man looked at Cheng Ling with a burning gaze. When the crowd gathered around to talk, he was still silent and restrained, but now he suddenly asked the question, and immediately, his presence was revealed.

  Cheng Lingdao: "Where there are many mountains, if there is not enough fields at the foot of the mountain, you might as well go to the top of the mountain, just like digging steps, and dig out a layer of wide steps. I call it terraced fields. What does the old man think? Is it image?"

   Her description is indeed an image.

   Everyone didn't have to see the appearance of the terraced fields with their own eyes. Just listening to her description, they seemed to have revealed the terraced fields in front of them. They were built on top of the mountain, showing the appearance of new shoots in the spring breeze.

  Fang Langzhong immediately asked again: "It may be possible to cultivate fields on this mountain, but it is inconvenient to divert water from the mountain. This question, please Cheng Langjun, how can you solve it?"

  Cheng Ling said: "Is there no mountain spring on the mountain? If there is a mountain spring, a waterway can be reserved in advance to divert water. If there is no mountain spring, it is better to dig a reservoir on the top of the mountain to store water, and then use a canal to divert water."

   Fang Langzhong suddenly said: "Dig a reservoir on the mountain? Xiao Langjun, do you understand how big a project this is? Is it too light to speak like this?"

   The two asked and answered, and gradually the topic deepened, but the atmosphere became a little nervous in a trance.

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