Marvel Call of the Game

Chapter 181: Another Black Joan's Room

After visiting the Rhode Island ship, Lufa took them to see Chaldea.

Chaldea, the full name of Humanity Survival Guarantee Organization, Phoenix Chaldea, is a research institution founded by Marisbill Animsfia, one of the twelve sects of the Magic Association and Clock Tower, and the monarch of the Astronomy Department.

This time it was the turn of Skaha, Red A and C's mother, who were familiar with the road, to introduce. For Kuang Lan, although he did not lose his mind, he did not have the ability to introduce.

In fact, Lufa paid more attention to a function of Chaldea.

Guard the Heroic Spirit Summoning System·Fate!

The first director, Maris Bill, won the Holy Grail War somewhere in 2004 and brought back the Guardian Heroic Spirit Summoning System Fate for Chaldea.

This thing can summon servants of heroic spirits, which made Lufa excited.

Then he found that he didn't have the Saint Quartz and couldn't activate the summoning.

As for other functions of Chaldea, such as predicting the future, repairing the singularity and the belt of strange news... well, they all fail in the Marvel world.

So Chaldea is just a special base now, and many visitors feel that Chaldea is okay, similar to Rhodes Island.

The operators and followers on both sides felt that their side was better.

"Speaking of which, why is my name here?"

Black Joan looked at one of the rooms with Black Joan's name written on it, and asked the way with interest.

"That's another room of yours. You're not in my Chaldea, you're the singularity's Dragon Witch, but the other you joined Chaldea later."

Lufa explained to Black Jeanne.

"Another me?"

Black Joan knew that Lufa was not talking about Joan of Arc, but another Black Joan.

She wondered how these days, there are people vying to be fakes?

"Do you want to go in and have a look?"

Lufa asked with a smile.

It will be a very happy moment if the Shinjuku Joan of Arc, the Chaldean Joan of Arc, and the Mad Swimsuit Joan of Arc are all summoned in the future.

But arranging rooms for them is also a problem. They can't all live in the same room, I feel that they will fight by themselves.

"Hmph, I'll go take a look."

Black Joan passed the verification with a swipe and opened the room.

After all, it was the real Joan of Arc.

A group of people followed in a file. They had no interest in going around and playing, they just liked to follow Lufa. The others were fettered by Lufa, they had a good impression, and those who didn't have high trust were coerced.

Red A ran away a long time ago, and he went to Chaldea's kitchen to get nostalgic.

Skaha glanced at Lufa who was surrounded by a group of Yingyingyanyan and couldn't move, and shook his head.

This is even more exaggerated than Chaldea at that time, but now the master seems to be different. With such a high concentration of magic power in the blood, life expectancy is no longer a problem. Even if he dies, he can still be in the crown.

With this level of magical power, he might be a magician. Of course, Lufa uses a sword, so there is a possibility of a sword level.

So Scathach is not in a hurry to eat Lufa, anyway, it is impossible for this group of women to hang around Lufa all day long, they will always relax sometimes.

Scathach left and went back to his room.

After Lufa entered the room of "Black Joan of Arc", he felt okay, except that the quilt was a little messy, it was unexpectedly clean.

"By the way, the servants and the staff of Chaldea will not be thrown directly to the Antarctic side, will they freeze to death?"

Lufa began to worry about this problem. After all, judging from the traces of life left inside Chaldea, it might be that he really directly snatched the base of Chaldea from those servants and staff.

That being said, Rhodes Island seems to be the case as well.

In this situation, how does the old lynx survive with the operators who lost the land ship...

Lufa shook his head, and he didn't know if the fallen followers and operators would condemn Lufa for this matter or something.

"Is this my other room?"

Black Joan ignored the group of people who followed in, they were just surrounding Lufa anyway.

"Yes, are you disappointed?"

Lufa said with a smile.

The Black Joan who came to Chaldea is the Avenger Black Joan. The clothes and costumes she wears are different from the previous Black Joan. In terms of living habits, Lufa does not know, after all, this thing is impossible Everything.

Now Lufa brought a lot of women who might be his wife and women who were already his wives to Joan of Arc's room. In a sense, it was too much.

The Dragon Witch carelessly opened the closet, and there were almost identical clothes in it.

Lufa looked at these clothes and underwear, and was a little surprised that Joan of Arc knew how to change clothes... That's right, although their servants and heroic spirits are made up of spirit particles, it doesn't mean they won't change clothes clothing.

The old woman with two guns... No, the master also has a card with a modern outfit, which is very attractive. Anyway, Lufa is thinking that if one day he eats skaha, he will let her wear that outfit.

"Looks like the other me doesn't have great taste either."

After looking at the clothes and underwear, the Dragon Witch said disdainfully.

Your own dressing style is not much better...Lufa said silently in his heart.

After finishing the work, the Dragon Witch left the room, and Lufa let the nanobots clean it up without disturbing the contents.

However, both the servants and the operators chose to stay in their familiar places.

Because they have something of their own, and the familiar environment is better and more at ease for them.

Lufa didn't force it either.

Then the Black Queen reported the new situation to Lufa, and a new goblin appeared in Lorraine Forest.

"Didn't it mean that all the corpses have been inspected and recovered to confirm that there are no living things in the forest of Lorraine?"

Lu Fa was very puzzled.

The forest of Lorraine he dropped was probably the forest of Lorraine before the revision, that is, the place where there are goblins, tauren and cat demons.

It's a pity that Lufa didn't find the magician sisters Lie Yanoxiu and Frost Klahe.

Don't get me wrong, he's not greedy for the two sisters, but Lu Fa wants to try to see if he can restore them to normal, and then become his subordinates!

There is no choice in the game. In reality, Lufa wants to save those enemies who can be saved!

Of course, those who are ugly will be hacked to death.

"Does this thing also have automatic monster spawning?"

After Lufa asked the Terminator soldiers to clean up the newly-appeared goblins, he asked the Black Queen to send some nano-robots into the forest of Lorraine to monitor the internal situation.

If it is really this thing that automatically spawns monsters, then Lu Fa has to consider how to deal with it.

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