Marvel Call of the Game

Chapter 461: cat catches mouse

"Interesting, actually came up with the succubus invasion, do you really think everyone is Lena?"

Lufa doesn't have a firewall or a super gene, he made a specious set of things by himself.

However, if there is no firewall and super gene engine system for the nightmare invasion, it is equivalent to no defense. After all, it is not necessary to have a firewall and super gene to take effect.

It's just that this kind of ability is nothing compared to Lufa who has already digested the Soul Gem and Mind Gem, and it's not strong enough to tickle him.

"How about it?"

Liang Bing asked his subordinates.

"Queen, Lufa's statistics are a bit strange."

Heifeng is also very curious about the current situation. Lufa seems to be undefended, but his own ability cannot successfully invade, and the feedback data even an expert like Heifeng can't understand.

"Why is it strange?"

Liang Bing was puzzled.

"Hee hee, queen, guess who I am?"

Then Hei Feng's tone suddenly changed, which completely stupefied Liang Bing.

"Damn it, who else are you, isn't it Heifeng, are you still playing this game at this time?"

Liang Bing yells, can you be a little nervous, and deal with these moths every day!

"Queen, it's not good, Hei Feng has gone crazy!"

As a result, she had just finished cursing when Atuo's voice came.

"Hei Feng went crazy?"

Liang Bing's eyes widened.

"He just said that Lufa's data is a bit strange, and then he controlled the Devil One to launch a scourge bombing on the fleet of the gluttonous civilization. Fortunately, we stopped it in time!"

Atuo's tone was very serious.

It’s nothing to launch a scourge bombing, even if it really blows up the Taotie civilization, with the attitude of the main **** of the Taotie civilization towards his queen, it’s probably just a message to ask what’s going on, but the meaning behind this incident is incredible .

Liang Bing also thought of this.

"Fuck, that bastard!"

Liang Bing gritted her teeth, and failed to invade Lufa. She was obviously counter-invaded by Lufa. Fortunately, if it weren't for her authorization to launch the Scourge bombing, and she has not been linked to Devil One for the time being, so if there is no way to authorize, I am afraid it will not be now Cool ice can see a big firework appearing in the sky.

How long has it been since the invasion, but Heifeng has received the support of two celestial-level supercomputers, one of which is a big clock!

Liang Bing is very self-aware, knowing that the big clock with 35% computing power must be much stronger than her Devil One, but Lufa counter-invaded it in an instant?

To be honest, Liangbing is a little scared now.

"Queen, why don't we just capture Du Qiangwei and leave?"

After feeling the queen's fear and embarrassment, Atuo gave a suggestion.

"Do you think I, Queen, don't want to do this? The question is, how could this bastard, Lufa, let us go so easily?"

Liang Bing was speechless. Before, she thought that there was a possibility of success, but now, she no longer has these naive thoughts.

Lufa is not in a hurry, just to push Liangbing into a desperate situation step by step. No matter what method you use, Lufa will just wait with great interest, and then counterattack to suppress.

It's like a cat catching a mouse. It won't kill the mouse with one bite. That would be meaningless, and it would just keep playing with the mouse.

"Although it feels a bit perverted, it's just right for dealing with cold ice."

Lufa felt that he was perverted.

This kind of dark thinking and psychology is most suitable for people like Liang Bing.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Liang Bing finally despaired. She found that she had no other choice. It would take some time for Karl's Void Warrior to arrive. After him, there was only one way left to go.

So she dragged Lufa away before Du Qiangwei found Lufa, and Lufa still looked reluctant.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s so easy to use. I use it to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here】

"What are you doing?"

"Elbow! Come with me!"

"No, I thought about it carefully, and Du Qiangwei is more moist..."

"Don't make me push you here!"

"Ms. Liangbing, you are so vicious."

"Stop talking nonsense, queen, I know you are still staring at that angel, if you don't want to be seen by her, hurry up and elbow me!"

Liang Bing went all out, and when she thought about it carefully, she didn't seem to be at a disadvantage. After all, Lufa is completely configured by a top-level god, and unlike Karl, the **** of death, he has a physical body!

After this person figured it out, he acted like a wolf... Lufa thought about it.

This place is called the Evil Mountains, towering into the sky and very spectacular.

The great adventurer who came here for the first time, the world's number one mountaineering champion, has already prepared his way. He stepped on the spot several times before, and he has judged the height of this evil mountain and the two Everests through visual inspection. size.

"From today onwards, the climbing record of the Evil Mountains will be created by me!"

Lufa uttered the rhetoric of being a mountaineering adventurer, and then he began to climb.

But the Evil Mountain has not had a conqueror for so many years, obviously because its challenge is too difficult.

First of all, there is no grass growing, and the white mountain wall is as smooth as the finest suet jade. Explorers have no way to start climbing, and they can't even find a point of leverage.

Lufa had no choice but to take out his chisel and began to chisel out a fixed point of strength on the mountain wall.

One time, two times, three times...

His physical strength is extraordinary, so even after more than an hour of fierce fighting, there was no sweat at all, and the mountain wall trembled under his iron chisel.

After fixing the power point that was dug out, Lufa officially began to climb the peak!

In the process, he encountered harsh weather conditions such as storms, heavy rains, earthquakes, etc., but he never gave up.

Even if his body was soaked by the heavy rain, even if the earthquake made his chisels tremble, even if the storm...

"Come on, a real man is not afraid of a storm!"

Lufa gritted his teeth and used all his strength to grab the Evil Mountain!

Today, he must conquer here!

Du Qiangwei found that Lu Fa was missing.

"What's going on, where did Lufa go?"

Didn't they agree to take her to remodel and upgrade tonight? Du Qiangwei also specially took a shower, she didn't know what to do, after thinking wildly, she spent half a day bathing and putting on makeup for herself.

But now Lufa is gone?

"The woman named Liang Bing is also gone."

Angel Yan "kindly" reminded her.

"The cold ice is gone?"

Du Qiangwei suddenly realized something.

No way? I was released as a pigeon because of that woman Liang Bing?

"That woman is not simple, and something is wrong."

Angel Yan continued.

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