"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for successfully summoning the container-354-blood pool!"

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for successfully summoning the container-354-blood pool, please go and supervise it as soon as possible!"

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for getting the Foundation's large base x 1 (the same configuration as the New York base)."

"Ding~ It is detected that the host summons an ultra-dimensional type of containment for the first time, and a special reward for the ultra-dimensional recruitment card (this card can directly summon members of the human protection organization from other worlds.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Foundation's mechanical defense force × 1 (the number of an army group, equipped with a large number of ultra-modern mechanical weapons, is the most powerful ground defense force of the Foundation.

Beichen looked at the reward the system gave him with some surprise.

The rewards given by the system are a bit rich, and it can even be said to be unreasonable.

You must know that even if it is as strong as the 682 master, the rewards given by the system are not as many as the rewards given this time.

What's more, when I first summoned the Broken God, the system didn't even give him a special reward. This sudden special reward really surprised Beicheng.

Bei Chen, who realized that things were not that simple, immediately said: "System, buy the relevant information of the storage item-354-blood pool."

"Ding~ The legendary value of 10,000 has been deducted?"

Beichen: "???"

Beichen remembered that when he checked the Balrog, the dog system only deducted 1000 from himself. Why is it 10,000 this time?

However, Bei Chen, who was carrying a huge sum of 6 million yuan, didn't care, but curiously opened the information of the content - 354 - blood pool.

Containment-354-Blood Pool A pool filled with a red, unidentified liquid-like substance. Various monsters of unknown origin will appear from time to time. Appears to have mind-affecting abilities.

Note: Containment-354 has immovable natural characteristics, and cannot be contained in a containment space, and troops need to be dispatched to supervise it.

Within one month, if the containment-354 does not go out of control, it is considered as a successful containment, and the containment reward can also be obtained.

"Isn't this the storm pool?"

Bei Chen was speechless.

The degree of danger of this thing depends on the monsters coming out of the blood pool.

If the monster that jumped out of it was the kind that could be dealt with by 350 people, then the danger of the containment - 354 - blood pool was basically zero.

But if one or several 682-level existences are drilled out of it, then this world will be a lot of fun...

"Containment... really has everything!"

Beichen complained in his heart.

Looking at the containment map, Beichen discovered that containment-354-the place where the blood pool descended was actually in the Kangaroo Country.

"It seems that the national fortunes of the Kangaroo Kingdom are not going very well recently! First, it is the Cult of the Broken God, and now it is the containment - 354 - the blood pool. I don't know which great **** the Kangaroo Kingdom has offended recently."

Bei Chen sighed slightly in his heart, and then called Natasha.

"Arrange me a plane to Kangaroo Country, you don't have to go, just call Sharon Carter." Bei Chen said meanly.

Seeing Beichen's smile, Natasha rolled her eyes.

You can tell at a glance that this guy is plotting against S.H.I.E.L.D. again.

But Natasha didn't say much. After all, it would be good to weaken SHIELD. She had already noticed something was wrong inside SHIELD.

Looking at Natasha who didn't ask any more questions, Bei Chen became more satisfied with this woman for a while.

He took Sharon. The purpose of Carter's belt is very simple, that is, to cheat S.H.I.E.L.D.

Since the group of Frost Giants did not live up to expectations, they did not nail the armed forces of S.H.I.E.L.D. to the North Pole.

Then let Containment-354 replace the Frost Giant, and nail the armed forces of S.H.I.E.L.D. to the Kangaroo Country, so that S.H.I.E.L.D. does not compete with itself for business.

Containment-354- Pool of Blood!

A containment object that cannot be collected but can only be supervised. Bei Chen remembers that in a certain foundation universe, the Foundation was dragged to death by these containment objects that could not be contained.

"Sure enough, I am the root of all evil..."

Beichen shook his head with a wry smile, and then took out the Chaowei recruitment card rewarded by the system.

"Use the recruitment card!"

Beichen said silently in his heart.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for successfully recruiting Miss America (Doctor Strange movie version)

: America. Chavez! "

A huge five-pointed star logo appeared in the room, and a girl in embarrassment fell out of the five-pointed star, then looked at the environment in the house in confusion, and finally set her sights on Beichen.

A Meili looked at Bei Chen curiously and asked, "When I was crossing, I felt someone calling me, is it you?"

"It's actually her?"

Bei Chen squinted at the Asian girl in front of him.

Miss America America. Chavez, the central figure in Doctor Strange, possesses the uncanny ability to travel across the multiverse.

"The ability to travel through multiple universes! Although it is not very stable, but... if it can be contained."

Bei Chen looked at the girl in front of him, and a bold idea came to his mind.

"The system doesn't stipulate that the contents recruited by the recruitment card cannot be contained, right?

After all, plot minions like the Frost Giant can be taken in, so why can't Amelie? "

Thinking like this, Bei Chen's smile gradually changed.

Chapter 79: Invite Mechanic Emperor to Eat Nuclear Fission-flavored Pizza!

Amelie, who sensed Beichen's malicious intentions in an instant, used her superpower involuntarily, and a channel in the shape of a five-pointed star suddenly appeared behind Amelie.

"This can't be done! They're all here, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Before Amelie could react, her eyes dimmed and she passed out.

A small vine has quietly wrapped around Amelie's ankle.

Looking at the unconscious Amelie, Bei Chen stretched out his sinful hand.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for successfully containing the containment object-mc-669-Amelie!"

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for gaining the ability to traverse multiple universes (going to a new universe can only be done randomly, and you can accurately return to the universe you have been to, or the universe where you know the coordinates.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for gaining Amelie's favorability x 100 (up to 100!

"This is really a surprise!"

People sit at home and joy comes from heaven.

Bei Chen was quite happy that he suddenly had a running magic skill.

After releasing Amelie from the containment space, Bei Chen called Natasha.

"You take care of her first, and comfort her after she wakes up. This girl suddenly appeared in my room. I suspect that his purpose is not pure."

Beichen said righteously.

It's not at all like the person who did the trick just now.

After Beichen left, Natasha gently shook the sleeping Amelie awake.

"How is it, are you feeling better?"

Looking at the awakened Amelie, Natasha asked with concern.

Amelie looked at Natasha in confusion, and then at the layout of the room.

"Aren't I in a coma? Where's that bastard?"

Amelie asked suspiciously.

"He handed you over to me and left. Why, do you have a problem with him?"

Natasha asked calmly.

After hearing this, Amelie gritted her teeth and said, "No, it's just that this guy knocked me out for no reason. I just hold grudges."

The corners of Natasha's mouth twitched slightly when she heard this. This kind of immoral thing really seemed to be done by that guy.

After a while, Bei Chen changed into formal clothes and came in from the outside. Looking at Amelie who was awake, Bei Chen teased, "How is it? Is the little girl still planning to run away? What do you think you are running away? Brother is not a bad person."

Amelie gave Beichen a white look angrily, turned her head and snorted coldly, but didn't reply.

"Tell me, what's going on? When I saw you just now, you looked very embarrassed. You won't be hunted down, right?"

Beichen provocatively said.

Hearing this, Amelie finally couldn't bear it anymore.

After the sound of "Wow", he began to cry directly, as if he wanted to turn all the grievances he had suffered in the past few days into tears to vent.

"You bastard, did you do it on purpose? You must have known it. You are the one who laughed at me for what happened to me before, right?"

But Amelie knew that the reason why she appeared here was entirely because she was summoned by this guy when she was time travelling.

He didn't believe that Beichen really didn't know anything.

For this point, Beichen was really innocent, because he really didn't know anything. Beichen took out a tissue and handed it to the other party.

"Tell me, maybe I can still make decisions for you."

"I have been traveling through the multiverse, looking for my parents. Just a few days ago, I traveled to an inexplicable world, which is a world full of metal parts."

"You don't know how pitted that world is. The planets in the entire universe have turned into metal planets. There are no flowers, plants, trees, and no serious animals."

"The one who rules that universe is a guy named Ultron. When that lunatic saw me, he chased me excitedly, saying that he wanted to use me to spread the brilliance of the Broken God across the multiverse."

"Then I ran as hard as I could, but the entire universe was his domain, and I was still caught by him."

Speaking of which, Amelie's body began to tremble.

"After the **** caught me in the lab, he told me to join the glorious evolution."

"Isn't that nice?"

Natasha next to him interjected.

After all, it took human beings thousands of years to evolve into what they are now, and now others directly help you to evolve again, isn't that a good thing?

"What a fart! That guy's so-called glorious evolution is to transform me into a robot, and he said that flesh and blood will eventually decay, and only mechanical ascension can last forever."

"If it wasn't for my superpower that suddenly activated by itself and transported me to this universe, I would have become a machine monster a long time ago."

Amelie finally confides all the grievances she has suffered in the past two days.

Bei Chen beside him frowned.

Broken God...

It appears that the influence of the Broken God has reached out to the entire multiverse.

"Thinking of this, Beichen felt a sense of urgency in his heart."

After all, this is a huge crisis involving the multiverse.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for triggering the mission of the Foundation's destiny, do you accept it?"

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for triggering the mission of the Broken God Cult, do you accept it?"

"What the hell? This broken system also has a mission system?"

Bei Chen was startled.

It has been almost a month since I came here, and I have never seen this function in the system.

"The system will explain what these two tasks are about." Bei Chen did not rush to accept, but asked.

Intuition told Beichen that these two systems might be a little tricky.

Name: The mission of the foundation's destiny-one by one salvation foundation.

Mission objective: Stop the mechanical catastrophe set off by Ultron, the mechanical emperor of the mechanical universe. 0 Mission reward: Randomly reward a technological item or technical name held by the foundation: The mission of the broken god's destiny—the mechanical frenzy.

Mission objective: Help Ultron the MechaUniverse transform at least two universes into MechaUniverses.

Mission Reward: The Broken God's favorability has been slightly increased.

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