Jiang Yifu started his own big deceitful remarks, completely transforming into an old fox with a thousand years of experience! Humph, with two more glasses of wine, he can blow his mind out of the solar system!

“The current problem is that we still don’t know what causes the pollution.

There are many solutions, including improving scientific and technological capabilities, improving production methods, and improving efficiency while reducing pollution.

To be honest, current technology is indeed a bit behind.

The use of resources is very limited.

It can obviously make a barrel of wine, but the current technology can only make a pot of wine, which is too wasteful.

Wasted resources without effective treatment become pollution!

“The second point is, as I said, start from the source of pollution.

Those places where river pollution is serious should be dealt with.

Start from the source, so that the pollution can be slowed down a lot.

Current pollution actually means that the amount of input exceeds the natural conversion efficiency of the ocean, so pollution is caused.

But garbage also has benefits, it can be recycled and reused!

There are no useless things, only scientists who don’t know how to use them!

“Jiang Yifu said in a pretentious manner.

A combination of theoretical theories and actual situations, true and false, is the most successful bragging comparison.

Well, it comes from the secret book of bragging!

After a free conversation, let The eyes of Prince Oshi and Princess Atlanna both lit up. If they can make some achievements, then at least they have the right to choose marriage!”Really! So how long does it take you to complete this device?”

“It’s hard to say, my time is very limited, I have to study magic and deal with interpersonal relationships, and I also have to spend time with my wife in my spare time. Well, I can only try my best! By the way, don’t you have your own scientific team?”Jiang Yifu asked curiously. You must know that Atlantis’s technology is also very advanced!

Atlanna blushed and shook her head, full of a different kind of exotic style,”No, the kingdom’s People don’t like mainlanders very much, so naturally they won’t learn their techniques. We rely on the inherited culture.”


Prince Oshi slapped the table,”Yes, there will be a kingdom meeting in half a year.

All countries will participate together.

You can mention it at that time.

Anyway, Ivor, you will also participate.

You are now also a member of the Lost Kingdom.

When the time comes, you will come up with this set of technologies to improve the marine environment, which will definitely win their favor.

When the time comes, you will be able to walk freely in Atlantis.

Hey, if you want to buy something by then, are you afraid that you won’t be able to buy it?”

Atlanna thought more. If the relationship is good and there is a kingdom’s support, even if something happens, she will still have an ally, right?”Yes, Ivor, when the time comes Xin Della will also attend. As her husband, you won’t let her go alone! Your identity and strength, coupled with some technologies useful to the kingdom, will definitely win the recognition and favor of several kingdoms. This is a good thing for you and Syndra!”

That’s nice to say, but why do I always feel a little weird! Jiang Yifu is not afraid of the other party digging holes, because he doesn’t know what’s fishy in it, but Sindraken.”Okay, but why do I feel It seems like you are plotting against me!”

Prince Oshi laughed loudly and patted Jiang Yifu on the shoulder,”We are here to help you. Hehe, if you are recognized by the kingdom by then, then you can come to the Kingdom of Atlantis and I will take you there. You should have a good time and see the real sea. There are many fun and delicious food there, as well as many beautiful women!”

This point is about Jiang Yikanri, beauty! Hehe!”Um, wait, I want to ask, is Atlantis monogamous or polygamous?”This is a problem!

Prince Oshi was stunned for a moment, and then said seriously,”Ordinary citizens are monogamous, but not necessarily those in the royal family. Polygamy is also allowed for powerful people, or polyandry. also”

“So am I considered a member of the royal family?”Jiang Yifu asked curiously, Darling, this system is great, polygamy! Well, it’s exciting just thinking about it!

“Of course you forget it. Although the Lost Kingdom has fallen, it is still a kingdom. Didn’t the Trench Country also fall? They are also a kingdom!”Prince Aoshi patted his chest and confirmed. He didn’t say the next sentence. It’s up to you whether you can control it or not. However, this sentence obviously remained in his heart and was not spoken out.

“Well, I’ll try my best to go back.”Jiang Yifu thinks it is still necessary to do experiments on new resources. This thing is difficult to research, but after it is made, it will definitely bring fame and fortune. Atlantis is a good place! Hehe!

“Then it’s settled happily!”Prince Oshi seemed to be very happy. Even Atlanna picked up the wine glass and took a sip. Her face was flushed and extremely tempting! After chatting for a while, Sindra came over and said,”It seems that you guys are chatting. It’s not bad. Ive come over here and I’ll introduce you to some people! I’m sorry, you two. I’ll let my husband accompany you to have a good chat next time.”That tone obviously meant that they had known each other for a while.

“Wife, why are you here? Are you going to show me that character this time?”Jiang Yifu is very happy. After all, he got the benefits and made new friends. Well, useful friends!

“Husband, you are already very good, so you don’t need to put too much pressure on yourself. I believe you can become the most outstanding magician! Haha, in fact, what they said is right. You are indeed a member of the royal family of the Lost Kingdom now, because I am already your wife. Strictly speaking, you are the king of the Lost Kingdom. Haha, I am very happy, right? husband!”Sindra turned around and hugged her little man.

“Well, don’t worry, I will always protect you, and Zatanna! Wife, what is the meeting of the Kingdom of Atlantis they are talking about?”Jiang Yifu asked his wife curiously. He always felt that his life was becoming more and more diversified. Well, I used to be in school, watching bullies beating elementary school monks, but now he has become a magician who has gone to heaven. It’s over!

“It was an alliance meeting of the five major countries, but the people from the Saltwater Country stopped participating a long time ago, and they would only stay in their own country.

The people in the Trench Country have turned into monsters guarding the sacred trident, the symbol of Aquaman, and only me, Santana and Zatana are left in our lost kingdom.

So there are actually only three parties: the Fisherman Kingdom, the Kingdom of Atlantis, and the Kingdom of Zebel.

It’s good to go and see things, it will be of great help to your experience.

Besides, you, a little fox, will definitely have other plans.

“Syndra said with a smile, not worried at all about what would happen to her little man.

She just laughed without thinking about others!

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