“Raul, do you know about artificial intelligence? A supercomputer program that is very intelligent and can help scientists handle some primary and intermediate work experiments?”Jiang Yifu decided to ask this family first. Her dead husband was still the chief scientist of Krypton. Moreover, Krypton had been glorious for a while and its technology was so advanced. She must have experience in this field.

“Of course you know it.

The origin of artificial intelligence is to undertake more precise calculations.

With a set program, the chance of computer error is one ten millionth less than the chance of manual error.

Regarding artificial intelligence, there is research on Krypton, but not all of them are equipped with corresponding control locks to prevent artificial intelligence from getting out of control.

Strictly speaking, it is not considered true intelligence.

Speaking of real artificial intelligence, it’s the head of the Kree Empire!

“Raul doesn’t know how many years he has lived, but he still looks beautiful.

Ahem, this is not the point.

I said it wrong.

It’s because after staying in the position of a diplomat for a period of time, I know a lot of things and a lot of knowledge about the universe.

All are atriums���unbelievable

“Oh, is there any relevant information? Let me take a look.

I am going to research an artificial intelligence system of my own, specifically to serve me.

“Jiang Yifu has a vague idea in his mind, that is, to create an intelligent program that can change its own program and transform itself according to different situations.

This requires a large database.

At the same time, the spiritual scepter in Thanos’ hand It’s the same thing.

Since Ultron and Vision can be created through the Mind Stone, it’s not a problem to make another artificial intelligence.

Besides, there might be some surprises!

“Of course, this spaceship carries a lot of Kryptonian technological information, and it was originally intended to be passed down and used by the proliferating Kryptonians.

As it is now, it is probably useless.

“Raul said a little sadly, as if he remembered again, the destruction of Krypton, even if something as powerful as Krypton could not avoid destruction, it is really sad.

He slid his hand and tapped a few times on the console, and many of them were exported After receiving the panoramic projection information,

Jiang Yifu asked curiously,”Why can’t we reproduce? Karl, oh, that little guy has been renamed Clark now.

” When he grows up in the future, he can definitely find a middle-class woman to get married and have children.

Wouldn’t it be possible to pass on the legacy? Besides, aren’t you still here? You, uh, if you want to, you can, the difference is just whether you want to do it or not.

Raul glared at Jiang Yifu angrily.

What are you talking about? Isn’t this just telling them to find a man? What does it mean by crazy hints?”No, because the Kryptonian’s physique is special.

Unless they are powerful, people together, otherwise it would be impossible to have children.

Moreover, there was something wrong with Karl’s child during the space voyage.

It will be very difficult to have children in the future, let alone find a Midgard woman.


Yifu felt strange after hearing this, and suddenly said,”Then is it okay for someone like me?””There’s something wrong with this sentence. Well, it’s a bit crazy and suggestive. It’s so shameless!

Raul was a little angry. She is not a casual woman.”Master Ivor, are you teasing me? Please be respectful. Although Krypton is destroyed, we cannot be bullied at will!”That look, uh, how should I put it, is a bit bluffing.

Jiang Yifei looked at the other party strangely, then looked at Aurora who was making fighting movements, and said helplessly,”Ms.

Raul, what do you think? Yes, I mean Kara and I, not me and you, what are you thinking, ahem, can’t we be more pure!

“I’m really speechless.

Of course he means Supergirl Kara.

Don’t chase the young one, but chase a mature one? Well, of course normal people will chase the young one.

Those with a special orientation will naturally go for it.

Chasing the mature one.

And what about the bastard? Of course he wants them all!

Ahem, it seems to be true, even the readers almost believe it.

Aurora retracted her movements in embarrassment, while Raul had a pretty face Turning red, he secretly sighed that he was too sensitive,”Well, this is of course okay. It seems that there is no problem at the moment, but you still need to do a physical test to know the results. Sorry, I was too impulsive, please don’t take offense!”

Jiang Yifu shook his head, okay, sometimes they are not on the same channel, and everything they say has different meanings, so they can be misunderstood. I can only say that Raul thinks too much.”In this case, then Let’s have a physical examination now. You do the examination for me and I’ll look at the information. No need to waste time!”

Raul could only do what the other party said. This was not a troublesome matter, just an examination. So he asked Jiang Yifu to lie on the examination table and control the instrument to start the examination.”This process requires drawing some blood and checking. There will also be various negative pressure tests on blood and it will take about twenty minutes. You won’t have the energy to do anything else in the middle of it.”

“Without further ado, here we go, I can browse the material.”After Jiang Yifu finished speaking, he lay down, closed his eyes, and concentrated on viewing Krypton’s artificial intelligence data. This is more comprehensive than seeing it with his own eyes. Mental power is the most direct response to the mind, so magic is really Very unscientific

“Okay, then I’ll start now, Aurora, help me sort out the instruments!”Raul nodded and quickly regained his composure. He was just embarrassed for a moment. As a diplomat, controlling one’s emotions is a basic skill. Yes, yes, just like an experienced driver who has to step on the accelerator when cornering. Same, all basic skills, normal level, everyone, sit down!

Twenty minutes later, Raul reflected the test report through the holographic projection,”The test has been completed.

Your physical level has almost reached the level of an adult Kryptonian.


No physical qualities to unleash potential.

The recovery ability is very fast, and there is an isotope in the blood that stimulates the body’s ability to repair faster.

Metabolism is very fast and there is almost no poisoning.

And there is a strange power in your body, it should be magic!

At the same time your kidneys are fine.

Jiang Yifu glanced at the other party in surprise and asked doubtfully,”What does it mean that the kidneys are very good?” Raul said angrily,”It means that your fertility is very strong, which is rare on Krypton.

” In other words, if you and Kara are together, you have a high chance of giving birth to a healthy baby.

Now you can feel relieved and satisfied.

Master Ivor, please be kind to Kara.

She may not have a very good temper, but she is an excellent warrior.

She doesn’t know much about how to get along with her.

I hope you can be more patient with her and get rid of her!

“After speaking, he bowed.

It was obvious that his attitude was very sincere, just like an elder’s expectations for a younger generation.

Jiang Yifu nodded seriously,”Don’t worry, Kara is my woman, I will definitely not abandon her. In fact, I have no idea or practice of abandoning my own woman. As long as they are my women, I will take good care of them, you can rest assured of this! In my eyes, no matter whether she is a Midgardian, a Kryptonian or even a god, she is my woman and I will treat her equally!”

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