What is an on-the-go trip? He just left without even taking his wallet. He was so cool and free. Well, by then I will definitely be so hungry that I will pay for my coolness. Jiang Yifu put all his wives’ belongings into the storage space, and then opened a portal. At the other end was the paradise island with blue sky!

When Diana stepped through the portal, she saw the sisters from Paradise Island standing guard with their bows and arrows fully drawn, as if they were about to start a fight at any time. She hurriedly said,”Sisters, don’t do anything. I am Diana, and I am going home this time.” , no one is invading, don’t be nervous.” Behind them, Kathrina and Kara followed through the portal, and finally Jiang Yifu.

After seeing that it was one of their own, the patrolling Amazon warriors still maintained their fighting posture. At this time, New Nintendo Island General Phillips, who came from a distance, said,”Okay, make sure there is no enemy situation, continue patrolling, and don’t take it lightly. Princess Diana, welcome back, Master Ivor welcomes you. But the two of them are strangers, You are not allowed to enter Paradise Island!”

He did not relax his vigilance because of Diana and still performed his duty of guarding Paradise Island. This dark-skinned new general was indeed very responsible. Well, anyway, I won’t give anyone the face, so it’s how it comes.

Jiang Yifu held down Kathrina who was about to take action.

This wife has a bad temper.

If she doesn’t change her behavior, something will happen sooner or later.

Even if she wants to fight, it won’t be a fight on Paradise Island.

There are so many girls here, ahem, that’s what she said.

If you are shameless, you are a harem girl.

To put it more righteously, that is, how can we just fight casually?”General Phillips, I know your responsibility, but these two came to Paradise Island only for business.

Please take us to see the Queen.

She agrees, and then they can stay, right?”

Phillips The general nodded and summoned a horse,”Okay, let’s set off to the palace. If Her Majesty the Queen agrees, I will naturally not hinder you anymore. It’s my duty. Sorry!” After saying that, he got on his horse and turned around, looking cool and elegant. Lead the way, well, the people here are all ladies. If you want cute girls, you’ve probably come to the wrong place. If you go to an island country now, well, you may still encounter them!

“Mother, they are friends I met in the outside world. This one is Kara, a Kryptonian, and this one is Kathrina, the daughter of Ares.”Diana introduced two new friends to her mother in the palace, because they could fight her happily without having to hide their strength. This is the most refreshing thing for a warrior.

“Kryptonian? What, the daughter of Ares!

Diana, how could you bring your enemies to Paradise Island!

Guards, take this guy down for me!

“Queen Hippolyta was very nervous at first, because she saw her baby daughter returning safely.

But after hearing that she was the daughter of Ares, her expression immediately changed.

She just shouted like this, and no guards were seen.

If there was any movement, I could only see Jiang Yifu smiling mischievously.

“Stop shouting, we are in the mirror space now.

Here they will not hear what you say or see your movements, they can only see The image of us looking at each other.

Listen carefully, Ares has already left the atrium.

Without the consent of my teacher Ancient One, he would not dare to step into the atrium again!

Besides, Kathrina is my wife, and I won’t let her get hurt at all!

I hope you understand this!

“snort! Damn it, how dare you talk to me like that! Damn it, Diana, you haven’t taken down this woman yet!”Queen Hippolyta is usually aloof. Except for Zeus, whom she has not seen for thousands of years, she really doesn’t take anyone seriously. Now that she is being contradicted, she must be extremely annoyed.

Diana is helpless. Said,”Mother, Kathrina is not an enemy, she is our sister. She also has Amazon blood in her body, and her mother was also an Amazon warrior before!”

Queen Hippolyta actually calmed down a little. She looked at Kathrina suspiciously, as if she seemed a little familiar. Isn’t this the daughter of her former friend Lin Yelu?”Humph, in that case, but she is Ares. Who knows if my daughter will suddenly end up on Paradise Island? No, still not!”

Kathrina was a little angry. Why is this old woman so unreasonable? Jiang Yifu stopped his impulsive wife and said with a sneer,”You don’t need to worry about this. I can guarantee that she will never attack. Paradise Island, as long as you don’t embarrass her, she won’t go against you. Don’t you still believe what I said? Do you want me to talk to Zeus personally about him?”There is something behind the words. As for what it is, of course it refers to the cuckold on Zeus’ head!

“you! Humph, forget it, in that case she can stay! And this girl from Krypton, don’t make trouble on Paradise Island. Also, Jiang Yifu, this is not your back garden. You don’t want to bring everyone to Paradise Island. It’s best not to have other men appear, otherwise I will kill It’s yours!”Queen Hippolyta snorted angrily and sat on the throne angrily. She was obviously unhappy at being threatened by the other party. This is really undignified!

“Thank you, mother. Don’t worry, they are my friends and nothing will go wrong.”She smiled happily. Although she has lived on the paradise island for thousands of years, the other sisters regarded her as a princess, not a friend. Only Aunt Antiope was considered a teacher and a friend, so she could be friends with her. Diana must have been very happy to see other friends, and of course she didn’t want her mother to conflict with her friends.

“Diana, please take Kathrina and Carla around Paradise Island together. I also need to check the information. Here, this is a flight backpack. You know how to use it. Take it. It’s enough for you to fly all day! Have fun, Paradise Island is a very beautiful paradise!”Jiang Yifu dissolved the dimensional space and took out the flight backpack from the storage space and handed it over. This thing is simply a must-have for travel.

Diana happily took the flight backpack, and she and Kathrina were alone. One, but Kara doesn’t need it, because she can fly. She has standard general genes. If she can’t fly, wouldn’t it be ridiculous!

After the three women went out, Jiang Yifu walked up to the throne with a wicked smile. , and Queen Hippolyta couldn’t help but retreat step by step in fear, sitting on the throne, a little afraid to look at each other, her voice was full of expectation and a little panic,”What are you doing, don’t Come on, there are others here, I am the Queen, you can’t be rude to me, I am Diana’s mother!”

Jiang Yifu didn’t panic at all, he looked like a big bad wolf,” Haha, just scream, no one will hear you even if you scream loudly. This is a dimensional mirror space. Only you and I are here, even Zeus can’t find it! Don’t worry, it was the same once and twice. Stop pretending. We are in the same boat. Just accept your fate and take me to your archives later!”

Queen Hippolyta bit her red lips lightly, a trace of shame and anger flashed in her eyes. This guy is getting more and more hateful, and he’s pushing his limits! But why doesn’t she have any resistance in her heart, and she still has some expectations! Hippolyta Ah, you are the queen of the Amazons, be more reserved!

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