Jiang Yifu’s pretense behavior is undoubtedly more eye-catching. You can eat whatever you want, and even fly in mid-air to eat it, for fear that others won’t know. Don’t go too far with the pretense. The most important thing is that look. The expression on my face while watching the show is like watching two monkeys fighting!

I’m sorry, but the duel between these two men was both brutal and exciting. But Jiang Yifu really didn’t take it seriously. She was much weaker than his wife, and even compared to the female agents in the red room, she was not far behind. Those female agents will go out to perform missions, or serve as assassins. Their combat ability is definitely not weak. Coupled with the improvement of the ancient trials, their potential is greater and easier to explore.

Twenty minutes later, the so-called Hercules was beaten so hard that he couldn’t hold his head up. The guy opposite him was simply a monster, without any weaknesses. If he punched him once, he would be punched twice. The other person was fine, but he almost vomited blood. Okay, how the hell do you play this!

Boom! Hercules Kleus pulled away some distance and thought of the Kryptonian’s weakness of being afraid of magic, so he threw a fireball, hoping to use magic to defeat the opponent.

I just didn’t expect General Zod to rush towards the fireball without dodging. A fist as big as a sandbag roughly smashed the fireball into pieces. A burst of magic shield appeared on the outside, and then he continued unabated. He rushed over and knocked the astonished Hercules Kles away. At the same time, he also caught up with a set of killing moves in the air!

By the time he landed, Hercules Kles had been beaten so hard that he couldn’t even stand up! At this time, General Zod said arrogantly,”Humph, you are a very good warrior. If you were on the battlefield, you would be dead by now! Don’t underestimate the strength of our Kryptonian warriors. When it comes to fighting, we have never I’m afraid!”

Hercules Kleus was still unconvinced at first, but after hearing what the other party said, he admitted defeat generously. Indeed, if it was a life-and-death duel on the battlefield, it would indeed be him who died. The other party did not know how long he had lived, but he had more combat experience than himself. The Kryptonian indeed had two toilet brushes.”I lost, you are strong. But I won’t lose to you next time!”

“Wow! What, Hercules lost! Are you playing match-fixing?”

“Really, a guy who looks so big actually lost. Damn, I don’t want such embroidery!”

“Are Kryptonians that powerful?”

Everyone was talking a lot.

Zeus, who was sitting on the throne, could clearly see the duel between the two.

After a while of whispering, someone stood up to challenge again, this time to challenge four other Kryptonian warriors.

The ending was not suspenseful.

, three Kryptonian warriors crushed each other and won the battle completely.

Only one Kryptonian warrior took longer and fought a little more anxiously, but still won in the end.

Five people fought five duels, and all It was a complete victory!

This made the Olympians below a little uneasy.

They were defeated at home and had no dignity whatsoever.

Looking at the messy situation below, Zeus took a look and was still floating in the air. Jiang Yifu, who was drinking fat house water and eating popcorn, looked a little unhappy,”That’s enough, be quiet! I didn’t expect that the long-destroyed Krypton still has such remnants, which is great. Zod, are you willing to join the Holy Legion and serve Olympus?”

How could Zod, a general who wanted to regain Krypton, agree? He refused without thinking.”I never thought about it. Our joining is only temporary. If you want to fight, we can help you. The army of Apokolips, we will fight no less, there is nothing great about it. We need a new settlement. In the future, we will restore the Kryptonian Empire and will not stay in Olympus, so we will not join!”

Zeus was a little unhappy.

He didn’t want to think about it.

Why should he want others to work for him? He is such a bad old man.

He glanced at his beautiful wife hesitantly.

When he saw her nodding slightly, he knew that the other party wanted to keep these people.

He became cannon fodder.

So he cleared his throat and said,”Well, as the God King, I am not arbitrary.

Since you want to regain Krypton, I can give you a temporary place to live.

This requires you to exchange for your merits on the battlefield.

Since you are a warrior, then exchange for everything you need on the battlefield!

“Well, thank you, respected God King!”Zod suddenly said words of thanks at this time, which was a bit unexpected. Ahem, he is upright, but he is not an idiot. He said it as if others don’t understand the world at all. Not being able to beat around the bush does not mean that you are brainless. ah!

“Okay, now that you’ve all settled, let’s talk about our affairs. You have also seen General Zod’s strength. He can definitely withstand Darkseid’s Dark Elite on the battlefield. This ally is definitely worth every penny, so what do I get in return?”Jiang Yifu started to ask for his reward. Doing good deeds without leaving a name? That doesn’t exist. Thank you. There must be that kind of good person with great personality and quality in the world, but it will definitely not be him!

“In this case, we also want to form an alliance with the Supreme Mage. Regarding your remuneration, let us think about it and give you an answer in a few days. During this time, the Supreme Mage can walk around Olympus and see more of the Olympus. The strength of Limpis.”Zeus rarely said something more tactful, but he just didn’t know what he was planning!

“Supreme Mage, please don’t get me wrong.

Gifts must be carefully prepared, otherwise giving them out in a hurry will appear very insincere.

This is also the good intention of the God King.

The Supreme Mage has come a long way and hasn’t had a good rest yet.

He can walk around Olympus in the past few days.

Maybe something good will happen.

If you need a guide, I can be your guide!

“The beautiful and dignified Queen Hera said calmly, with a graceful manner, full of Queen aura, and her words were very appropriate, making it hard for people to find anything wrong with her.

Hey, you are actually slowing down the attack! Jiang Yifu is not afraid of being cheated by the other party. Anyway, he has to decide the reward, otherwise don’t blame him for causing any trouble in Olympus. I’m really worried. I have to give it to Zeus. I must forgive him for wearing the hat.

“Okay, no problem, since the Queen of Heaven has said so. I will definitely not refuse. I am looking forward to the good news that the King of God will bring to me. I have also longed for Olympus for a long time. Since the queen has said that she will be a tour guide herself, I will trouble you in the next few days before the news comes!”Jiang Yifu agreed directly. This was delivered to the door by the other party himself, so don’t blame him!

Hera was also stunned for a while. She was just being polite. Then she would just send someone over to send him away. She didn’t expect the other party to be like this. Geng Zhi agreed directly. You don’t know what modesty is! You are so shameless. Do you know how to deal with the world, little brother!”Okay, in the next few days, I will introduce our Austrian society to the Supreme Mage.” The beautiful scenery of Limpis!”

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