Ares said contemptuously,”Who told you that the Kiritans follow Thanos? Oh, no wonder, your Atrium is so backward in information. It’s normal. Since you asked about it, then I Let me explain it to you. The Kiritans are divided into two factions. One side follows Apokolips to fight together and share the spoils, and the other side follows Titan. And the current leader of Titan is Thanos. You say that. That’s half right.”

Jiang Yifu belongs to Mombi. When did the Kirita people split into two factions, one followed Darkseid from Apokolips, and the other followed Thanos from Titan. Well, okay, actually, when I think about the fact that Deathstroke and Deadpool are two brothers, I feel a lot easier to accept it.

“Kiritans, this is fine, but what good does it do to me?”Jiang Yifu did not refuse.

The key is that the Kirita people are not too strong at all.

The main reason is that they have too many numbers and their technology is pretty good.

They are excellent vanguards in the invasion of legion battles.

I think.

When the Women’s Federation fought, it directly destroyed an urban area in the Evernight City.

Speaking of destructive power, it was really as powerful as two toilet brushes.

Ahem, isn’t there Hulk’s credit for this?

“What benefit do you want? Ares calmly picked up the wine glass and drank a glass of wine, as if like a professional businessman, he was ready to bargain.

“I don’t know, there’s nothing I want.”Jiang Yifu really doesn’t need anything special. Speaking of infinite gems, Olympus doesn’t have them either. His wife Gu Yi still has a time gem that he hasn’t researched. Besides, he doesn’t even know about the time gem after researching it. How long will it take? Next, we have to analyze the Mother Box that is stored in Paradise Island and is guarded by the Amazons. As the man of Amazon Queen Hippolyta, I have no problem at all studying it.

“Haha, in this case, if I become the God King, then I will give you Hestia, the goddess of family, and Artemis, the goddess of hunting. How is this remuneration? Are you very satisfied? Ares said with a smile. Women are really just tools for him. Use whatever you can use.

Jiang Yifu was a little excited for a moment. Two goddesses who retained their first blood! But very He soon woke up. Although the goddess is good, she is not that easy to conquer. Besides, is Ares that honest?”This is too expensive. You don’t want to give it to me after you finish playing with it.” Well, ahem, I don’t accept rags.”

Jiang Yifu is right about this. He is not interested in being an honest person who takes over the business. He doesn’t want ruined flowers and willows. Of course, if they are just lovers, then there is no problem. It doesn’t matter if it’s a one-night relationship. But the wife must be an innocent woman. As the saying goes, the prettier the girlfriend is, the better, and the more beautiful the wife is. The more virtuous the better!

“You think too much, I, Ares, don’t even bother to do such a thing! Don’t speculate with those malicious thoughts, I’m different from you people from the Middle Court who have scheming thoughts! Ares said proudly, or rather with disdain. When he was strong, he would naturally look down on these despicable ways, but if his strength became weak, he would use strategies to supplement it. To put it simply, Just depends on my mood

“If it’s the two of them, that’s not bad, but I’m curious, is it necessary to pay so much for just one Kirita? Artemis is very good at fighting, but Hestia doesn’t know that. Are you sure you can make them both obey?”Jiang Yifu asked curiously. If Zeus said this, he would probably believe it a little, but as for Ares, he must have reservations. Strength determines the weight and credibility of words!

“After I take the position of God King, I will naturally have a way to make them obey orders. Olympus only needs one voice, not those who don’t listen! It’s the same for everyone. Since Athena married you, she must have told you about the shortcomings of Olympus! Ares suddenly changed his tune and said something strange.

Jiang Yifei nodded and said,”Yes, Athena did say that, and she also said that it was very fortunate to be able to escape the management of Olympus.” you know too?”He doesn’t know much about Olympus. Ahem, it should be said that he doesn’t know much about the men there. According to his behavior, he must be studying women, unless it is necessary, such as a bitter enemy. Only then will he study how to beat the opponent severely!

“Break and then stand!

I strongly agree with this, even if I don’t say it explicitly, I know it.

In fact, Kathrina had a chance to return to Olympus, but I didn’t let her go back.

Do you know why? It’s because I don’t want the decadent atmosphere there to affect her.

The daughter of the God of War should not stay in those places, she should stay on the battlefield!

Ivor, help me get rid of the corrupt existence in Olympus, and I will definitely restore the glory of Olympus!

Ares suddenly stood up and said with great pride.

Only at this moment did he reveal his goal.

As for whether it is true or not, I don’t know.

Anyway, Jiang Yifu’s absolute credibility is only average.

The deeper you understand this world, you will find that the characters here all have unique personalities, and they are all real existences of flesh and blood, not just passers-by who can walk.

This can be seen from the great devil Hela.

It’s obvious that such an extreme woman didn’t just obediently prepare herself to have a baby at home!

Well, Mad, such a serious topic, why did it feel like it went off the rails at the last sentence?

“If that’s the case, I’m with you.

But I’m very busy, so call me if you need it.

As for the mother box, hey, let’s wait until I finish researching it.

Since Apokolips can use the Mother Box to destroy a world, it must be extremely powerful, able to destroy as well as create!

Have you really never tried it?”When Jiang Yifu said this, he thought of Cyborg in Justice League, the existence similar to Iron Man.

Well, actually they are almost the same, except that one is a normal person and the other is a cyborg.

“Listen, Ivor, the Mother Box is definitely not a good thing.

That thing will only bring destruction.

Countless people have tried it, but in the end they died, and the entire planet was destroyed.

Also, be sure not to let the three mother boxes come together again.

Even if there is a so-called magic sanctuary, it will not be able to withstand the impact of destruction!

“Ares gave a very serious warning.

It could be seen that he had indeed seen people who wanted to use this kind of treasure before.

The result was just like using the power gem, turning it into ashes and death!

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