“Did Silence meet with Bolivar of Trask Industries recently?”Jiang Yifu asked directly. He didn’t want to waste time. He should ask the question clearly first and then talk.

“They did meet the day before yesterday, and they seemed to have reached an agreement. I don’t know exactly what it was. Now I just want to take care of Xiaona and grow up. I don’t care much about anything else. What’s wrong, is he going to deal with you?”Corena asked with some concern. She didn’t want anything to happen to Jiang Yifu. She couldn’t say how much she loved her, but she just didn’t want her daughter Xiaona to lose her biological father.

Well, in fact, she really thought too much.

Can There must be people who killed Jiang Yifu, but they really don’t exist in the atrium.

The consequence of overturning may be to be sealed for a period of time, like the pharaoh Apocalypse of the ancient Egyptian dynasty and the vampire king Dracula.

But Jiang Yifu and They are different.

The two of them are single.

But I have several wives who are super capable, so I don’t need to worry at all.

Every wife is a first-rate superhero.

This kind of feeling is like eating soft pussy.

It’s really super cool!

“Oh, then be careful. If anything happens, go to this address to find them. That is one of my strongholds in Gotham. They will send you to a safe place safely. By the way, you have to pay attention to what you eat and drink. Gotham isn’t going to be very peaceful these days! Have you missed me lately?”Jiang Yifu said with a naughty smile after he finished talking about the business.

Colena is already the mother of a child. How could a mature lady not know what a man is thinking? She was a little shy and a little angry and said angrily,” No, you should leave quickly. It would be bad if someone finds you out too late.”

Two hours later, Jiang Yifu left the mansion.

He did not use teleportation magic directly.

Instead, he used flying magic, preparing to observe where the attacker was tonight.

As a result, he happened to see Silence coming back in the car.

That guy It seemed that he had taken some advantage, and he was laughing so hard that he almost went crazy.

It was just that the forgiveness hat was invisible on the top of his head, and it was so dazzling.

Well, if you want to have more in life, how can you not have some of that!

All the way from Brother Flying over the sky, Gotham City at night is sinful, but it is relatively orderly, but it doesn’t look very moral. For example, spitting, graffiti on public objects, etc. The slums are more It was in a mess, and it looked even worse.

Suddenly, I saw an agile figure jumping all the way from the edge of the rich area in the distance, jumping on the uneven floors, as if walking on flat ground, with a baggage on its back. He was dressed like an ancient assassin, wearing a night suit. What’s interesting is that he actually had two cat-like ornaments on his head. This is serious, so why add a cute element to it?

Soon this agile figure jumped over from a distance, shuttled flexibly, and the steps were very light when landing. It seemed that it had been processed with special skills and did not make any sound. He was humming a little tune, obviously very happy. Jump She jumped to a dilapidated house, as if this was her base.

There was a woman in the house who was also dressed in night clothes.

The woman looked more mature, about twenty-seven or twenty-seven years old, with a chocolate-like face.

Skin, the most important thing is the potential to be a bit of a football champion.

Well, Jiang Yifu was attracted, he felt a bit familiar, and realized that this woman was not the one who rushed into the truck to collect information in the transport convoy attack case tonight.

A woman? Why does she appear here? And why does another woman dressed like a cat feel so like Catwoman? There is a bit of a strange feeling here, a bit of an illusion of time being disrupted!

Yes, it is time being disrupted! Jiang Yi Fu has the original ability of the Time Stone, and he does feel a little sense of time confusion, which seems to be due to changes in certain time periods. This makes him feel very confused and curious, but no one can ask , it is better to resolve the matter at hand first, and then find a way to contact your future super invincible wife Nemesis, the goddess of revenge!

“Master, I’m back. This time I took a necklace from the Kane family. This necklace was handed down from the last century. It is very valuable. With these necklaces, we can exchange money to help those orphans.!”The woman’s voice is clear and pleasant. Looking closely, she is wearing bright lipstick and fair skin. She is also very tall and has a strange beauty!

“Well, you’ve succeeded, you’ve learned well. You are also eligible to join the Order of Saint Dumas, an organization dedicated to improving the evil in Gotham, you can join! Selena!”The black pearl ball king beauty said coldly, as if she was born this way.

At this time, Jiang Yifu felt that something had happened! Catwoman Selena! There is no other beautiful scenery in The Dark Knight Rises. But Catwoman is obviously not Why do characters from this time period appear? How strange! This problem must be solved, otherwise other more incredible things may happen in the future

“Master, I think the so-called organization is actually a lie. There is no way Gotham City can be saved. The rot here can no longer be easily reversed. I don’t want to get involved in these things. I just want to make money and feed those poor helpless people.”Catwoman Selina said softly, seeming to have realized that Gotham City is not easy to mess with, and she didn’t want to wade into this muddy water at all.

Sister Black Pearl smiled sarcastically,”What do you think everything about you is? It was the organization that trained you, and those so-called orphans you take care of every day are actually talents that the organization is cultivating, just like you.

You are too naive.

If you are not cruel, you will not be able to achieve great things.

Look at those big families, which one is not stepping on others.

Selina, you are my most outstanding disciple.

I don’t want to waste your talent.

You may surrender to us or die.

The power of the Saint Dumas regiment is not something you can resist!

Catwoman Selina seemed to be looking at the surrounding environment, as if she might run away at any time. She was looking for the best running route. Under the premise that she couldn’t agree to it and couldn’t win, running away was the best option. Good choice

“Look no further, this place is blocked, you must surrender or die. Selena, without the protection of the organization, you would have died long ago, no different from those women standing on the street. Don’t struggle, let’s purify this sinful city together!”The Black Pearl King said loudly, seemingly a little fanatical, well, lunatics with ideals are always the most terrifying!

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