This sentence almost made Jiang Yifu laugh. Sorry, not many people can escape his plan. Well, I should say it’s a woman. As for if this woman is really Catwoman, I will have to wait and see what went wrong, because normally, Catwoman is definitely not a person who appeared in this time period, so what exactly is the problem? , we must find out and solve it, otherwise various unpredictable disasters are likely to occur in the future!

“Then what is the name of this beauty? There is no need to say a fake name. That would be meaningless. If you do this to someone who saved your life, then I guess you will really be caught by them next time.”Jiang Yifu said lightly, while still drinking wine. I have to say that the 100-year-old wine made by cheating with time ability is so delicious that he can become a millionaire just by selling wine in the future.!

“Selina Kyle! This is my name, I don’t know if it is accurate, but I only remember this name. If you have anything to ask, feel free to ask, provided I can answer it!”Catwoman Selina tapped her wine glass, still seeming obsessed with the reality of her mentor’s darkening, and whether everything she did was right or wrong.

“What a nice name. Who was that woman who was talking to you before?”Jiang Yifu continued to add a glass of wine to the other party, while asking Meisha to collect information from the database to see the true identity of this catwoman.

“Generally speaking, that was my previous mentor, named Tabitha, who was a very skilled fighter.

I don’t know exactly what she did.

I don’t know anything now.

I’m a mess and I want some peace and quiet!

“Selena cried a little helplessly.

It was really sad to be betrayed by the person closest to her.

At this time, Meisha quickly sent the news,”Master, this girl’s name is Selena.

·Kyle was not wrong.

At the same time, she had more than ten theft arrests on file.

He is an orphan, and his specific parents are no longer known.

He started stealing items some time ago, about five years ago.

But one thing that is very strange is that five years ago, my records showed that there was no such woman.

This is very strange, Master, so I am telling you here!

Sure enough! There is a problem here, a time disorder problem! Perhaps this is the result of abusing time magic, which leads to changes in the timeline. No wonder every time The Flash appears, he travels through various parallel worlds and then travels back and forth. As a result, there were more and more problems, and finally I just restarted. Damn it, time is really something you can’t play with, something will happen if you move it!

“I understand. You should take a rest first. If there is any problem, I will come back to you!”Jiang Yifu said subconsciously, and then seemed to think that Meisha is not an ordinary person. This is artificial intelligence and does not need to rest.

“Hee hee, thank you Master, but Misa doesn’t need to rest, Misa just needs to stay with Master.”Meisha’s sister’s voice came, still so gentle, still so nice.

“It’s okay, just know the name. I will investigate what happens next. By the way, do you have a place to live? Do you need me to find you a place to stay? If you can handle it yourself, you don’t need me.”Jiang Yifu didn’t take advantage of others. It would be too bad to take advantage of others at this time. Chasing girls requires at least some patience and skills.

“You don’t need to worry about this.

I will solve it myself.

Thank you for the wine.

If you don’t mind, I’ll take this bottle of wine.

It’s really good.

You are also very nice.

I look forward to seeing you next time, little handsome guy!

“Selena is worthy of being a Catwoman.

She quickly recovered her emotions, picked up the bottle and waved it, and then quickly jumped out of the window and disappeared into the dark night.

She disappeared in the blink of an eye.

She is truly a professional.

The master thief…

closed his eyes, Jiang Yifu began to condense his magic power, and used the magic power as the source to guide the blue power of space and the dark green power of time.

Three different powers rotated on his fingertips.

Among them, orange and red The magic power has been integrated with the blue power of space, while the power of time is still rotating quietly, changing from dark green to light white from time to time, and it is impossible to tell which one is the real state.

“Is Nemesis here? Is your wife here? Your husband has something to do with you. Don’t sleep!”Jiang Yifu started shouting with his mental power. Anyway, he shouted casually. As for whether he can be heard, it depends on God’s will!

One minute passed, and there seemed to be no response. Two minutes passed. Isn’t this method a bit wrong? Reliable! Five minutes passed, and Jiang Yifu said that he was a little messy in the wind. Ten minutes passed, and there was still no response. At this time, Jiang Yifu couldn’t help but want to say dirty words!

A nice and charming female voice said with There was a hint of laziness in the tone,”Oh, what’s your name? You’re so annoying. I just fell asleep and you woke me up again. Bastard, do you want to be beaten!””

Finally, I came out. Jiang Yifu didn’t shout from the air like a fool. It was really a blessing in misfortune.”No, don’t be angry, wife, I’m not looking for you to do anything. Who told you to be? Here is a great beauty who is loved by everyone and blooms with flowers.”

Nemesis, the goddess of vengeance, obviously felt much better after hearing the praise, and she still hummed a little arrogantly,”I am not that easy to deceive. Also, mortals, don’t always think about blaspheming the great goddess. I forgive you this time. There won’t be a next time. Do you understand? Tell me, what is it? You have so many things going on all day long. Are you always so stupid?”

Well, this woman is really uncomfortable if she doesn’t ridicule her for a day. What kind of goddess of revenge? Sooner or later, marry her home and let her know what the three obediences and four virtues are! But now, before you have the strength, you should give it a scare. , this is not shameful, this is called a strategic retreat! Well, that’s right, a strategic retreat!

“Well, I discovered that there have been some time fluctuations recently, causing some characters that originally appeared in the future to appear in the present. And there are other weird time issues, what’s the reason?”Jiang Yifu is now just like a good student who studies with an open mind.

“Haha, I was laughing so hard. Well, sorry, I didn’t pay attention just now. I was watching a superhero movie produced by your company. It’s so interesting. You mortals have so much fun and you really know how to play. Oh, it’s a two-hour video. Wait, what is the director’s cut? This one seems to be longer!”The voice of Nemesis came, but it didn’t seem so reliable. Is this goddess of revenge real? I’m afraid I met a fake goddess!

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