Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 234 Build a new type of computer!

The war in Europe is still spreading. Ares, who instigated the war, and Red Skull and his party, who are looking for the treasure left in this world by Norse Mythology the King of God Odin

Jiang Yifu's life has returned to peace. Anyway, after the war, it must not break out so soon, at least he has to gather and prepare supplies again. Between Finland and the Soviet Union

The tug-of-war was launched. The Soviet Union could not fight for a while, and Finland did not have the strength to counterattack for the time being. So where is the stalemate?

And a large number of English soldiers entered the Maginot Line, ready to break the myth that Nazi fascism could not be defeated, so that the fiasco 20 years ago was sent again.

To the nasty Nazis!

Both sides have piled up tens of thousands of troops on the border, and every day you can see the Nazi scouts and officers gesturing and seeming to plan how to attack the Maginot Line.

And the French "683" soldiers in the Maginot line don't care, anyway, if you don't come, I won't go out, you are looking at the scenery, then I will smoke and coffee here, see who consumes

Who has passed! In such a cold weather, is it so cool to drink the northwest wind outside?

The Ministry could not fight, and the Netherlands and Denmark, which had been occupied, were left alone. Although the news is called butchers, criminals who destroy peace and so on, but

The Anglo-French coalition was just hiding in the Maginot Line, playing poker, fighting landlords, frying golden flowers, smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee, and lived a wonderful life.

None of this is about Jiang Yifu, just working on his own computer in the lab. Now the Xp system has been developed, it is not very mature,

still needs improvement

The frame is also a little rough, just like a house that has not been renovated yet. It can be used, but the effect is not so good.

Now that the system has been completed, the next step is to develop programs and software, programs with various functions to perform various tasks. E.g

Charting function, and Notepad function

The drawing function can be used to design patterns and various design drawings. If you are lucky, you can also develop a panoramic (3D) function, which is much more convenient than drawing on white paper.

Notepad is very useful. It can be used to code words, etc. What the hell is a code word! Ahem, it can be used to record various information, and it is convenient and quick to store.

This is a very meaningful embracing project, at least a milestone in realizing paperless office and reducing pollution!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yifu feels like his head is about to burst. Well, it is really difficult to make a computer from scratch. There is nothing, let alone the so-called

Artificial intelligence, such a distant dream is really far away!

He took out the body of the demon general from the storage space, Jiang Yifu beat the other party, vented his depressed mood, took a deep breath, and continued to work on the computer program.

in the development process.

"Well, linear signal, ripple signal, up and down, left and right, BABA, uh, I seem to have made a mistake, this is not playing Contra!" Jiang Yifu snapped his fingers,

The red magic power dissipated from the air.

The coffee powder placed on the table will automatically fly into the air, and a small water polo condenses in the air. The coffee powder is injected into it and soon becomes a brown water polo.

A group of orange-red flames appeared in mid-air, wrapping the coffee water polo inside, constantly roasting, poking, and heating. It didn't stop until the water polo started to boil.

The hot, high-temperature coffee water ball kept rolling in the air, and finally it was accurately foamed into the mug, which was just about five-sixths of the size of the cup.

This scene is amazingly finished! It's amazing, it's amazing!

Jiang Yifu took a sip of the coffee stick,

"Well, the coffee brewed like this is really fragrant! What is this called, it's already called Feitian coffee! Well, the coffee that can fly

Straight Thief Gil is delicious! ’

Slap, another snap of fingers, next to the coffee powder is a flour bag, the flour has been concocted and turned into fragrant toast under the action of magic! -

-ton is not bad

The afternoon tea was born! The taste is not bad, delicious and delicious, alas, magician is really comfortable, a must-have life skill for lazy people!

As magic is used more and more

, Jiang Yifu's control over magic is also getting stronger and stronger. Magic power controls various materials to float in mid-air, and the mental power is highly concentrated

Process different materials. Heat to melt, cool to solidify. Various parts that originally required fine instruments and technology to be produced are under the control of magic,

Dao Dao's incredible process, the final molding and solidification into high-tech materials,

Very basic conductor, carbon Moxi material! Well, coupled with the high temperature melting,

, the protective capacitor melts into the golden rhino liquid, plus graphite, so that it should be able to form a brand new hard disk

Come on! " Jiang Yifu recorded his own process steps on the computer, and the other side was refining it with magic power.

To build a computer that is small, heavy and fast, more advanced materials are necessary.

These materials cannot be made at all in this era, but any

Only fine instruments can be made, and they were slowly invented after World War II. If it was in the past, it would be very unbelievable to be able to make a computer.

Twenty years earlier!

In addition to software, hardware is also very important that restricts the speed of the computer. Just like in the initial D, no matter how good the old drivers of 86 are, they are not as good as the engine.

A super fast sports car. Therefore, to improve the computing efficiency, we still need to work hard on the parts.

Jiang Yifu constantly records various data on the notepad, while the surrounding materials are suspended in mid-air eerily, it seems that a pair of invisible hands are holding these materials

Very futuristic high-tech feeling,

, even a little scary!

High temperature treatment, or inlay or join.

But it looks very weird,

Because it is too weird and unacceptable, it is too unscientific! Fortunately, the laboratory is closed,

There is an indicator light outside, if it is on, it means the experiment

Someone at home,

This is also a reminder that if someone is looking for it outside,

Don't wait for a long time to do 0.5 blinds,

If there is no light, there is no one,

know clearly

results in the laboratory

There was no one at all.

With the first experience of assembling a computer, from the construction of each part to the assembly, Jiang Yifu completed it by himself. So the speed of assembly again becomes very fast

In just three days, the first big brick computer from the 1990s was designed. The host shrunk down to about the same file size as a modern host. The display is used

It is composed of the best colored two-throw tubes, and in front of the house screen there is a yangli house with blue light, which is used to relieve excessive eye fatigue!

"Roar, if that's the case, it should be done! Well, it seems like something is missing! Oh, yes, the system!" Jiang Yifu seemed to remember something, and used the telephone line to connect the two computers

Make the connection and copy the XP system to the new computer!

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