Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 283 Research and development of environmental improvement devices!

After spending a day in the castle with the pregnant Syndra, Jiang Yifu was free to escape, hey, a pregnant woman is trouble, er, why is there a strong sour smell of showing off?

taste! The kidneys are good! Sorrv! The kidneys are really good!

After all, both of them are magicians! what is magician

There is a Santa Nona housekeeper in Chengbao who is taking care of it, so there is no need to worry.

. You don't have to do it yourself,

eating tableware

Just throw it, cast a magic and wash the dishes automatically,

, is simply a big slacker in life! Uh, speaking of magician, there are really not many people who wash and cook by themselves.

If you do it yourself, you will be embarrassed to tell others that you are a magician when you go out! I've never seen such a bitter magician, little brother,

You must be a fake magician!

The RV has been driven out by Sera,

, took a few pregnant women to go for a ride, after the shock absorption of the pneumatic tires, the second shock absorption of the shock absorber, the third time passed to the '

There is almost no vibration at all.

Seventy-two" waterbed,

Even pregnant women can ride easily.

The first-class air conditioning also makes the cabin not look dull.

point to point

It's a great car!

If it weren't for the pregnant wives, Jiang Yifu wouldn't have designed these outdated handovers! Well, yes, it is backward! -

One that doesn't move is flying,


It's the guy who opened the portal and left,

, must not despise such a backward tool as a car. Well, just laughing at those kidney-deficiency guys with titanium kidney subscription readers-

Back in the lab, Jiang Yifu rarely sat on the boss chair,

eating coffee

, the orange-red magic forms a gorgeous pattern

The waste residue is taken out from the storage space and placed on the laboratory table,

Use a microscope and magnifying glass to observe

Waste, wastewater, waste collected at Stark Group and Wayne Enterprises

just need

If you want to solve these wastes, you must first understand the structural molecules of the wastes, and remove them through the corresponding chemical equations. For example, if you cut a knife,

It's like taking a band-aid to stop the bleeding. Just use the easiest way to solve the problem.

, although the speed is a little slower, but the effect is still good!

Water and wine are naturally under the microscope,

Jiang Yifu watched carefully, recording relevant data from time to time, um,

It's back to the feeling of doing experiments before.

Capture the beauty of Atlanna,

You need to get the friendship of Atlantis first.

Otherwise, in addition to eloping and being hunted down,

There is no other good ending.

Molecular structure, hydrogen oxide effect,

chemical formula. Record the chemical equations one by one in the second-generation computer, then perform calculations, and finally convert the chemical molecules that come out

to combine. The final equation seems to be a little bit different from the theoretical one!

Jiang Yifu felt a look of disgust on his face,

, what the hell! It is completely unthought of elements, and the conclusions that come out seem to be completely inapplicable. Well, this is simply

- A person with a high fever of 48 degrees plus childhood numbness and late-stage secondary narcissism,

element does not exist.

, simply take cold medicine and other psychiatric drugs

as incurable.

When several elements are mixed together, it becomes difficult to separate. In short, this method is not suitable for use

After working for two hours and calculating a large amount of data, it turned out to be a complete waste of expressions! It's so frustrating! Jiang Yifu tried to calm himself down and rushed-

A cup of coffee for myself,

, a free refill, another drink.

. The brain is running fast, thinking about how to rectify the thinking.

After thinking about it, I seem to have no clue! I opened the portal a little annoyed, came to Latovonia, and pulled a few female warriors to toss!

Two hours later, Jiang Yifu was back in the lab again, this time less annoyed. Think about it,

Get started right away. Use the magic to control the metal plate and start building one

A sealed metal can, constructed below -

- A metal pool into which waste and waste water and all kinds of garbage are thrown.

With the help of magic, it was all done in less than twenty minutes. Then start to cast screen fire magic

, burn the metal pool, and burn the waste water in it until it boils

The high temperature converts the toxic substances in it into gas, and the rest is the clean water source and various wastes. The gas is extracted, and the purified water is also extracted.

The waste continued to be stabbed and burned. When the temperature reached 3,000 degrees, all the waste turned into residue and was completely scrapped!

Jiang Yifu looked at the debris in front of him and thought quietly. Water can be purified, but garbage cannot. Garbage I remember that the little devils of the island country used to reclaim the sea to make land


Um! and many more! Land reclamation! If this is promoted in Atlantis, their legs will definitely be broken. The sea is their home. How can they demolish their own house and give it to others/

Even a saint can't do it!

But garbage is not used to fill in, um, is it used as a material? Construction material? Well, can it be done! Huh, but if it is converted into dyes or some additives

It seems that the effect is not bad, anyway, it is not used to make burgers!

Jiang Yifu suddenly realized that it seemed like a new idea had opened up! That's right, if you can't purify it, then use it separately! That's stupid, why didn't it come sooner?

Here we go!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yifu was excited, hey, he really is a genius.

- I figured it out at once! Hey, the beauty of Atlantis, I thought of countless golden lights

The brilliant Franklin note waved to him again,

, the motivation to work is full

For two days in a row, I stayed busy in the laboratory, and finally made a waste collection device, which can be placed in the seriously polluted sea inlet, and it will automatically collect with the water flow.

The garbage floating on the sea is collected, and when the garbage reaches a certain level, it is pulled to the land for waste recycling.

To say how good this thing is is a lie

It's just pretending. billions of people polluting

deal with it personally? I'm afraid it's a dream!

- a powerful demon

On a paradise island in the Atlantic Ocean, Antiope is telling his sister, Queen Hippolyce, about Ares. "I found one among men

magician, he can teleport in an exotic dimension,

. And he is also the husband of Syndra, the princess of the lost kingdom, so he can be trusted. At that time, if the discharge

The strength is very strong.

In Anna's words, the two of them will definitely be able to kill Ares!

"No, we don't have the right to execute the gods of Olympus! The latest decree of the god king 0.5 is to escort Ares back to Olympus, and I can't send Diana, this kind of

It's too dangerous, she's not ready! "The Queen of the Hippoly Opera said proudly. As for her daughter, she will never back down. She really doesn't want her daughter Diana to face the

Ares, the old fox with extremely rich combat experience, this will kill her!

Antio is very helpless. Although Anna is already a qualified warrior, her sister has already regarded her as a child and is not willing to take on some paradise island queens.

Responsibilities and obligations that should be assumed! "But apart from Diana, none of us are rivals of Ares at all, and Diana has the blood of a god!

"Enough! Don't talk about it anymore! Let's put it like this for now!" Hippoly scolded a little angrily when the queen seemed to have been touched by the pain! That's right, Diana is

The child born by Zeus and her is stronger than ordinary Amazon warriors!

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