Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 404 King City of Atlantis

- After being speechless, Jiang Yifu opened a portal and came to the coast. Atlana, who communicated through magic props, had been waiting in the shallow sea for a long time. long time no see, this

The pearl of the kingdom of Atlantis has become more beautiful and moving, especially the faint little woman style that makes Jiang Yifu straighten his eyes

Atlanna, who had a clear victory over her teeth, nodded and said,

"Idiot, it's not enough to see, let's go,

By then I hope you can

Three days later is the Kingdom Council,

make a request to marry me,

, or the consequence is that I will run away with you, and the soldiers of the whole Atlantis will come after us! "

Jiang Yifu is a little ashamed, why are women crying and wanting to marry him, how good is he? Well, he is just showing off how many wives he has,

, Uther's home

The wife is so amazing! Cough cough,

It's not great to have more wives,

, but there are many wives, and the key kidney is still made of titanium alloy, which is amazing. Well, dirty talk.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it! Look,

, which is given to me by Syndra

The King's Ring of the Oxfall Kingdom,

, I am also a king today! Ha ha,

, then marry me,

Bring me a baby at home! " Jiang Yifu said proudly, the strong sour smell of showing off can be smelled across the Pacific Ocean, I am dumb! The villain is lucky!

Ichiro's time is gone, I miss him more and more,

But in order to live free in the future

Atlanna looked at her man affectionately

The sheep's eyes are full of happy smiles,

"I read you right, and neither did Syndra

Collect various ores and underwater plants to prepare a rich dowry.

Still stay in the sea honestly,

learn various heritage techniques,

wrong you. Hehe, husband! I love you!

"As soon as he spoke, he offered a kiss.

Jiang Yifu definitely accepted it

Don't keep it in the sea, it's okay to worry about feeding

Then he summoned his own Seahorse King Half Rider, this guy can really eat,

, of great commemorative value. The younger brothers will fight

Occasionally get something else to feed it. After all, the first mount should be treated well no matter what.

What a bastard should do!

Die to maintain world peace, and take my wives to surf at sea! Hey, this kind of life is a

Once again riding the Seahorse King from the sea to the Atlantis kingdom that followed Atlanna and swam to the bottom of the sea,

: Swimming easy Roar suction,

In the strangely blue ocean, you can occasionally see

- A team of commercial cargo ships passed by the sea, and they should be selling and selling supplies. Huge whales overturned rivers and seas, sharks chasing prey Roar roared past.

Unexpectedly, no sea creatures attacked! As a princess, Atlana seems to have the instinct to communicate with sea creatures and can communicate with most sea creatures to avoid

Indifferent battle.

When the two were on their way in a hurry, they arrived at the Underwater Kingdom in less than three hours, which was faster than flying a plane! When approaching the kingdom, you can see the fish in hand

The soldiers on patrol on horseback, and they would take the initiative to salute and say hello when they saw Atlana, a typical~traditional kingdom etiquette.

The closer you get to the city, the more undersea soldiers you can see. In addition to the soldiers who are similar to normal human beings,

, and murlocs with human fish tails!" Those are fishermen

Soldiers, there are also people from the Fisherman Kingdom this time. Their individual combat effectiveness is not strong, but their technology is not bad. They are working hard to learn human science and technology, and then

- A kingdom of learning human technology. Those crab-like soldiers are the soldiers of the saltwater country, and for many years, they have adapted to

Used in subsea environments. they are the first

"Atlana explained to her little man, it is indeed a little man,

Survival and gradual change.

It seems that all Jiang Yifu's wives so far are Onee-san older than him

type person.

Jiang Yifu nodded. He was still curious about underwater creatures. Sure enough, this world is not simple. The magician at the beginning, the demon who invaded the dimension later, and then

To the undead creatures, and now I actually see the undersea people, okay,

, it is not known how many - strange creatures in the future,

Prince Ao Xi unexpectedly greeted the visiting guests outside. When he saw the arrival of his little sister and Jiang Yifu, he ceremoniously said, "Welcome to the king of the lost kingdom.

Your Majesty! Haha, welcome to the twenty-seventh kingdom meeting! "It's an official scene now, so you have to be polite, and if you're a friend in private, it doesn't matter.

"Haha, you're welcome, I'm honored to come to participate. Um, why is it the twenty-seventh time?" Jiang Yifu asked curiously, having inherited the Atlantis for thousands of years.

Wouldn't it have only held twenty-seven meetings!

Atlanna on the side explained

"Because this kind of meeting is not held very often, although it is said to be once every ten years, it is also a rule set a long time ago.

If it cannot be carried out, it will be postponed later, and the current meeting will be pushed to the next meeting time. So not many times in total! We have only driven in thousands of years of life

Only three times.

ask for flowers 0

Pfft, Jiang Yifu almost laughed out loud, well, these people are really, really temperamental, absent from work as casually as office workers. "Okay, who will participate this time?

"The Kingdom of Atlantis, the Kingdom of Zebel, the Kingdom of Fishermen, the Kingdom of Saltwater, the Lost Kingdom, and the Kingdom of the Antarctic Valley! The Trench Kingdom will not participate, basically there are three countries before

There is no one from the lost kingdom, and the trench country does not communicate. We are their food when we go there.

. This time, I can successfully call

There is a meeting at home, and Weishui Kingdom occasionally comes back,

Kai or thanks to the last long-lost kingdom to join,

, it will be successfully held! "Prince Oshi explained,

Bi Yin is someone who is going to be king,

. how to know

Come on, do you really think your head is full of muscles!

The King City of Atlantis occupies a large area of ​​the seabed. There is a hazy protective cover outside, and the inside is full of colorful lights, which looks very festive, but

Ordinary people will not find it even if they dive into the deep sea, just like Wakanda cannot be found in Africa.

"Fuck, Yves magician, long time no see

As soon as I entered the palace, I saw Omo, the little prince of Tearby, walking back and forth, and stopped excitedly after seeing Prince Oxi.

, Haha, there are still very few people in your country.

You need to find more women to have more children! Otherwise, one day it will really perish

I heard you became king

Zheng Xing is too busy,

Jiang Yifu's expression was a bit unpleasant, this Omo's mouth really stinks, Madd, no wonder it will cause a war when he speaks. "Hmph, don't bother you to care, maybe you will

You want to lend a woman back to your kingdom to help with childbirth! "At the moment, I will go back directly to forbearance, you are arrogant, the king of eunuchs! I bah!

Omo's expression froze too. If he had never said a word before, he would have started a fight, but now he is not interested in women, and then laughed and said, "No problem, I want to

I'll give as much as you want! Tell me if you want! Prince Oxi, let's go and have two drinks with me! "No matter how you look at it, it looks like it looks like Oxi, okay, this Brokeback Mountain

Hello, Goodbye Brokeback Mountain! Five

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