Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 418 Alien Shadows!

(Thousand Rewards Plus the first bullet)

- An unknown enemy, the degree of mechanical civilization far exceeds our technological level. a first

"Dr. Shen, you have to know what challenge we face, it's aliens!-

A skilled soldier can demolish a building without weapons! We have no time to experiment step by step, we must speed up the pace of the experiment! ' said Dr. Warren coquettishly.

she has

With her own set of theories, as chief scientist she must make difficult choices.

No, I cannot accept this kind of thing, unless it is the order of the Federal Parliament,

, otherwise I would never have been able to receive such an inhumane experiment. if a soldier is missing


to use my drone warlord,

, these are reliable partners on the battlefield! "Raymond shook his head and said, for personal ideas, the two conflicted with each other, if not for resistance

"803" one is responsible for making weapons and instruments

attack foreign invaders,

They don't work together. Fortunately, one is in charge of research and development.

Jiang Yifu is not interested in the head-to-head comparison between two engineers and scientists. After all, he is not familiar with this group of people at all. He is only interested in science and technology.

Quietly summons a disk to connect with a certain connection. The disk is the latest Oxygen capacity disk, loaded with artificial intelligence.

After the disk is connected, the artificial intelligence 'Mesa' begins to repair its own system quickly, and after testing the firewall, it constantly improves its own system through calculations and changes.

functions and programs, while looking for loopholes in the firewall, preparing to quietly invade the core project of the underground base.

: He can know all the information. The whole process is silent

Jiang Yifu now only needs to wait for a while, after Meisha has broken through the network firewall of the base,

information, the disk has also been recycled.

. Wherever there is a network,

There will be traces of Mesa, just like Ultron, unless it's expelled from the Internet,

: otherwise it will only

It has always existed, even if the Internet is turned off, it will only collapse and will not be eliminated!

Hey Roar, this scene is a bit like Tony using the signal device to secretly crack the database in S.H.I.E.L.D's helicopter carrier. God is unknowing,

Sure enough, a thief still has to come secretly,

Otherwise, it is not a thief, but a robber!

To put it bluntly, no one would know.

beep! The alarm sounded in the base, as if some enemy had been found. As the commander, Bradford hurriedly contacted through the headset, "What's the matter, for the

What an alarm! "

"Long pipe, we found a shadow spaceship landing in the city of Fontero, the spaceship threw a lot of biochemical chambers, a lot of poisonous gas was spread out, and a lot of other

The enemy appears. The council asks us to set off immediately to relieve the beleaguered masses! "It's the intelligence officer over there.

"The two doctors,

There is no time for arguing over your theories of ideas

I need your help in commanding from the bridge. I will lead the commando to the city for rescue,

Hope to be in time. Yves, let's go, get our gear and weapons and go,

, that group of damn aliens are attacking more and more frequently, are the satellites in the sky just

Is it just a decoration?" Bradford said as he walked towards the elevator, looking a little anxious.

Jiang Yifu is very interested,

Because the weapons of these aliens are high-level plasma weapons, that thing is already a small nuclear reactor! no high tech water

But if you want to make it, uh, at least you have to study it for about a year and a half.

Ping can't do something like this

one thing,

Although I know how

no way,

. I can't get up soon enough,

The technology level of the court is like that.

"Squads 1 to 10 are all on the transport plane, targeting the city of Fontero, with fighter jets as cover, I am afraid there will be alien warships. Inform the local police station and army and ask them to help

"Buffingford gave the order in an orderly manner.

Evacuate the crowd.

Seems like this has happened many times before!

Jiang Yifu was curious about the first mission, no matter who came to a strange world

You must be very curious, well, if you don't have the strength

That is frightened. Follow the large army to the underground weapons warehouse,

The weapons here are still traditional gunpowder weapons. There's heavy firepower too, but that's just Gatling, that's it

- The kind of heavy machine gun with 5,000 bullets per minute, er, enough to tear people apart.

, and Jiang Yifu happened to be assigned to the third team. This squad is special

The third team that died yesterday was bought.

The table fighters were quickly replenished from the barracks

Except for Jiang Yifu alone,

The other nine are women! There are sturdy female fighters with big knives, hackers with tablets, and even more

The constant bomber between the head-saving pots

"Throw, you were yesterday's-

- The guy who killed more than 30 alien monsters? Looks good, strong boy, I'm your captain Kava! Glad

You can come to my team, as you can see, we are a women's team, and we sacrificed a

- a fighter, now it's up to you to fill in,

don't you have anything bad

Thoughts, don’t mess around just because of amnesia, remember to obey the rules, and do your own thing! "

- said a tall white female warrior,

, the face effect is good, but the face has

A scar from the corner of the eye to the chin,

, It seems to be the scar left by the battle, it will not affect the image but make her a female warrior with an abnormal domineering!

, anyway, I'm only responsible for killing alien monsters, and I don't care about the rest! say you

Jiang Yifu nodded and shook his head,

, "You can eat or drink, but I am not a woman.

Don't have any thoughts on me, I'm not a casual person! "This is the truth, all the wives in the family are as beautiful as gods, either virtuous and virtuous or gentle Onee-san, he doesn't

Interested in ordinary women. Kidneys are not just for casual use.

, you have to save the critical moment

"Wow, save it, do you know what happened to those guys who think about picking up girls all day? Hehe,

on their ashes,

I don't know how tall Kikyo has grown! kid

A word of advice! "Captain Kava said solemnly, she was not happy with the only boy in the team.

If you want to live, don't think about the 0.5 things of love, love, this is my one

on the battle field

These are bullshit.

. When fighting, the expression is the most focused, who still has time to think about these things.


Little handsome man, this is for your own good. at the Bureau of Investigation.

, we do the most tiring things,

, no one can replace us. So in order to survive, the most

- said a very proud black female warrior in the country

Don't fall in love with my sister,

, even if you are in danger,

, my sister will not save you! "Other

Well, Jiang Yifu feels pretty good, at least this group of people is not malicious, it seems that there are many places worth exploring in this world. There is a chance to take that sinker

The artificial intelligence developed by the engineer figured out how to reply in advance, and there is such a genetic modification project, is it the same as the Winter Soldier?

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