Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 479 Trials of the Old Gods

Agamoto and Ao Shutu glanced at each other, and both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes. Why is the recent Sorcerer Supreme tester getting better and better? First, the little girl from Ancient One

Using Time Gem to cheat to pass the level, the original ability is not bad, so they also recognized it. Now this guy is even more shameless, just send his wife over, Mad, you old man

If the mother-in-law is Hela, come to participate in a yarn test, go back to Asgard and be your concubine!

"Cough cough,

, Jiang Yifu, right? According to the rules, those who participate in the trial must be from Midgard,

, followed by the magician of Kamar-Taj, not an Asgard,

, this is the rule

Moment is also inheritance, I hope you understand.

"Agomoto explained that he did not want to be beaten by the goddess of death, the violent woman.

I know this, I'm a student of Ancient One, and then I'm from Midgard, oh, you said Hela, right?

, she is my wife, it doesn't matter, I am me, she is

My wife, it doesn't matter if I participate in the trial and not her. Take it easy,

, I am married to Ming media, and Odin also knows. Haha, Sorcerer Supreme can marry to death

Goddess 15, you are also very honored in this regard, don't be too proud! " Jiang Yifu said very shyly, as if he wished the whole universe would know that his wife is very powerful and beautiful

Beat the hooligans and beat the mistresses!

Hela's beautiful eyes are full of love, and this little husband's arrogant appearance is still very good-looking, unlike Odin, who plays tricks all day long, he should have power

Spread a little. Shouldn't he give birth to a child, um, forget it,

- a mother. Well, this kind of thing, she said it doesn't count.

, she never thought to be a

, which has

Omeitu thinks this new Sorcerer Supreme candidate is very interesting. The consummate space magic can be used in the Weishandi dimension, which is heavily forbidden.

Fiber is not a simple secret method, at least it can be done with in-depth research on space magic and dimensional power. In the long years, she has rarely been interested in men

A big bug and a tiger, what's there to be interested in.

Yes, as for Agamotto and Hogarth,

Should, well, in this case,

, then you are eligible for the trial of the Sorcerer Supreme

Since you were recommended by Ancient One, the tedious trials in front of you will be avoided.

you only first

To participate in the final psychedelic act on it. This is a level that tests the heart and strength of the tester. After passing the final test,

You can see the book of Weishandi, you

You can browse and learn at will, you can learn all the above magic, whether you can comprehend it is your own business.

weeks, including when you study

The time limit is-

, the time is over, if you don't pass, the trial fails, and you have to wait for five hundred years if you want to participate in the trial again. If the trial is successful, then you will be Midgard's next Supreme Dharma

, Biqing fights against the invasion of the dark dimension. Trials can only be carried out by one person, and no one is allowed to enter. "Ago Moto said it in detail, it's up to you whether it works or not.

The meaning of the accident is that your wife can't help you no matter how good she is!

"If I am a summoner, can't I use space magic?" He still decided to ask, anyway, this is also

Jiang Yifu nodded and suddenly asked curiously,

It is a kind of skill, whether to cheat or not, it is just whether there is the capital to cheat.

"Hehe, this trial level was built by the ancient gods, although some gods have fallen, or

At this time, Ao Meitu smiled, and she walked over with a graceful manner and said,

The people wandered to other dimensions and planets, but gathered the power of many gods, the space inside is quite chaotic, if you are not afraid that the people you summon will be distorted

If the space is torn to pieces, you can try it anyway, even Hela can't resist such a space storm. "This is a reminder to Jiang Yifu not to take shortcuts

Ancient gods? What kind of people are there? " Jiang Yifu is very curious about this, who would make such a thing, is it too boring to be idle?

not a long time ago

- A woman named Nemesis was bored and split herself into seven Infinite Gems,

Each gem has a pretty cool Ability.


Gems, Power Gems, Time Gems, Mind Gems, Reality Gems, Soul Gems, and Self Gems.

But generally only know the first six gems,

how big

A snap of your fingers can wipe out half of the life in the universe, replace it with seven gems integrate's Nemesis, the goddess of revenge

Not many people know. Thanos got six gems and it's already very good

Sisna's beef is more than a blast.

"With the power of Olympus, the power of Asgard, the power of Apocalypse, and the power of the ancient Titans, and the power of many gods, no one can say

But the most powerful forces in the multi-universe are here, and this is a level of trials that no one can use. I can only explain so much,

. Until you finish the trial

In a word, identity is not enough,

," Ao Meitu smiled and only said half of it, but the latter didn't say anything. Anyway, it was just cheating.

. then don't think

, I will tell you in detail.

Hela didn't react after hearing that there was Asgard's power in it.

The ancestors have already started the road of war, but later he felt that the territory was large enough, and Odin stopped the pace of war and turned to become a real king and began to manage the nine major

country. If nothing else, the Dark Elves were defeated by her grandfather.

Jiang Yifu came to an illusory transparent portal with ripples. Unlike ordinary portals, he couldn't see where the opposite was at all, and the portal was a bit

"It's here

Like a black hole, it will devour any detective's mental power.

After you enter, you will reach the trial level. As long as you go all the way and pass the test, 853 will be able to watch it.

To the Book of Emperor Weishan, go, it's time to prove yourself! "O Meitu said softly.

Hogarth and Agakuto watched with expressionless faces, the dangers inside were based on every

- changed by an entrant. Some may be fine, but others are

When I entered, I was met with an overwhelming blow.

. But there is one thing that was not said, that is, if the trial fails, you cannot leave. The so-called five hundred years means that after five hundred years

before you can leave. It's not that no one has failed trials,

Ewan Titan Sargeras has failed

Like Dormammu, Yuying Khan,

Then it was closed for five hundred years before it was released.

, five hundred years! It will all turn to ashes by then!

In terms of human life

, this stinky boy,

Jiang Yifu was just about to go in,

, Hela came up to offer

He tidied up his collar likewise, and said softly, "Husband, be careful with everything,

Trials are dangerous

But also very helpful. I may not be able to help you inside, but no matter how long it takes, I will wait for you to come out. There are indeed a lot of good things hidden in here, remember

You are my man, you must survive well, otherwise, I will tear down your Midgard world, did you hear me! "At the beginning, there was a little Wuyi's appearance, and then

The face and mouth have become the same as the big animal king! Well, this is the upright Hela, and she will never be willing to be an ordinary woman who is a husband and a child.

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