Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 662 Still got it!

Suddenly a figure appeared from behind, and the sharp claws grabbed Jiang Yifu directly with the sound of Roar's whistling. The dark light on the sharp claws carried the breath of death, and even a faint soul.

The coercion, with a single claw, can definitely catch people alive, even the ethereal soul is not spared!

-A phantom! Shila, Hanlene wants to back up and keep a safe distance, but Ben

Hearing that, the sharp claws scratched at Jiang Yifu, but only scratched in the air, and the Jiang Yifu in front of him was just a

The phantom, which should be invisible, broke out with several chains, and the scarlet chains directly locked her.

Once locked, unless you have a power gem,

, otherwise it is annihilation

There is no way to break free! Sorcerer Supreme's famous move - Cytorak's Scarlet Chains!

The extremely fast speed, coupled with the instant arrival through space, tied Selene firmly. "Damn, let me go!"

Selene felt that her magic power was bound,

There is no way to break free at all. This trick is very strange. She has only heard of it, but she has never used it.

, which obviously requires

Only the purest white magic energy can be used. Because Ancient One uses the power of the dark dimension too much, it is difficult to cast this pure white magic,

even if used

Powerful and not that strong.

The most irritating thing about the scarlet chain is not its attack power, but its wrapping around like cowhide candy. But this is also in line with the principle of white magic,

Actually white magic has always been mainly defensive, not mass destruction, well, one word -, cheap!

"Class hey, is it fun? I said it,

What I want, I can't get. Now you are convinced! "Jiang Yifu laughed wickedly, but it was strange that Yu Shen married him.

It's surprising that the two opposing and conflicting magics, one mile and one white, came from the same person.

A dark orb filled with corruption.

Just like water and fire cannot coexist. Jiang Yifu's performance is like a cup filled with hot water, but there are still a few extremely cold ice cubes in it, the two do not conflict with each other

Coexistence with each other is completely against the principles of physics, which is impossible at all,

And it happened!

"Surprised, isn't it! Why can white magic and black magic coexist perfectly? Want to know? Want to know the true meaning of magic, want to live forever? Want to know

If so, I can teach you, as long as you follow me obediently!" Jiang Yifu is just like a big bad wolf, bah, what does it mean to be like a big bad wolf, he clearly is

A big bad wolf, a normal big tail wolf!

Selene is bound, just like a helpless little rabbit, it seems that it will be eaten by the big bad wolf at any time! After pondering for a moment, he asked inexplicably, "Why? This is not at all.

Possibly, even Ancient One can't do it. I know Ancient One's strength is very strong, but she can't do it at all. If it wasn't for the magical Eye of Agamotto, she wouldn't be able to do it at all.

Defeat Dormammu and Mephisto! How did you do it! "She didn't agree immediately, she just felt very puzzled. She knew and understood the woman from Ancient One.

It can be said that Kamar-Taj is the smartest and most outstanding magician in history, but she can't do it. This guy has only been learning magic for how many years, less than ten years.

Something that hasn't been done for thousands of years?

Yes, Ancient One's magician is very strong, but when facing the top powerhouses such as Odin, Dormammu, and Mephisto, the most used is the Eye of Agamotto.

an infinite

Hidden Time Gem! It's just that Jiang Yifu has no system, so he really can only be a toilet cleaner? He has the original power of Space gem,

Gems are enough to play casually, and you can walk sideways, but there is a risk of overturning. Don't rely too much on Infinite Gems,

, Huai Yaoqiangyi's original nine quantities are

important. give you a gatling,

At least you have to be able to afford it, or you will be hit by Gatling when the time comes.

Then really laugh at Deadman.

"What the Ancient One cannot do,

, I can do, what I can do, Ancient One may not be able to do! How, follow me, you will learn more! "Jiang Yifu

I'm not afraid that the other party will think carefully. With Aunt Sarah here, no matter how arrogant a woman is, she will not end up being a good girl. Aunt Sarah has no super ability, but manages the harem

Even the Great Demon King Hela can't compare with his Ability!

"Oh, okay, since you're so powerful, it's not too bad to follow you!" The black queen Selene quickly confessed, and at her level, the dignity is

Yes, but they can be thrown away at any time. That thing is worthless at all, and there are very few places where it can be used.

ask for flowers 0-

- With a snap of his fingers, he released Lihong's chains, and said shyly, "Congratulations on making the right choice, then you will find that you can meet me when you meet me.

Khan Renver hit-

"This is not bragging, there are too many great people on Queen's Island, all of them are beautiful and powerful, oh, with such a powerful wife, as a man

best luck.

The power is really great!

"Imperial sheep, when I really see that you have the ability to help me, you can do whatever you want to me, but not now. Let's go, since you've all come here

Here, go get the fel crystal first, that thing is a waste for the necromancers, only a fool would choose to make a deal with the devil! ' said Selene, a little disdainfully.

People who are really good are all relying on themselves, and relying on others will never become a strong person, otherwise she doesn't need to be a single Wang, she will be ten thousand years.

The two came to a basin, which exuded a faint evil atmosphere, which not only made people feel uncomfortable. Even the animals around are a lot more irritable,

, some venomous snakes even

The crazy attack on the two people seems to have been affected by the mind. Otherwise, a creature like a viper would not attack a creature more powerful than itself.

- it feels weird here,

What do you think the three guys in the hell dimension are paying attention to this time? " Jiang Yifu asked inexplicably. He didn't know much about the long history.

But when it comes to history, knowing him is a scumbag.

On the fight he is Nan Powan

"Among the three lords of hell,

Only the high lord Mephisto is interested in Midgard, the other two I have not seen, at least not seen any signs of worship and appearance, diversity

There is not only one Midgard in the universe, and their goal is naturally not on one planet. "Selene said softly. Although he has never been to outer space, he is old and mature.

There are many natural things, even the high-level Kamar-Taj magician knows the concept of multi-universe, how could she not know. six

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