Chapter 195

What Martha was worried about finally happened.

Superman fell into utter madness earlier than the previous timeline.

As in the previous timeline, he discovers Batman when he returns to the Batcave to analyze the potion he received from him.

But he didn’t just break Batman’s spine like the previous timeline.

He crushed almost every bone of Batman.

Kills Alfred Pennyworth, Batman’s butler, who came to the Batcave to check on the situation in front of Batman.

And completely imprisoned Batman.

Superman in this timeline manipulated Batman earlier than before using a brain-controlled device.

Then, no one in this world can stop Superman who has completely fallen into madness.

Superman’s crazy behavior has caused the displeasure of the superheroes, who desperately want to stop him.

Even the Flash and others, who originally stood in the Superman camp, “betrayed” him one after another and chose to stand on his opposite side.


Superman, who became more insane by “betrayal”, killed everyone who dared to oppose him.

When he finally came to his senses.

He found.

There was no one left around him.

Only Wonder Woman, who has always supported him, is left alive in the superhero camp.

And the number of human beings on Earth has plummeted to one percent of what it used to be.

The rest of humanity is afraid of Superman.

No one dared to mention Superman’s name again.

Superman became a “youknowwho” being.

Even if this group of humans saw the “S” character and large areas of blue and red, they could not help but tremble subconsciously.

Superman’s purpose was achieved.

There is no more war and crime in the world at this time.

Everyone strictly abides by the law and morals.

Everyone on the street was saying sorry to each other.

Not even a single dirty word comes out of everyone’s mouth.

They know.

Everything they say and do, Superman sees and hears in his eyes.

Superman uses the fear carved into human bones to make everyone obedient.

Superman makes the world peaceful.

[Eleventh Jump Timeline].



Everyone in the room fell silent when they saw the image that Link had recorded.

After that, Link jumped in time again, and everything was back on track

So these people in the conference room can continue to sit here.

Watch the total extinction of a small accident during the timeline jump.


Lex Luthor called Batman’s name inquiringly.

“Document this ending and move on.”

“This ending is also expected.”

“Changing the past always comes at a cost.”

“But we have a very precious opportunity to correct bad endings and try good endings countless times.”

“It’s doable.”

Batman said calmly.

It seems that the total annihilation did not have any effect on him.

The others were silent for a moment, agreeing with Batman.

They began to wait for the next timeline jump, waiting for the next changed future.

But right now.

There was a knock on the door of the conference room.

Then, someone pushed the door in.

Batman frowned, except for these people in the conference room now.

Only one person remains with access to the conference room at will.

Pushing the door was a young man.

He was a little embarrassed to face the group of people who were silently staring at him, especially Batman’s disapproving gaze, which made him uncomfortable.

He spoke.

“I just came to see, that, you’ve been in the room for too long, I’m a little worried-”

“Uh, well, it’s time for lunch?”

“It’s still potatoes at noon today, is anyone interested, ha, ha?”

Batman has a hoarse voice.

“Get out.”

He spoke.

The young man who pushed the door – one of Batman’s adopted sons, Brudhaven’s city hero Nightwing, Dick Grayson froze for a moment, but did not listen to Batman’s words, but sat directly in an empty seat.

“It’s not fair, B.”

“We’re a gang now, and I’m still the second-in-command in this base after you-”

Batman calmly interrupted him.

“You’re not.”

Dick Grayson rolled his eyes.

“Anyway, what are you doing here?”

“You can’t hide it from me.”

“I have the authority to know everything that follows the battle plan!”

“Are you worried that I won’t be able to keep it a secret?” 、


Before the twelfth timeline jump.

Dick Grayson forcefully joined the group of people in the conference room against Batman’s very disapproving gaze.

Link could probably guess why Batman didn’t let his Robin join the project, or even let him know.

It’s not because of a lack of trust.

But to be on the safe side, Batman always has a planb.

Also, Bruce Wayne doesn’t want his adopted son to be under such pressure – not everyone can afford to watch the past change again and again, and their world destroyed again and again.


Batman always tries to figure everything out on his own.

Link doesn’t comment on this “for your good” mentality.

It’s their Bat’s own business.

[Time: The Green Lantern Corps goes to Earth to arrest Superman].

Superman is seduced by Senisto and intends to join forces with the Yellow Lantern Legion.

Link watched closely.

This time he intends to join the fight.

Maybe he can be on the side of the Green Lantern Corps and try to defeat Superman right here.

See how the outcome changes in the future. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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