Xia Zuo didn't know that one of his actions actually attracted the covetousness of these strong people in the universe, but even if he knew, Xia Zuo would not be afraid, because his own strength was not weak, and even now that he had obtained the power gem, his strength was definitely top-notch, he didn't have much fear at all, and in such a time, the situation on Stark's side had progressed.

"I have successfully developed new elements, and I have also successfully made them into energy and applied them to myself."

Inside the manor, Xia Zuo slowly murmured, in the message sent by Stark, Xia Zuo had already understood Stark's situation, nodded suddenly, and then directly opened a space and directly entered Stark's villa.

"Xia Zuo, you are finally here, take a look at my research results!"

Starkchen. Vigorously looked at Xia Zuo and said, researched new energy, but also solved the big hidden danger on his body, how could Stark be unhappy, and even directly showed Xia Zuo the new energy in front of him.

A standard triangle, exuding a dazzling light, looked very brilliant, but there was not much fluctuation in Xia Zuo's eyes, and there was even a faint disappointment.

Yes, it is a disappointment, because Xia Zuo has seen the new energy studied by Stark, but the ultimate pupil has not changed at all, that is, the new energy developed by Stark is not one of the conditions for opening the pupil ring, and Xia Zuo is naturally a little disappointed.

But the next moment, the disappointment in Xia Zuo's eyes has disappeared and returned to calm, because Xia Zuo has been mentally prepared before, after all, not everything may become the opening condition of the other pupil rings of the ultimate pupil.

It is possible that the new element is not a condition for opening the pupil ring, which Xia Zuo has long been mentally prepared for.

On the other hand, he just casually gave Stark a message, and did not do anything at all, so it was not a loss, so there was no disappointment.

"Okay, give me a copy of the new element, and the information related to the new element."

Xia Zuo said to Stark, although the new element is not a condition for opening other pupil rings, it is not completely useless, at least it can be taken to the spaceship base and let Qin and others study and study.

"Give, this is your share, and some information related to the new elements."

Stark took out a new element contained in a transparent instrument, somewhat similar to his Ark reactor, and a reservoir containing information about the new element.

"Well, there is nothing else, without me I will leave." Xia Zuo said to Stark, after all, he had other things to be busy with, and there was not much time to fight Stark here.

"No, I just have things to do during this time."

Stark said, waving his hand to let Xia Zuo leave, after all, he also had some headaches to keep busy during this time, such as the appearance of a man who had developed an inferior version of the Ark reactor, he had a headache, and he didn't have much time to talk to Xia Zuo about these things.


Xia Zuo waved his hand and left Stark's villa directly, but Xia Zuo did not return to the manor where the little naughty was, but took this opportunity to return directly to the spaceship base, after all, he also planned to hand over the new elements to the scientific research team.

"Xia Zuo, you came at the right time, do you already know about the success of the experiment?"

When Xia Zuo appeared at the spaceship base, Xia Zuo happened to see Ji. The moving qin and the others, and after the qin's telling, Xia Zuo understood what happened.

After such a long period of research, the gene transformation experiment was finally successful, which was an unexpected surprise, which made Xia Zuo so happy that he almost forgot that he was coming to send new elements to the research team for research.

"But Xia Zuo, we have just succeeded, and we have achieved success with mice as experimental subjects, but we have not really practiced it in the human body, and we don't know if there will be any hidden dangers, which needs to be careful."

Qin said to Xia Zuo, this is also what Qin mentioned with Xia Zuo before, the scientific research team has no way to implement it on the human body, generally using mice as experimental subjects, and in these days, they have allowed a mouse to successfully produce and stabilize the ability, but what kind of situation will occur when it is really used in the human body, they are not clear.

"It's okay to do this, I'll find some people to test it for you."

Xia Zuo said happily that this was not a problem for him at all, after all, doing experiments on the human body was not a burden for Xia Zuo at all, and Xia Zuo already had a suitable candidate in his heart as an experiment.

"Jean, you let all the personnel take a break, I'll go find some people who can conduct experiments."

Xia Zuo said to Qin that in the past few days, they have spent a lot of effort to complete the experiment, Xia Zuo let them have a good rest, I believe that the person he is looking for is probably the same.

"Okay, I see!"

Qin nodded and let his subordinates go to rest, while Xia Zuo left directly, he went to find someone, as for how to find death row prisoners, Xia Zuo also had some plans.

The space door opened, and the next moment, Xia Zuo had already appeared in the director's office of S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

"Alien Pupil, why did you appear here?!"

Inside the office, Nick Fury was immediately startled when he saw Xia Zuo appear, after all, how can such an enemy who comes and goes freely not be afraid.

"I naturally came to you for something, Nick Fury, I have already thought of the second condition, you should pay the debt!"

Xia Zuo said lightly, after he returned from the universe before, Xia Zuo once made a deal with Nick Fury, he gave S.H.I.E.L.D. an energy beam weapon from the universe, and the price that Nick Fury needs to pay is three conditions.

In fact, at that time, Xia Zuo purely wanted S.H.I.E.L.D. to move for the orphanage, so he would make such a deal with Nick Fury, and now it is time for Nick Fury to complete the second condition.

"The second condition? I see, you say, without violating the principle, I can agree, after all, this is something I promised before. "

Nick Fury was slightly stunned, and then remembered this matter, and immediately agreed, after all, he also wanted to see what the hell Xia Zuo was doing, after all, over the past few years, a lot of things have happened to Xia Zuo, but they are not something they can understand, Nick Fury plans to take this opportunity to see what Xia Zuo is going to do.

Of course, the more important point is that he has no plans to fall out with Xia Zuo now, after all, it is a stupid thing to fall out with Xia Zuo for a small matter.

"I want death row prisoners, many, many death row prisoners!" Xia Zuo said slowly, stating his purpose.

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