"That's about it, is something going on?"

Wanda slowly took this matter, and then looked at Xia Zuo worriedly, after all, this situation has appeared now, and it has also alarmed Xia Zuo, so she is worried that something will happen.

"If that's the case, in this case, something special should happen, which is why this happens to each gemstone."

Before Xia Zuo could speak, Thor had already shouted, slightly realized, which was the same concern as his father Odin, the Time Gem really had an abnormal situation, so it was really possible that something terrible could happen.

"Wanda, I have something for you to talk about alone, Thor, you wait in the hall for a while."

Xia Zuo was silent for a while, slowly spoke, said to Wanda, and then told Thor to wait in the hall, after all, there were some things he didn't want Thor to know.

"Okay, I'm waiting for you here."

Thor was a little confused, but he already thought that Xia Zuo was Karma Taj's mage just now, so he thought that the matter that Xia Zuo wanted to discuss with Wanda was Karma Taj's internal affairs, so he didn't bother, quietly waiting in the hall, and Xia Zuo left with Wanda.

"Lord Xia Zuo, what happened?"

After leaving the hall, Wanda asked Xia Zuo at this time, with some worry in her eyes, because in the matter just now, she had already found that Xia Zuo was a little silent, and it seemed to be different from the past, so it was very likely that something really happened, and Wanda was a little worried.

"I have one thing to verify, Wanda, take me to see Agomoto Eyes."

Xia Zuo said to Wanda that he needed to verify something, but he didn't want Thor to know about it, so he left Thor in the hall.

"I see, my lord, please."

Wanda still didn't understand what Xia Zuo wanted to do, but she knew that it was important to Xia Zuo, so Wanda didn't ask more and took Xia Zuo directly to the secret room where Agomoto's eyes were stored.

Agomoto Eye is one of the holy relics of the magician, with great power, so it is generally protected by the Supreme Mage, before, Agomoto Eye was protected by an ancient mage, and now the Supreme Mage is Wanda, so Agomoto Eye is in Wanda's hands, and with the relationship between Xiazzo and Wanda, it is not difficult for him to see Agomo Eye.

Soon, Wanda took Xia Zuo to a secret room, inside the secret room, on a platform, the Agomo Eye was stored on it, Wanda directly opened the seal on the Agomo Eye, the Agomo Eye slowly opened, a green light slowly leaked out, and the Time Gem slowly appeared.

"Nothing has changed?"

Xia Zuo slowly took the Time Gem in his hand, as usual, his ultimate body had a strong desire for the Time Gem as always, but the Time Gem did not reveal a special situation.

That is to say, even if he appears near other gems, the power gems swallowed by him will still not cause abnormalities to other gems, so even if he stands in front of other gem owners, they will not be able to detect it.

In other words, Thanos had no way to find him through the direct connection of the gems, which would also be less troublesome, and that would be enough.

"Okay, store the gems."

Trying to understand what happened, Xia Zuo couldn't help but say to Wanda, asking Wanda to store the gem.

To be honest, Xia Zuo will definitely set his eyes on the Time Gem in the future, but now is not the right time, after all, in the next time, he is expected to leave the earth for a while.

He had planned to take advantage of Sol's arrival on Earth, that is, the opening of the Rainbow Bridge to Asgard, although the time was now advanced, but it did not hinder his thoughts at all, so he must take a trip to Asgard.

Therefore, it is not a good thing to fall out with the guardian of the earth, the ancient mage, at this time, and Xia Zuo still respects the ancient mage.

After all, when he needed help before, the ancient mage had also reached out to let him learn magic at Karma Taj, so he would try to take gentler measures, but it was impossible for him to give up the Time Gem, and it was precisely because of this that Xia Zuo would let Wanda put the Time Gem away first.

"Sir, if you need anything, you must tell me, I will do my best to do it."

After putting Agomoto eyes away, Wanda suddenly said to Xia Zuo, judging from Xia Zuo's actions just now, she knew that Xia Zuo must have something on his mind, even related to the time gem, but Xia Zuo did not make it clear, and she did not ask, but she still wanted to make a contribution to Xia Zuo, after all, she was also Xia Zuo's person, and it was impossible to sit idly by.

"It's okay, don't worry, Wanda."

Xia Zuo chuckled and said to Wanda, because the situation was better than he thought, there was no need to worry about anything, Wanda nodded, and the two slowly returned to the hall, and at this time there was an extra figure in the hall besides Thor.

The detached temperament, as well as the moon-white monk's robe, this is exactly the ancient mage who returned from going out, and during the time he checked the time gem, the ancient mage has slowly returned.

"Long time no see, Ancient One Mage."

Xia Zuo said lightly to the ancient mage, Agomoto Eye has such a situation, Wanda will definitely contact the ancient mage, so Xia Zuo is not surprised at all by the appearance of the ancient mage.

"It's been a long time, I haven't seen it for a while, I didn't expect you to become so powerful, even Thor can defeat it."

Ancient Mage slowly looked at Xia Zuo and said, obviously Ancient One Mage had already talked to Thor just now, and he also knew the battle between Thor and Xia Zuo before, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Because she didn't expect Xiazo to defeat Thor, after all, Thor is the famous God of Thor, and his power is also very powerful in Asgard, and now Xiazo can easily defeat Thor, which has proved that Xiazo is getting stronger and stronger.

Ancient Master sighed a little, more than ten years ago, Xia Zuo was just a weak child, but now Xia Zuo has grown up to the point that even she can't see through, and it can only be said that Xia Zuo's talent is really far beyond her imagination.

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