In a bustling city in downtown New York, there is a golden statue in the center of the city, the golden statue is very large, but the image of the statue is very unsightly, and even a little ugly.

The character of this line has a very huge chin, and the whole face is covered with majesty, this statue is none other than the statue of Thanos!

"After Thanos came to Earth, there were such statues in cities around the world, almost exhausting all the gold in the world, so now all the currency in the world is sold by Thanos, and Thanos is now the emperor of the entire world."

Laura's tone was slightly sad, now the power of Thanos on Earth is too great, almost all humans are its slaves.

"Let's go, let's go directly to headquarters."

Slightly different from Laura's sadness, Xia Zuo showed a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth after seeing the statue of Thanos.

Even affected by money and reputation, it seems that Thanos is not as strong as I thought, and he has already lost in terms of mentality.

Without any hesitation, Xiazzo and Laura walked all the way from the suburbs to the city, and in entering the city, Xiazo made a small difference.

The previous scene gave him a feeling. It really is very different from the previous earth.

The building is still like that, it is still a high-rise building, there is a lot of traffic, and New York is still the same prosperous, whether it is before humans rule the earth, or after Thanos rules the earth.

The buildings here have been well preserved.

But the only difference is that the people in this city, there are many people on the street at the moment, coming and going on the street.

But these people are not all earthlings, many of them are aliens, and the status of these aliens is very high, all of them are suits and shoes, and the fabric looks very bright and bright.

It seems to be the master of the city, and the opposite is those humans, the original humans are the masters of the city, but now, after Thanos came to Earth, all human beings except for some high-ranking officials and warlords, all human beings are reduced to second-class citizens.

The dirtiest jobs these humans do, either as cleaners or curled up on the street, are tattered and very dirty, in stark contrast to these brightly dressed aliens.

"This group of abominable aliens."

Laura has seen such a scene more than once, but every time she sees such a scene, she will feel an irrepressible anger in her heart.

Obviously, they are the masters of the earth, but they didn't expect to fall to such a point, and Laura's hatred for Thanos is even stronger when I think of this.

"Hehe, what ethics and morality, what kind order, all are just the disguise of human beings themselves, only power is absolute!"

Xia Zuo saw that at the corner of the street, there were two groups of centaurs, for a piece of bread, they actually fought and sneered involuntarily.

"Why do you talk like this, it's because Thanos has no kindness and no order, so we suffer like this."

Laura turned her head and was very unconvinced by what Xia Zuo said.

However, hearing Laura's words, Xia Zuo sneered in the end.

"Hehe, it is a very stupid thing to put your own safety and life on others, and I am not wrong, do you know who the person who took the lead is?"

Xia Zuo said nonchalantly, without Laura refuting her, but with the slightest emotion, just raised his hand and pointed to one of the leaders of the two gangs and said.

"How do I know who he is? Do you know him? "

Laura hugged her shoulders and said without anger.

"Hehe, you've seen TV, this guy is the Nobel Peace Prize winner who was shown on TV before."

Xia Zuo looked at Laura with interest, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Although some of these two groups are former philanthropists on TV, and even one is a Nobel Peace Prize winner, you often see him on TV, calling on everyone to love peace and animals.

Now because of a piece of bread, he did not hesitate to fight his companions.

What an irony.


That guy turned out to be a Nobel Peace Prize winner, hearing Xia Zuo's words, Laura was shocked, and the expression of that person suddenly changed.

You know, the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to those who love peace very much, but it is a world-recognized award.

After being said by Xia Zuo, Laura also vaguely had some impressions of this person, as if there were really people who had received awards on world-class platforms.

"How could it be like this..."

Seeing Laura's look of three views destroyed, Xia Zuo shook his head in his heart, this little girl is too simple.

"He was able to win the Nobel Peace Prize, so kind and peaceful, it is precisely because he was not forced by life, so he has morality and energy to help others, and now he can't even guarantee his own life, of course, he fights others."

After a pause, Xia Zuo said again.

"You remember a saying, only strength is right in the world, and whoever has the biggest fist is the last word..."

Hearing Xia Zuo's words, his eyes were full of doubts, and the impact of what Xia Zuo said on him was too great, which was completely different from what her father Wolverine Logan taught her...

Wolverine Logan teaches her to help others, love peace, and be kind, but Xia Zuo teaches her to pursue strength...

"Let's go, it's too conspicuous to stay here..."

Xia Zo pulled Laura, the two of them were walking on the street, Xia Zuo was because of the problem of ability, so the clothes on his body were very clean, and Laura because of her very beautiful appearance, even dirty clothes, can not hide her beauty.

So the two of them are very conspicuous on the street.

Many aliens have turned their eyes and looked at them from time to time, even many beggars, humans are looking at them, their eyes are staring at them, wanting to get some oil and water from them...

After Thanos came to Earth, cleanly dressed humans and good-looking human women were either dignitaries, or the wives and daughters of dignitaries...

For these guys, they are also humans, there will definitely be some sympathy for them, especially the Nobel Prize winner Xia Zuo said, after he snatched Thanos over, he rolled his eyes and suddenly found Xia Zuo, and Laura...

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