Doctor Strange is a complete turn with Wanda, at the moment she is angry and corrupted, he finally realizes that even if he touches Wanda, he will not fall in love with himself, instead of trying his best to touch her, it is better to snatch him over first, raw rice and mature rice!

"You look for death!"

Hearing Doctor Strange's words, Wanda was immediately furious, searching for a quick seal, and another huge ball of energy flew out, colliding with Doctor Strange's spell shield.


With a loud bang, a burst of energy ripples suddenly erupted on Doctor Strange's spell shield, followed by positive energy fluctuations, scattered from Doctor Strange's shield, colliding with a fluctuation on its back, Wanda, directly retreated several steps layer by layer, and her face instantly turned pale.

The captain of the United States put the shield in front of him, shocked the shield, and absorbed kinetic energy, but even so, the captain of the United States spent a lot of energy to stop the momentum of retreat.

As for the war machine, it was directly bombarded.

"Hehe, Wanda, your strength and my strength was originally between Zhongbo, and now your strength is suppressed, with these two garbage, do you think you can fight against me!"

Doctor Strange had a rampant smile on his face.

Hearing this, Captain America and Wanda, all of their faces sank, although Doctor Strange's words were very arrogant, but they also had to admit in their hearts that what he said was right.

Although Captain America is also a superhero-level hero, his combat effectiveness can only be regarded as upper-middle, and if he faces two superhero-level archmages, Captain America can only barely cope.

And a superhero like Wanda, who is in the top ten of the superpowers, faces an archmage like a superhero level, almost everyone against ten!

Even if you work hard, even 15 Archmages may be able to give it a try!

At this moment, although the people and horses of the two sides are similar in number, but the high-end combat power is higher than the captain of the United States and the supernatural on the mage temple, there are too many here, at the beginning there was nothing, but now with the extension of time, the disadvantage finally slowly began to appear.

The people on the side of the supernatural narrowed their scope, and were forced into a corner by the people of the Mage Temple, and seeing this scene, the faces of Wanda and Captain Mi became even more ugly.

"Haha, I think you better surrender quickly, maybe Lord Bread is here, and I can spare your lives!"

Just when Doctor Strange was arrogant, suddenly a voice sounded next to him.

"Hehe, are you sure!"

Hearing this voice, Doctor Strange just jumped in his heart, bad, how to forget this guy!

Just when Doctor Strange thought that Xia Zuo was going to make a move, he suddenly found that Xia Zuo was still in place, but there was no one waiting around Xia Zuo, or the people around the mage were closer, and they seemed to subconsciously block him.

He didn't come to attack me?

Just when Doctor Strange was puzzled, he suddenly felt . Feeling that the wall behind him suddenly broke, followed by a surging force, it actually knocked him away directly!


A roar sounded, which seemed to contain endless anger, and a huge red figure walked out from inside that wall, imposing!

"Doctor Strange, you take your life!"

Red tank beats his chest. Suddenly, the endless anger contained in his eyes, looked at Doctor Strange.

"Damn, when was this guy released?"

Doctor Strange pressed his chest. Mouth, constant coughing, finally suppressed the injury, looked at the red tank, eyes were shocked.

You must know that the ranking of the red tank is comparable to Wanda, they are all the top ten powerhouses of the supernatural ranking, and if the two of them join forces, it is said that you will suffer a big loss.

However, before Doctor Strange could figure out what to do, suddenly behind the wall where the red tank broke through, there was another sound of footsteps, and then in the shocked eyes of everyone, Little Naughty and Susan all walked out!

"Doctor Strange, today is your time to die!"

The little naughty said coldly.

"How did you guys come out? Who the hell let you out, forget it, no matter these archmages, hurry up to my side to protect me, unite, kill these guys together, you can't keep them anymore!" "

Doctor Strange suddenly roared at the surrounding Archmages!

Hearing Doctor Strange's call, the surrounding archmages returned to Doctor Strange's side one after another.


Doctor Strange and the remaining 40-plus Archmages killed Susan and Naughty Ones!

Susan's strength is not weak like the little naughty, one person can deal with several Archmages, Red Tank and Captain Wandami, War Machine takes joint against Doctor Strange, and the remaining Thousand Pupil high-level is to deal with the remaining Archmages.


A burst of explosions and vibrations sounded in the sky, and at this moment the battlefield, the mage body. The body has almost been unable to withstand the attacks of all the superpowers, and has begun to collapse, but these are superheroes, and they will not be afraid of these falling boulders, and between their attacks, these sentences are turned into crumbs!

"Ruling Holy Stick!"

Doctor Strange, with his stick in his hand, broke up a spell, but was punched by the red tank on the spell shield, and directly retreated several steps in the air.

"Damn, these guys, the current situation is not good for us at all!"

Doctor Strange looked at the archmages around him, as well as the people around him, they were suppressed, the scene just now was completely the opposite, he just hated to grit his teeth, but he was also very lucky, fortunately, the panel was made of the Mind Gem, suppressed their strength, otherwise he alone dealt with four, Wanda inside alone, he could defeat him!

Time passed by 1 minute and 1 second, and the scene at this moment turned out to be that the people of the Mage Temple were forced into a corner by the supernatural and the high-level of the Thousand Pupils!

"Bastard, is my Mage Sanctuary going to be planted here today?"

Doctor Strange's unwilling cry.

"Many acts of unrighteousness will perish themselves!" When you betray your fellow citizens, you should have thought of this day, to die, Doctor Strange! "

Wanda's little naughty people immediately rushed to Doctor Strange and his Archmage!

In an instant, Doctor Strange's cold sweat was about to drip down, and just when he thought that he was going to finish playing today, suddenly a roar and a huge green figure fell from the sky, and suddenly smashed between the two groups of centaurs!

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