Marvel I have a god-level experience card

Chapter 644 Too cautious! 【Please customize! 】

Seeing Louie slowly put away the flame, Stark couldn't help wiping his cold sweat, and shouted too much. Do you believe it now?" Louie asked this question again.

"Xin Xinxin, I believe everything you say now," Stark said quickly, "Okay, stop talking, I'm going to speed up, I'm very hungry now, and I don't want to waste any extra energy."

As Louie grabbed Stark's hand, a large amount of fire erupted, covering it in Stark's terrified scream.

As for these flames, Louie kept their temperature so that they wouldn't hurt Stark.

It won't do him any harm, and as for Stark's shouting, Louie doesn't care at all.

When the flames completely covered Stark, Louie immediately accelerated and flew to the continent at the far end of the sea horizon at a very fast speed, and finally landed.

After finding the person and returning, it was confirmed that they had returned to the secret base, and they also found that the mobile phone signal was coming.

After Stark took out his mobile phone and had someone arrange a plane, the two took the car to the airport, and finally boarded a private plane and returned to Nanshi, when it was already dark.

Afterwards, the two entered a restaurant hastily and ordered some food.

Both of them only ate a little something in the morning, and until now, there is no dripping of water and no food, and the already hungry front bear is sticking to the back.

After eating, the two said goodbye and went back to their respective residences by car.

As for Steel Wars, Louie will come back to him in a few days.

When Louie returned to the residence, it was already twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. When he saw the time, he couldn't help laughing bitterly.

After returning home until now, Louie took a shower, drank a glass of red wine to help her sleep, and fell asleep.

This day is really a bit tired, not because of the discussion with Stark, but because he is tired by car and plane.

At noon the next day, Louie got up and took a shower, drove off, went straight to Stark's house, prepared to return the steel armor to him, and then drove to the airport to fly to Beishi.

God Escape!

The base of the Shendang Bureau, the program is located at the place where the Beishi is located. After the Fujia Alliance is completely established, its base will be transferred to the mysterious invisible Helicarrier!

Two hours later, Louie arrived at Stark's residence. After returning the steel armor to him, he sat for a while, chatted with Little Chain Pepper Potts and Stark for a while, then said goodbye and drove away.

They are progressing pretty fast.

Leaving Stark's residence and driving the car to Louie, who was in the first show, he couldn't help but complain.

Before, when he just arrived at the Stark country, he bumped into Stark talking to Pepper Potts, and Louie arrived at the airport shortly after.

Just before boarding the private plane, he dialed Black widow Natasha Romanoff's number and chanted her.

Today he will come over and ask her to arrange a driver to pick him up on the plane. After Louie directly chooses to close his eyes and rest, he quietly waits for the notification of his arrival in Beishi.

However, it didn't take long, about two or two hours, when Louie was about to fall asleep, a system prompt sounded in his mind, which woke him up.

"Acridine! Discover HYDRA Warriors! Winter Soldier No. 4 Sin Points: 3000 Points!"

Huh? Winter Soldier number four? When did HYDRA come up with another Winter Soldier? And it looks like there's more than one? Then again, how did he show up on my plane?

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