Marvel I have a god-level experience card

Chapter 682 Too terrifying! 【Please customize! 】

Captain, there is a child here." A police officer took out a girl from the hidden compartment in surprise.

This girl is only a few years old, File size, but her cute little face is incomparably terrified, her body is trembling non-stop, obviously the bloody scene in front of her has frightened her.

"Alas, poor child," said Markov with a sigh. He knew very well that children who grew up under such conditions were not in good health.

"Captain, there is an account book here." Another police officer also said in surprise.

Captain Markov heard what the team members said, and hurriedly walked over and took it from the policeman's hand.

He flipped through it casually and said, "Yes, this should be the clue we are looking for."

"Get ready to go back for business." Markov said, looking at the ambulance that was driving in the distance.

"By the way, take this girl back with you."

In Lake's house, Lake was sitting on a stool, very decadent.

As a sheriff with rich experience, Lake found that he was being watched! Because these few days, Lake accidentally discovered that there are several strange faces always wandering beside his house.

Combined with what Andre said before, Lake found that he couldn't go out casually, so as not to be suspected.

Lake was trapped in his own home, so to speak.

Just when Lake was worried about this, the phone kept vibrating.

Lake hurriedly looked at the displayed number. The number was obviously unfamiliar. After hesitation, he pressed the connect button and listened quietly.

"Hello, I'm Weijia, let me tell you, find a way to gain Andre's trust. The required items will be delivered to you by express." On the other end of the phone, a rough male voice said.

"What are you talking about, I don't understand." Lake maintained the sheriff's caution and said.

Then, the phone on the other side hung up!

Sheriff Lake couldn't help but fell into contemplation. As for the identity of the caller, he suspected that he was the subordinate of the great master, but he was afraid that some people with intentions were trying to deceive him, so he said this.

"As long as the great master appears in front of me, I will definitely recognize him." Sheriff Lake murmured.

"Director An, this is the information we found." In Andrei's office, Captain Markov handed over the ledger he found earlier to Andrei.

"You've worked hard, go and rest first. I'll take a look at this account book." Andrei said.

Markov nodded, leaving the office without disturbing Andrei's thinking.

This scene was seen by a caring person in the police station, and that caring person was Jimmy Police.

Jimmy pretended to be nonchalant, but secretly remembered it. In the previous Levi's Bank operation, because the captain was sacrificed, other team members were also severely injured.

Only Jimmy was in good health, so he was promoted to captain by his superiors. Coincidentally, it belonged to the management of Sheriff Lake.

In the police station, Louie didn't develop his own slaves, because that might attract the attention of some departments.

Andrei was sitting in his chair, holding a cigarette in one hand, taking a sip from time to time, while the other hand kept tapping on the table.

Obviously, he was thinking deeply.

Andre reached out and flipped through the ledger, and looked at the contents carefully.

This ledger was written by Granny Aisy, but it was full of errands, but it also contained records of store business.

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