“It’s over.”

The atomic samurai put the sword into its sheath, and he looked at Genos with disdain, “It is said that you are that Saitama’s apprentice, and only waste can have this waste apprentice.” ”

What the!

What did you say!

It was the first time Genos felt such a strong sense of anger since he became a reformer with the help of Dr. Kusno.

The only thing he thinks about is how to become stronger,

Become stronger,

And after meeting Saitama, he seemed to have more things in his heart.

This was given by Saitama-sensei.

“What does this feel…” There was a force flowing through Genos’s body, and his arm was feeling again, what was that itching feeling.


In short, the power is constantly pouring out.

“Genos stood up.”

“It’s all tattered, and it’s awesome to be able to stand up*”

“Atomic Samurai, do you think it’s that simple? Stand up or knock down again. ”

“Kill him, Atomic Samurai.”

Amid the cheers of the crowd, the atomic warrior narrowed his eyes at Genos, his eyes full of dismissive contemptuous smiles, “Then destroy you again.” ”

“And then…”

“Waste that bald head again.”

The Atomic Samurai’s long hair fluttered in the wind, and traces of wig covers could even be seen, and a layer of stubble had only grown since it was last burned by Genos.

It seems to be a monk.

That’s the biggest shame.

He pulled out his sword and unsheathed it, but suddenly his face sank, Genos was already close in front of him, he didn’t expect him to suddenly have such a fast speed.

“Atomic chop.”

“Is there only one move? Atomic Samurai. Too slow. “Genos’ electronic eye completely captures every move of the atomic warrior.

His speed has soared to a limit, and the movement of the atomic warrior in front of him is like a slowed down, is the world slowing down?


It’s him who gets faster.

There was a burning sensation in his body, which Genos had never felt before, and he felt this feeling carefully, and his body became more and more sensitive.

“Don’t be too arrogant.”

The atomic warrior has also reached a new height, and his atomic slash has been used to the fullest, which is a ghost-level sword technique.

“Too slow..”

Boom –

With a deafening loud noise, an unprecedented pit appeared on the site, and in the deep pit Genos held the throat of the atomic warrior.

His whole body was pressed to the ground, rubbing.

“Impossible!! How could I possibly lose in the hands of a garbage of 14! That’s impossible! The voice of the atomic warrior was even confused,

His throat was firmly choked.

Buzz –

The blade trembled, and the katana of the atomic samurai flew straight out and fell into the distance, the hilt still trembling, and he was the loser who picked up the weapon.

But he is still pouting,

“I won’t let you go, and Saitama, that vile villain, defeating the Deep Sea King is just using you idiots.”



The screams of the atomic warriors rang out, and Genos gently squeezed his shoulders, easily removing one of his arms.

At this time, the staff of the association in the distance had already broken out in a cold sweat.

A familiar gentle female voice sounded, “The winner of this round, Genos, he has completed four rounds and became the 4th in the S-class. ”

“Do you want to scrap one.”

Genos’s voice sounded like a urging spell.


The arrogance of the atomic samurai did not allow him to admit defeat, this was a battle of reputation, if he admitted defeat, how could he raise his head in front of the three disciples such as Juhegang.


However, the strength of Genos in front of him gradually increased, and he had already felt the breath of death, which was the first time in his life.

“According to the test rules, please stop the aggressive behavior of S-class 4th Genos, otherwise…”


The speaker fell to the ground with a bang, and it was a tornado that shot, and she pinched her waist arrogantly, “It’s noisy, I know blind BB all day, shut up.” ”

“Lord Tornado, you are…”

“It’s too noisy.”

The tornado gradually became angry, her petite body was suspended in midair, and her light green curly hair also floated up, exuding indescribable power.

“However, this test should be over, Lord Tornado, it will really kill people if it continues like this.” The eyes of the staff did not dare to look at the tornado,

His back was already soaked with sweat.

Provoke a tornado, a dead end.

This belief has always been deeply rooted in the hearts of every staff member of the headquarters of the Heroes Guild, and their work is also walking on thin ice.

“Hmph, I don’t care.”

Tornado snorted coldly, and the staff almost fell to his knees on the ground with his legs weak.

The others were even more embarrassed and pushed each other, no one stepped forward to stop the tornado, they really had a sense of fear of the tornado from the bottom of their hearts.


One step slower.

Atomic samurai will really die.

This is the elite of the headquarters of the Heroes Guild.

And those onlookers on the outside were not afraid of the big thing and continued to shout, “Genos, so handsome, kill him, kill him, you are a pure master.” ”

“The Atomic Samurai was actually fucked by Genos, it’s fucking exciting.”

“I didn’t expect this.”


The shouts were deafening.

And despair spread like a flood beast in the heart of the atomic warrior, and he could not see the slightest hesitation in the eyes of Genos, some were just cold.

“It’s over!”

“It’s completely over!”

The staff wailed in their hearts, this is also a huge loss to the association, if a dragon-level disaster occurs at this time, how to deal with it.

The combat power is constantly decreasing.

While they hesitated, there was another heart-rending scream in the distance.


The atomic samurai is like an ant trampled on the soles of his feet, slaughtered by others, his face is covered with sweat, and his face is so hideous that it is distorted.

“Do you want to do it again?”

Genos’s eyes were like blades, the kind of stabbing death, and his voice was like a life-killing curse, echoing in the ears of atomic warriors again and again.

“I… I don’t want to die…”

“You have to apologize to the teacher.”

“Yes, I… I apologize…”

It turned out that death was far more terrifying than he had imagined.

No, it was something more terrifying than death, his soul was trembling, and he didn’t expect the gap between him and Genos to be so large.

“Come here.”

The medical team in the distance had long been ready, and when they came over, they were shocked by the sight in front of them, and the atomic warrior passed out.

He was carried away on a stretcher.

Genos, on the other hand, behaved a little abnormally, he felt that the discomfort of his body was gradually increasing, as if the skin, muscles, bones, and even every cell on the surface were being eaten by ants.

This intense pain is like a sharp thorn that keeps drilling.

Distant voices flickered far and near.

Those cries,

“Genos is so handsome.”

“It’s so tough.”

“Suddenly got to the 4th place, buddy, cow bi.”



“What’s going on?”

Under Genos’s suit was a burst of bruises, and his vision became more and more blurred, and he was even about to fall to the ground. _

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