Then, the liquid flowed and got into the man's mouth and nose!

"Hey~! Robert, are you okay?"

A colleague found him, standing there motionless with a strange posture, so he came over and asked.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached out and patted Robert on the shoulder, something like a tentacle penetrated his head directly..

Blood flowed out.

His eyes widened, and he, who was not dead immediately, looked at this scene with horror.


The body hit the ground.

It attracted the attention of other search and rescue personnel.

"What's going on over there?"

"Damn it! Something seems to have happened!"

"That is......Robert? Hey~! Robert, what are you doing?"

Several people ran over. Robert, whom they were talking about, tilted his head at this time and looked at the people walking over indifferently.

The next second!


Robert rushed forward quickly and grabbed one of them with one hand. A person's head was smashed against the door of a car.

The door was dented and the glass was directly smashed.

"Damn it! Robert, you are crazy!"

Others ran forward to stop him, but were thrown away by Robert who was in a frenzy.

He became so powerful that he could hold a 1,780-pound man with one hand and throw him away. Six or seven meters away.

The people who were thrown out were a little frightened.

They got up and turned around and ran away.

But Robert didn't let them go.


Something like a tentacle extended from Robert's body and wrapped it around him in an attempt to escape. Several people directly dragged them back.

The next moment......


Screams echoed in the forest.

Startled by the flying birds............

Jiu Jinshan, Life Foundation.

Entrance to underground laboratory.

A transport truck with the words"Life Foundation" painted on its body slowly drove in here.

The boss of the Life Foundation, Carlton Drake, was waiting eagerly. When he saw the car slowly approaching, he couldn't help but reveal an excited smile on his face.

"Come on, let me see those little guys!"

The car stopped.

Drake immediately directed his subordinates to open the carriage door.

The encrypted carriage door opened.

Drake couldn't wait to step forward and look at the three devices in the carriage.

Inside the transparent glass of the device, Groups of semi-condensed liquid-like things, they seemed to be alive, squirming slowly, sometimes extending tentacle-like branches, touching the surface of the glass, and spreading out into thin blood vessels. Branch out.

Dr. Drake watched this scene with bright eyes, and the smile on his face gradually turned sickly!

"hurry up! Send them all to the lab! I want an analysis report on them immediately!"

Drake waved his hands excitedly and asked people to lift these devices and send them to the laboratory.

He couldn't wait to learn about their life forms!

He had a hunch that this would be the most important project of the Future Life Foundation. The proportion of important research projects far exceeds the sum of all the foundation's previous projects.


It will bring new definition to the whole world!

He, Carlton Drake! Will become the pioneer of a new era!!!............

The next day, morning.

Inside a beach house in New York.

Clark was holding a cup of coffee and watching the news reports on TV

【The Life Foundation's spaceship crashed in the Forest Park. The current answer given by the Life Foundation is that it was an accident!】

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with this news?"

Jessica walked up to Clark, looked at his serious look, and asked curiously.

Clark shook his head and said,"Nothing, I just remembered, does Abigail work in this company?"

"Life Foundation, yes, Abigail seems to work in this company. She told me last time that their company’s drug experiments were fatal."

Jessica frowned.

"I always feel that there is something wrong with the boss of this company. Why are there drug experiments that kill people all day long?"

"Moreover, I have never heard of this company being sued for this kind of thing."

"It's a bit abnormal no matter how you look at it."

Indeed, if someone dies in a drug experiment, the family members of the deceased will definitely make a fuss.

Even if an agreement has been signed beforehand, whether there is a fuss or not has little to do with signing the agreement.

But this company seems to have never appeared. Such a thing.

When someone dies, no one bothers to make trouble!

This is unreasonable.


These dead people have no family members at all!

But in that case, it would be even more unreasonable!

However, Clark was not concerned about the Life Foundation's drug experiments.

He didn't care whether drug experiments were fatal or not.

He just remembered another thing because of the news in front of him.


Clark thought.

Unexpectedly, a new plot will begin so soon.

However, was it too early for Venom to be born?

Moreover, according to Clark's memory, it seems that the place where the spacecraft crashed is not in the United States, right?

It seems to be from other countries.

Why did it crash in Jiu Jinshan?

Isn’t that the headquarters of the Life Foundation?

Dropped it directly on your doorstep?

Jessica watched the news reports on TV for a while and felt that it was not interesting anymore, so she patted Clark on the arm.

"Let's go, let's eat."

Clark nodded.

He turned around and went to the restaurant with the two of them.

Jessica moved to the beach house last month.

Anyway, there are a lot of empty rooms here, and Clark can't run to her all day long. Wanda and Daisy got into trouble several times when they stayed overnight.

They felt as if Clark was abandoning them.

They looked so tearful. It was so pitiful.

Clark thought about it later and decided to let Jessica move. Come over.

Jessica was reluctant at first, mainly because Clark was not the only one living in the villa. If he was alone, Jessica would have nothing to resist.

But now there are three children living here, so Jessica was a little embarrassed.

However, in the end she couldn't resist Clark and moved here anyway.

In the first few days after Jessica moved here, Wanda and Daisy were still a little unhappy.

They felt like their home was being given to others. They seemed to be occupied.

They were pouting all day long.

They even went on a hunger strike to protest.

Unfortunately, this trick didn't work here in Clark.

After a little coaxing, the attitude of the two little girls improved a lot.

But let What Clark didn't expect was that within a few days, Wanda and Daisy would defect to Jessica's side. The three of them acted like good sisters, as if they had known each other for many years.

This made Clark secretly sigh that women don't care. Regardless of their age and ideas, their men will always be unpredictable.............

MNBN Building.

As usual, Eddie parked his motorcycle directly at the main entrance of the building.

Richard, who was in charge of the front desk in the building lobby, saw him.

He was about to say something to him and ask him to park the car somewhere else, but Eddie preemptively asked about his daughter.

His daughter is Richard's pride.

She is among the best in school, is beautiful, and is very popular.He's not a dull nerd who can only read books.

Richard knew that was all he could achieve in his life.

So he placed his hope on his daughter.

I hope she can become a member of the upper class in the future and become a member of the country's elite!

Hearing Eddie ask about his daughter, although he knew Eddie was probably asking casually, Richard still responded to him happily and proudly.

"Berkeley, Brown, MIT, they all wanted to admit her!"

"You know, they are also going to give her a scholarship!"

It can be seen that Richard is really proud of his daughter.

"What did I say!"

Eddie said with a smile.


Richard looked puzzled.

He didn't seem to remember what Eddie said.

Was it the last time they drank together?

But that time he remembered that Eddie seemed to have just told him about his several romantic encounters in the bar. That's it.

Could it be the last time we had lunch together?

But that time Eddie seemed to be talking about becoming too murderous. He remembered it very clearly. He didn't even eat much lunch that time. He really couldn't eat.!

"Everything is possible!"


Richard looked dumbfounded.

That's it?

Isn't this your catchphrase!

Just when he was about to continue talking about parking, Eddie had already walked to the elevator, talking about MIT and so on. Richard was speechless and could only find a way to move the car to one side.

Madan felt as if he had become the little brother who parked the car for Eddie.

Richard felt depressed for a while.

On the other side, riding Eddie, who was going up in the elevator, was already in the office of his immediate boss.

The boss first praised Eddie's past achievements and then gave him an errand.

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