Such a hawkish mind, yet so white supremacist General Carlton.

Naturally, he was very angry about Clark's arrogant behavior in New York.

He almost had a heart attack and was so angry!

At this time, he saw some of the people present looking panicked. This made Admiral Carlton feel deeply distressed. How could these cowards have the right to sit here? How do you qualify to rule this country?

His eyes looked at Mr. President who was looking up.

The president also had a sad look on his face at this moment, but at least he did not show any fear, which made Admiral Carlton quite satisfied.

"Much better than the last one!"

Admiral Carlton thought.

Of course, this is not because of the skin color of the previous president. Admiral Carlton swears, it is definitely not because of this!

After a moment......

The president said:

"Admiral Carlton is right, we cannot embarrass ourselves in front of other countries!"

"We are the United States, the most powerful and greatest country in the world! Those other countries are trying to take away everything we have now every moment! Why do their evil plans never succeed?"

"Is it because their plan isn't evil enough?"


"That's because our country, the United States, is strong enough!!!"

"It is so powerful that no matter how evil the plan is, it cannot shake the supremacy of our country in this world!!!"

"Long live America!!!"

Some people below were excited and shouted"Long live the United States" together.

In the eyes of some people, this behavior is really - so stupid!!!

But they dare not say it because of the people around them The people who shouted"Long Live America" ​​all had red eyes and looked like they had rabies.

They were afraid that after they said these words, they would be thrown to the ground by the people around them. , and then bitten to death!

"As expected of Mr. President!"

Admiral Carlton had a satisfied expression on his face, and at the same time he shouted"Long live the United States" with pride.

After a while,......

Mr. President waved his hand to ask everyone to quiet down, and then said:

"In the current situation, I propose as president - use nuclear weapons!"

He looked around

"Who agrees? Who objects? Soon

, someone loudly said:"Mr. President's proposal is the best way at present. I agree to use nuclear bombs!""

"I agree!"

"I agree!!"

"Nuclear bombs can deter other countries. Even if we sacrifice a New York (niu), we must declare our determination to the outside world!!!"

"Okay, let’s do it!"......

The big shots here all looked like crazy, and most of them agreed with the president's crazy decision.

Use nuclear bombs, and the target is New York.

Those who were still calm looked at the people around them as if they were looking at a group of lunatics. finally......

Someone couldn't help but slap the table and stood up

"Are you crazy?!"

"That's New York! Do you know how many people there have not escaped? Our troops are still there! This is not a few people or hundreds of people, but tens or millions of people!!!"

"Do you know how many people your decision will kill?!!"

He loudly questioned those who agreed to use nuclear bombs.

But what he received was a pair of ferocious eyes.

He was startled!

At this time, the president glanced at him lightly, clapped his hands and said :"Okay, Mr. Sanghir may not have had enough sleep last night, and his brain is still a little confused now. Let's let him go down and take a rest first."

The president called the guards and took Mr. Sanchier down.

"You are all crazy!!!"

"You will regret it!! Damn it, don't pull me, I'll go on my own!!!"

"A bunch of lunatics! Just follow this idiot and go crazy, I won't serve you anymore!!!"

Sangir was taken away while cursing.



A gunshot was heard outside the conference room.

A guard captain walked in and said,"Mr. Sanjeer wanted to grab our gun, but he failed and was shot dead." The guard captain finished speaking lightly, then nodded to the president, and received the president's approval. After giving permission, he turned around and walked out of the conference room, closing the door behind him.

At this time, the president smiled and said:

"Well, Mr. Sanghir made a wrong decision, but he has paid the consequences and I believe God will forgive him."

"Come on, let's continue with the previous proposal and raise your hands in favor of using nuclear bombs."

This time, no one objected.

Everyone raised their hands.

Because they didn't want to be like Sanghir, who was accused of snatching firearms and then shot to death in the corridor.

Mr. President just said that , Sanghir made a wrong decision.

What was this wrong decision?

Grabbing a gun?

Don't be kidding!

Everyone knows that it was a made-up reason.

So there can only be one wrong decision, and that is to oppose the president's proposal.

If you oppose it, die! If you agree, live!

I believe that anyone with a normal mind will know how to choose.

Of course, how to choose now is one thing.

But when you get out of here, whether you will go back with revenge afterwards is another. That's it.

Anyway, the president's behavior today has angered many of them. After they leave the White Palace, they will definitely take some small actions.

Whether it is to directly drive him out of office, or to create some trouble for him, or It is to support the next competitor.

In short......

They can't do nothing.

After all, he is a proud and arrogant person, and no one will allow himself to be threatened like this.

"Great, it looks like everyone made the right decision!"

Seeing that everyone raised their hands, Mr. President expressed his happiness. He waved with a smile and asked someone to bring a document. First, he signed the document himself, and then handed it to the Minister of Defense beside him.

"Please, Mr. Minister."

The president said with a smile.

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