Judging from their body proportions, the dozen dwarves in front of them can indeed be called dwarves.

But if you just look at it from a height.

There is no way to call them dwarves! if they were dwarves......

So what does Clark’s height of less than two meters count?


Dwarf? ?

"Strangers, what are you doing in Nidave?"

At this time, a dwarf who seemed to have some status came up, looked down at the two of them and asked.

"We come to find the king of your clan. Clark said.

The dwarf in front of him heard the words and nodded.

"Okay, come with me."


Are you agreeing now??

Clark's face was full of questions.

When did the king of the clan become so easy to see whenever he wants?

Could it be a scam?

Clark thought to himself.

But he still followed Nebula with him. I caught the dwarf in front of me.

No matter if it was a scam or not, go and take a look first.

There was no reason why I didn’t see anything, so I just scared myself and scared myself back.............

Following the dwarf in front of them, the two soon came to an area with extremely high temperatures.

"This is my king's forging area. Please wait a moment while I go inside to see if my king is free."

After he finished speaking, he asked the two of them to wait where they were, and then walked in.

Clark and Nebula also stayed outside and waited.

It didn't take long, about five or six minutes, when the dwarf came back again.

"Come in, my king has promised to see you."

He said.

Then he led the two of them into this extremely hot area!

After walking for about two or three minutes, you could clearly hear the sound of blacksmithing coming from the front.

Then they walked for another minute. After a few minutes, the field of vision in front of me suddenly became clear.

In the field of vision, some machines that looked both simple and complex were filled with crimson liquid, which was constantly flowing towards a forging platform below..

And the king of the dwarf clan was standing there at this time, holding a hammer and tapping a piece of red iron.

It looked like......

It should look like a broad sword.

The dwarf leading the way asked Clark and Nebula to be silent at this time.

The three of them stood and watched for a while. During the whole process, the king of the dwarf clan was constantly tapping the knife embryo in front of them that had not yet been fully formed.

After beating for several minutes, the knife embryo finally took shape. hereby~~~~!!!

As a burst of smoke rose, a gleaming sword was pinched out of the vat by the king of the dwarf clan.


The forged sword was thrown into an iron tool aside.

Before that, there had been a lot of weapons thrown in there, of all styles, and they all seemed to be first-class weapons. But looking at the attitude of the dwarf king towards them, it was obvious that he was not satisfied with himself. of these works. at this time......

The dwarf king in front of him also picked up the towel next to him and wiped his sweat, then turned to look at the three people behind him.

His eyes paused on Clark for a moment, and then he waved his hand to let the dwarf leading the way go down first.

After the dwarf left, the dwarf king spoke:

"When I heard that the head of the Nova Empire had been assassinated, I knew you would come here, but I didn't expect it to be so soon."

The Dwarf King pulled a chair from the side and sat down, and motioned for the two of them to sit down as well.

But after looking at the size of those chairs, Clark gave up the idea of ​​sitting down.

That proportion......

It is definitely not built according to normal people.

Seeing that the two of them didn't want to sit down, the Dwarf King did not insist anymore, but continued:"If I guessed correctly, the purpose of your coming to me is to know the news about other congressmen, right?"

Clark nodded.

"do you know? he asked.

The dwarf king nodded and said:

"I do know something about a few of them."

The dwarf king said, glancing at the necklace around Clark's neck, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Five Infinity Stones. I never expected that someone would collect all five Infinity Stones again!"

He said with emotion.

The reason why the Dwarf King said it again is because many years ago, Odin, the God King of Asgard, also collected five Infinity Stones, but when faced with the last one

When it came to the soul gem, he chose to give up!......

These five gems were successively sealed in different places by Odin.

Many years have passed, some seals have been opened, and the gems have fallen into the hands of other ambitious people.

Speaking of which, although Ancient One, the supreme mage, is not inferior to Odin in strength, in terms of age, she is indeed far inferior to Odin.

The time stone was also one of Odin's collections.

If Odin hadn't given up these Infinity Stones, the line of Supreme Mage born later might not have been able to obtain this Time Stone! certainly!

It is not a glorious thing to be surpassed by a junior who is not even a fraction of his own age.

So Odin doesn't care about age.

That would make him look like a waste!

But I have to say that Odin was really strong when he was young, especially when he held the five infinity stones. At that time, his strength was definitely a single universe level existence.

But later, as his lifespan gradually came to an end, his mentality also changed to a certain extent, so Odin gave up the idea of ​​continuing to fight and began to rest on his laurels.

In this regard, we cannot say whether Odin's decision was right or wrong.

After all, as a bystander, you can never personally understand what kind of mental journey the people in the story have gone through.

Odin would make such a decision, obviously after careful consideration.............

Not to mention how Odin's great achievements in the past impressed the dwarf king in front of him.

At this time, seeing the five infinity stones on Clark's body, the Dwarf King finally understood why Clark could easily lock onto him.

Because of the seal on their bodies, they themselves cannot tell those things.

But if it is forcibly stolen by external forces.

Then there is nothing they can do!


Clark, who has mastered the Mind Stone, has this ability.

"Come on, if you want to know anything, come and see."

The Dwarf King sat there with no intention of resisting.

The dwarves have never been good at fighting. At least at the level of high-end combat power, the dwarves have no say at all.

Otherwise, they would not need to get Ah Sigard's blessing!

Seeing the dwarf king being so straightforward, Clark didn't say any more nonsense. He directly enveloped his spiritual power and penetrated into the depths of the dwarf king's memory. He easily broke the seal. Finally, Clark saw what he wanted.

Fragments of memories appeared in front of his eyes, and then turned into real illusions, played in front of him one by one.

Clark saw several stories about other congressmen. content, but what concerned him the most was the information about one of the congressmen.

The Dwarf King seemed to have some definite guesses about the identity of this congressman, and also knew where he often appeared.

But because Due to time constraints, he hadn't had time to confirm whether all this was true!

After reading these memories for a moment,

Clark already knew it in his mind.

At this time, he looked at the dwarf king in front of him again.

The other person stood up at this time, turned around and walked towards The crafting table over there, then opened a hidden compartment under the crafting table, took out a metal box from it, and handed it to Clark

"This thing is a masterpiece of mine. I don't want it to be forgotten by the world because of my death. I hope you can exert its true power!"

The Dwarf King said solemnly.

Clark reached out and took the box.

The box was opened, and inside was a black ring.

The ring didn't look very beautiful, it could only be said to be pretty good, with a hint of mystery. But what Clark noticed was that there were six very small grooves on the front of the ring. I don’t know what they were used for. They couldn’t be inlaid with diamonds, right?

Clark thought.

He raised his head. , looking at the dwarf king in front of him

"You can try putting the Infinity Stones on it."The Dwarf King said.

Put the Infinity Stones?!

Clark glanced at the Infinity Stones around his neck and took off the Power Stone.

Then he put the black ring on his right hand.

Of course!

Before that He had already asked the system to identify the properties of this thing and put it on after knowing that it was not something to harm people.

Although Clark was confident enough in his own strength, he was not a fool and would believe whatever others said.

At this time , after putting the ring on his hand, there was no obvious feeling.

But Clark was not surprised. After all, he had identified it and found out what the ring was. This ring, to put it bluntly, is an amplifier.

It can amplify the effect of energy.

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