"What else is there to talk about?"

Superman from another world said with a dark face:

"I don’t even know why I came here, what else can I talk about?"

"There must be some sign, right?"Carl asked.

At this time, the tense atmosphere between the two sides also calmed down a little.

Superman from another world opposite was not an unreasonable person. He put down his fist, frowned and said:"What do you want to say? If there is any sign, there was a brief cosmic energy riot in the solar system the day before it happened."

"Apart from that, there is nothing else that can be regarded as a sign."

"A cosmic energy riot also occurred in your world yesterday?! Karl said in surprise:"In that case, the source of all these things may really be related to this cosmic energy riot!""

"Are you saying that I was sent to this world because of the riot of cosmic energy?"

Superman from another world said.

Carl nodded.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out"

"How should I go back?"Superman from another world frowned and said,"I still have many enemies over there. Once they confirm that I am no longer on earth, I don't know what terrible things they will do to my friends.!"

"Do you have many friends in your world?"Carl asked curiously.

Superman from another world nodded.

"There are quite a few, don’t you?"

Karl shook his head.

He really doesn't have many friends on earth, but he does have a girlfriend.

"Then you really failed."Superman from another world smiled, as if he felt that he had finally gained some advantages in a certain aspect, and couldn't help but feel a little proud.

Looking at his appearance, Carl felt a little unhappy.

So what if he has many friends!

I also have a guild, and there are many friends in the guild!


They should be considered friends, right?

Karl couldn't help but feel guilty.

After all, he doesn't often chat with other people in the guild. Most of the time, he's busy working (saving the world) or spending time with his girlfriend. How can he have so much time to chat!

If you look at it this way......

No matter who has more friends.

He seems to be no match for Superman from another world

"Ahem~! Let's continue talking about how to send you back."Karl didn't want to continue chatting on this topic, so he quickly brought the topic to serious matters.

"What can you do?"Superman from another world asked.

Carl shook his head and said:"There is no good way at the moment, but I think we can follow this clue to investigate, and there are some people who seem to be from other worlds appeared before you. But they are all super criminals. Maybe we can get some useful information from those people."

"Did you lock them up?"Superman from another world asked,"Where is he imprisoned? Is that place safe?"

"Don't worry, that place is absolutely safe! Karl said confidently,"I guarantee, they can't run out from there.""

Although Carl acted very confident, Superman from another world obviously didn't particularly believe what he said.

"Let’s go and have a look first. Do you, my friend, want to go with us?"

Superman from another world said.

He looked at Clark curiously.

"sir you......"

Karl turned and asked

"No, I can just wander around by myself, you guys are busy with your business. Clark waved his hand and said.

He stood up from the stone, patted the dirt on his pants, and then walked slowly towards the distance.

Within a few steps, his figure had disappeared into the horizon.

Look. The superman from another world couldn't help but reach out and rub his eyes, thinking that he was blinded.

"Your friend him......"

He looked at Karl with questioning eyes.

Carl smiled

"Isn’t it awesome?"

He patted the other party's shoulder and said with a smile:

"Don't think about it, you can't learn."

Superman from another world looked at him sideways, reached out and slapped off his claws angrily.............

Gotham City.

The most famous city in the DC world is neither Metropolis, where Superman lives, nor Central City, where The Flash lives, nor Starling City, where Green Arrow lives, but the city in front of us that has given birth to countless top criminals. The famous【Sin City】——Gotham!

How famous is Gotham in the DC world?

In a word, anyone who knows the DC system knows Gotham.

The two most famous people in Gotham City, one good and one evil, are none other than Batman and the Joker.

The non-killing Batman and the crazy clown can be said to be the two golden signs of Gotham City.

But at this stage, Batman has been active in Gotham City for more than 20 years, but the Joker's words......It seems to have disappeared a bit, as if it has become a terrible urban legend.

I only know that such a person once existed, but where is he now?

I'm afraid no one can really answer it.

Even Batman, the Joker's mortal enemy, can't tell where the Joker is now.

He's neither in Gotham City nor Arkham Asylum.

Where did the clown go?

A few years ago, many people wanted to know this question, but several years have passed and the clown has not appeared again.

Gradually, some people who were still looking for the Joker slowly gave up. Only some people who had followed the Joker, or who had heard of his deeds and admired the Joker extremely, were still hunting in Gotham City. Under the banner of the Clown Gang, they do things that make normal people look like crazy people.

And Clark's first stop after coming to the DC world.

He was fixed in Gotham.

Clark is not in a hurry to help him solve Carl's matter. What's more, this is the DC world. After all, the rule system is different from Marvel. He also needs to adapt to the environment a little bit.......

All right!

Clark showed off his cards, he just didn't want to really help Carl solve the problem.

He mainly comes to watch the excitement. If everything is solved as soon as he comes up, then what's the point of watching the excitement?

Where is the fun to watch! so......

Clark wanted Carl and the others to go through the trouble themselves. When the good show was almost over, Clark felt that it was okay, and it would not be too late to come forward to solve the problem.

But now -

Clark just wants to take a good look at the city of Gotham.

At this time,

Clark was walking on the streets of Gotham City like an ordinary person, surrounded by people in a hurry. It seemed that everyone was very busy, and no one stopped to look. Look at the scenery around you.

Maybe for them, this is something they have seen for decades and there is nothing to see anymore, but for Clark, who has just arrived, this city does have a unique charm that is not found in other places!

"Sir, do you need any service?"

At this time, a woman with glamorous makeup suddenly stopped Clark who was admiring the scenery of Gotham on the roadside.

Maybe it was because he looked less like a local!

After all, among a group of people in a hurry, a man suddenly appeared. Slow people are indeed more conspicuous, which is why they attracted the attention of this charming girl.

At this time, Clark's eyes swept over the charming girl in front of him, and then he smiled lightly and shook his head.

"Sorry, ma'am, I don't need any service."

He said.

But at this time, the charming girl took the initiative to lean forward, and then Clark felt a metal object pressing against his abdomen.

"No, I think you need my services sir!"

The charming girl said with a smile, and while approaching, she said in a very small voice:"If you don't want to die, just follow me!" how to say......

It should be said that this place is indeed a paradise for criminals. Clark was just taking a casual walk, and he encountered such a thing. This shouldn't happen in other places, right?

This is broad daylight!

There are so many people passing by, this woman is very courageous!

At this time, Clark could easily get rid of this woman. He had countless ways to do it silently, and then continue to enjoy the scenery of the city. but......

Ordinary scenery, how can it be as attractive as this beautiful scenery in front of you?

What is Gotham City most famous for?

Aren’t they just these criminals!

Now that Clark has met one, how could he just do it so hastily?

Don't follow me to see what other medicines this woman is selling in her gourd?

Is this an attempt to steal money? still......

"Madam, don't get excited, I will cooperate with you."

Clark said calmly.

He even had a smile on his face, which made the seductive girl who kidnapped him slightly stunned. Then she pushed the gun in her hand slightly, and the woman said:

"Stop playing tricks and go forward to the alley ahead!"


This is an alley.

It's an American characteristic!

Clark naturally nodded and cooperated.

Then to passers-by, the two seemed to be a couple. They held each other's arms and walked into the alley on the side of the road. inside......

PS: Something happened and I'm not in a good mood, so that's it for today.

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