With such a terrifying thing running into my body, are you sure there is nothing wrong?

Barton felt a little unsure.

But now that it's over, there's no point in regretting it.

I can only try my best to think that this thing is harmless!

"The contract is reached."

Clark put away the failed alchemy work that Barton had exchanged, and then stretched out his hand to grab the air. In an instant, countless blue light points continued to gather from all directions, and finally gathered into a ball in the palm of his hand. The blue light ball.

He flicked his finger.

The light ball instantly submerged into Barton's body.

"Exactly as you described."

Colson whispered next to Natasha at this time.

Natasha nodded.

In fact, she was a little confused. What was the blue light group?

Is it some kind of special energy?

Or something else ? What??

In short, this seems to be a very magical thing, which can not only improve her physical fitness, but also enhance Barton's magic power.

As for what exactly this is......

Natasha couldn't guess it at all. After all, she didn't even have any useful information. No matter how smart she was, she couldn't guess out of thin air, right?


Clark injected a ball of magic power into Barton's body and merged with his own magic power to complete this exchange.

In fact, the so-called blue light group is completely a form.

It can be a blue light group. , it can also be a red light group, or even a white bubble or something.

In short......

What this form looks like is entirely based on Clark's own preferences. Whatever he wants to look like, that's what it looks like. In essence, Clark is actually using his own power to improve others.

For Clark himself, the power consumed is like a speck of dust in the universe. The energy he absorbs in one second is more than hundreds or tens of millions times of this consumption.

So this is completely a no-cost transaction. certainly!

This is for Clark, and for these people who exchanged with him, they also feel that they have earned it!............

"I feel like my magic has at least tripled!"

Barton picked up his weapon - it was a black bow engraved with strange patterns.

At this time, he was holding it in his hand, and wisps of blue magic power visible to the naked eye were swimming back and forth between his palm and the bow. And this energy is his magic power

"Next up is me."

Colson chuckled and took out something he had already prepared.

A small box. After opening it, there were rows of thirty-six energy magazines that Natasha had taken out before.

They all come from the energy on the Cosmic Cube.

For SHIELD, these things are obviously available in as much quantity as possible. At least several of their warehouses are filled with these energy magazines.

"Thirty-six magic energy magazines, I would like to exchange for the blueprint of a powerful weapon."

Colson said

"Are you sure you only want the drawings?"

Clark asked him.

Although Clark didn't look down on the magic energy magazine he was talking about at all, but according to the principle of equal exchange, if you just exchange for blueprints, you can indeed exchange for some more powerful weapon blueprints.

But it's not that Clark looks down on it. Their SHIELD, but that level of weapon blueprints is really not something that SHIELD can create at this stage.

"I think you, the store owner, know something about us, so I would like to get a drawing of a weapon that you think we can build. If the value is not equal, store owner, you can give us some weapons that are needed for the creation but we don’t have. Material."

Colson added.

This is not his own idea. In fact, this idea, including the box of magic energy clips in front of him, was given to him by Nick Fury, the director of SHIELD.

For The only thing they can get from Clark is the blueprint of some kind of powerful weapon.

As for why it is a blueprint and not a real thing?

This is of course because they have suffered losses in the magical shop next door before, so they have experience and know that even if they get the real thing , it was impossible for them to reversely deduce the manufacturing process of this weapon.

So this time, they simply asked for the blueprints.

And it happened that the blueprints were not sold in the magical shop next door.


Clark nodded.

If it was such a deal, then he would think about it for a while, and then give Coulson a drawing that was more valuable than the exchange items he provided, plus some necessary materials, and this exchange would also be It's done.

Thinking about it, Clark took out a new contract from the drawer and handed it to Coulson.

"If you are sure there is no problem, just sign your name. Clark said.

Colson looked at the contract in his hand, checked it carefully and found that there was nothing wrong with it, and then signed his name on it.

The next moment......

The contract turned into a smoking skull and penetrated directly into his body.

Coulson, who had already met him once, was obviously calmer than Barton before.

"Great, the contract is made. Clark then took out a blueprint and a box on the table and pushed it in front of Coulson,"Here are the weapon blueprints you want, as well as some necessary materials. As for the rest, you can figure it out on your own." Go look for them, they are all things that can be found on this planet."

Colson nodded. He picked up the drawing and took a look at it. He found that he couldn't understand what was drawn on it at all. However, he was not an expert in this field. It was normal for him to not understand.

After making sure that there was nothing wrong, Cole Sen stepped aside and gave up his position to Melinda, who was about to make the exchange next.

"What does this lady want to change?"

Clark asked.

Melinda was a very serious-looking Asian. She took out a velvet bag and put it on the table.

"Some kind of indestructible crystal, I want to exchange for stronger strength."

Melinda's words were as straightforward as her actions.

Clark picked up the velvet cloth, opened it and looked at the crystal inside.

The crystal is some kind of hard ore from an alien planet, not a product of the earth. The value is pretty good

"Sign it."

Clark handed over a contract.

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