"is there a problem?"

Clark asked

"No, no."

Zhou Ya shook her head quickly, but compared to her previous calmness, this time she seemed a little panicked.

Clark smiled, and he could probably guess some of Zhou Ya's thoughts in his heart, but he didn't It is necessary to take the initiative to answer the other party's questions. If Zhou Ya really wants to know something, she will ask it herself.............

The next day, Zhou Ya did not go to the exchange to investigate Clark's situation as she had thought the day before.

She thought to herself that rushing over like this would only make her passive.

Moreover, she didn't know the other party's reality.

So I decided to wait for a while, at least until my strength has improved a few levels, and then I will have greater confidence before looking for the other party.

Clark naturally didn't know Zhou Ya's thoughts and decisions.

He still opens the shop as usual every day.

Then occasionally some guests would come to the door, but except for a few plot characters who came that day, the guests who came later were basically insignificant passers-by.

These guests brought only a small amount of income to Clark, but Clark did not dislike it and received these people as well.

In the blink of an eye, a week has passed.

On this day, Clark had just closed the door and was going to go out for something to eat.

"Huh? Why did it close early today?"

The magical shop next door only closes at night every day, basically after 21 o'clock.

But today, it was only after 17 o'clock, and it had already closed early.

And the boss Zhou Ya was also there. She changed her clothes in a hidden corner, then stepped on the roof of the building and flew into the distance quickly.

Clark looked curiously in the direction she was going, and after his eyes passed through the barriers of the buildings, Finally saw the reason why Zhou Ya closed the store early

"It turns out that Hulk is back. Clark said in his heart. In his sight, on a busy street, a large number of troops were gathering at this time, and they had surrounded a large block and were evacuating the people in this block. In the center of this encirclement is a private laboratory.

A man who was unlucky enough to have his head smashed was lying on the ground wailing in pain.

And in front of the man, there was a big guy who looked like a monster. , roaring with excitement, looking like"I am the best in the world"

"Abomination, that guy on the ground is the big boss, right? Is that the name?"

Clark can't remember clearly.

But this is not important. After all, the name is just a code name. What is important is his person.

"Maybe it’s time for me to go out and drum up business."

Clark thought to himself. He took one step forward and the person disappeared in place.......

On the bustling streets, the neon lights are bright, and the endless traffic can be seen everywhere on the roads.

At this time, several military jeeps carrying several soldiers were speeding past on the road. Some passers-by were wetted by the water splashed by the speeding vehicles, and they immediately started to curse at them.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly fell heavily in the sky.

Accompanied by a loud noise and people's exclamations and screams, a monster about two and a half meters tall, with muscles all over its body and spines on its back covered with bone spurs, fell directly from the sky and crushed a car that was driving slowly with its foot. Cars on the road.

The roof of the car was dented, and the driver in the car was obviously no longer alive. Blood flowed directly down the gap below. The dazzling blood made the passers-by around them show frightened expressions, and ran away screaming loudly.

"Hulk~! Where are you?"

The monster that fell from the sky roared. He roared and tore off a section of the car body. The half-ton car body was like a toy in his hands. When he smashed it, it flew out like a cannonball and ran over him with a loud noise. Several fleeing passers-by plunged into the shops on the roadside.

The blood and death stimulated other passers-by to run away in fear.

At this time, several soldiers hurried over and saw the monsters in the middle of the road. Turned pale with fear

"Sir, we found our target!"

One of the sergeants with the rank of lieutenant reported loudly.

On the other side, General Ross, who had already detained Bruce Banner who had returned to his human form, heard the news coming from the radio and subconsciously looked back at the face on the other side. Banner looked decadent and handcuffed.

Found the target?

Isn't the target right here?

What did they find?

Before General Ross could question his soldiers, several words came from the other end of the radio. There were screams and gunshots, and then in the blink of an eye it turned into a rustling sound of electricity.

"Soldier? Answer me soldier!!"

General Ross shouted loudly with the radio.

But no one responded to him.

"Damn it~!"

He cursed and dropped the radio in his hand, then looked back at Banner who was looking over.

"You better pray it has nothing to do with you!"

General Ross said viciously.

Banner looked innocent and confused, and had no idea what was going on.......

In a laboratory with broken walls.

Clark glanced at the pool of green blood on the ground, then at the completely leaky wall next to him, and finally his eyes rested on the"Mr. Blue" who was waking up.

Mr. Blue's real name is Serior Stern.

He met Bruce Banner online and gained Bruce Banner's trust through long-term communication.

During this period, Bruce Banner once sent him a sample of his own blood.

But Bruce didn't know that his excessive curiosity led Dr. Stern to clone many of his blood samples. Although the concentration of these samples was not as good as the original, they still had extremely terrifying effects.

And the consequence of doing so is......Two new monsters were created!

One is the hatred that is raging outside right now.

And the other one is Dr. Stern!

"After all, he is a plot character, so he should be worth a lot of source material, right? Clark thought to himself, and then looked at Dr. Stern who sat up in front of him, with a very kind smile on his face.

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