Dr. Banner, who was sitting in his seat, seemed a little embarrassed. He moved uneasily, then took a few sips of ice water with both hands, then put down the water glass and said:

"I heard that you can exchange anything here. I want to exchange the Hulk in my body with you, can you?"

I saw him looking at Clark with expectant eyes, thinking that he could see Clark nod and say"yes".

But in fact......

"sure. Clark nodded and said.

With his almighty universe-level power, it is very simple to extract the consciousness of a Hulk, or even directly deprive the Hulk of his abilities.

"Sure enough, as I expected, Banner came to me to get rid of the Hulk."

Clark thought to himself, and couldn't help but feel secretly happy.

During this time, his exchange house became famous, and Clark was thinking, when will a new plot character come over and exchange something very important to them?

He thought about it, and at this stage, the only person who seems to make this choice is Bruce Banner.

After all, Dr. Banner still hates Hulk at this stage.......

All right!

Banner never liked Hulk.

Even if it is more than ten years in the future, it will be the same. so......

Clark judged that if Banner came to him for an exchange, he would definitely exchange Hulk.

By then, the Hulk will no longer be the Hulk. Is this change big enough?

Previously, an Abomination gave 5,000 points of source matter, but now what about a Hulk? At least tens or millions, right?

After all, that's the Hulk!

"Dr. Banner, what do you want in exchange? Clark asked with a smile.

Although Banner thought that the magical shopkeeper in front of him would agree to exchange with him, that was just an expectation of his. In fact, he never thought about exchanging Hulk for anything.

So now When Clark asked him this, Banner was a little stunned.

"I think——"He opened his mouth and was about to say that he could change anything. After all, he was mainly trying to get rid of the Hulk. But just as he was about to leave his mouth, Banner suddenly thought that he was still wanted. If he lost the Hulk, what would happen? Couldn't just any bullet kill him?

He finally got rid of Hulk, and he still wants to get back together with his girlfriend and spend a beautiful and happy time in the future!

How could he die like that?!

Absolutely not!

"I want strong power, preferably one with strong enough ability to save my life, but I definitely don’t want to have my own consciousness like Hulk!"

Banner temporarily changed his mind and changed his request for exchange.

Clark was not surprised that Bruce Banner asked for power.

After all, as a scientist, Banner is still the leader among them. Even if he is not calm now, he should have The wisdom is still there.

So he will never be so one-sided when considering the problem. He just wants to get rid of the Hulk and doesn't care about anything else.

Of course, that is when he has a choice.

If he doesn't have a choice, he still I am willing to risk everything to get rid of the Hulk.

But now......

He obviously can make his own choices.

He is not stupid, how could he waste this opportunity!

"Okay, I can give you a few options here."Clark pointed his finger in the air in front of him, and a light curtain instantly unfolded, listing several strengthening plans he selected for Banner.

"The first one is Devil Fruit Enhancement. This magical store next door also sells it, but I have more varieties here and don’t need to spend money."

Clark said:

"You can choose to take the natural devil fruit route. The natural devil fruit has the ability to passively elementalize and has first-class life-saving capabilities."

"Moreover, because the items you exchange are of high value, I can directly upgrade the fruit ability to the awakened state for you, and give you enough physical strength to squander it."

"At the same time, I will also eliminate some of the shortcomings of the devil fruit, such as the fear of sea water and sea floor stones."

"As for the Devil Fruits available to you, there are these, you can check them out for yourself."

There was a separate area on the light screen, with hundreds of different types of natural devil fruits on it, all of which Clark brought out for Banner to choose from.

Banner looked at these magical fruits curiously.

In fact, devil fruits He has also heard of the name of the fruit recently.

After all, the magical store next door has sold more than one or two Devil Fruits.

Kingpin, the boss of Hell's Kitchen and the overlord of the underground world, bought a magma in the magical store next door. The fruit is now almost becoming the Marvel version of Akainu.

Although Banner has been hiding around during this period, he is also paying attention to some things in the outside world.

Naturally, he has also heard about Kingpin , devil fruit, magma monster and other words.

After ten minutes, Banner withdrew his gaze.

"What's the second option?" he asked

"Not interested? Clark asked him.

Banner shook his head and said,"No, I just want to see more before making a decision.""

"Okay, it’s a good habit to think carefully! Clark said with a smile, and then continued to introduce:

"The second enhancement plan I selected for you is this black light virus enhancement. This virus is similar to a variant of the zombie virus and can evolve into many enhancement routes. What I give you is its ancestor virus, which is also The most powerful!"

"No, let’s do the next one."

Banner shook his head directly and rejected this strengthening plan.

Obviously, he didn't like anything related to viruses.

Moreover, Banner was probably worried that if he was accidentally captured one day, or if his own If the blood, hair, etc. were obtained by some kind of scientist, and he could infer some kind of zombie virus, he would be the sinner of the world. Therefore

, he didn't even need to think about this kind of enhancement, so he simply rejected it!

"Okay, then the next one......"

Clark continued his introduction to Banner.

He provided a total of six different enhancement routes for Banner, including pirate-type devil fruits, technology-based ones such as black light viruses, and mutants and inhumans that originally belonged to the Marvel framework. even......

Clark also provided him with the enhancement of the Eternal Titan clan!

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