Marvel Starts With Zombie Hero

Chapter 84 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

84. People in the circus

This morning, Iowa was covered by clouds, and it might rain at any time.

In a restaurant in a certain city, Nat was absent-mindedly eating breakfast while sitting by the window of the restaurant.

At the moment, she is not the classic Black widow image. She wears a black wig and a silicone mask on her face, which makes her look like her original appearance.

During the period of hiding in Tibet, her financial situation was a bit tight, and she was considering whether to go to her old business, to enter the upper-class social circle as a guest commercial spy, to get acquainted with some scientific and technical personnel, to steal technical secrets, and to sell these technologies to make money.

This is a bit risky, and it is easy for Xie Lu's whereabouts to attract chase. She hasn't made up her mind yet.

At this time, a man walked into the gate of the restaurant. He ordered a breakfast of hamburger + milk + ham, and took the cooked food and sat across from Nat.

"Don't mind if I sit here." The man asked Nat.

Nat looked at each other a few times, and pointed to an empty table next to him: "There is a space there."

The implication is to mind the other party~ sit here.

Ye Bai turned his hands and turned into a photo like magic, and put it on the table: "Do you know the person in the photo? She thinks that you may be in trouble recently, and asked me to come to you.

Nat glanced at the person in the photo. She did know this person. During her time in West Hollywood, Los Angeles, she used the alias Audrey and met a red-haired woman in her twenties, a neighbor.

Coincidentally, the other party's name is also Natasha Romanoff. In life, the other side has given me a lot of help.

It wasn't until her whereabouts were leaked not long ago that she was surrounded during a firefight with the former organization. Fortunately, a friend showed up to help. She escaped to death. After that day, she never saw that friend again.

Her friend named Natasha Romanoff is naturally the one from Ye Bai's family.

Natasha Romanoff knows that Nat is her own peer. Although the two look different, they are people of the same identity and similar past. It is not an exaggeration to say that they have the same disease, so she helped Nat.

Natasha Romanoff's help made Nat wonder. Even now, she hadn't figured out why the other party would help herself. Looking at the skill and marksmanship she showed that day, she was obviously not an ordinary person.

Since leaving West Hollywood, Los Angeles, she has always felt that this matter is not over.

Sure enough, the person from the other side found her today.

This made her alert, her right hand tightened subconsciously, and the widow under her sleeve was ready to go: "Who are you? Or who are you? What is the purpose of approaching me."

"Don't be nervous." Ye Bai pointed to the photo on the table, and then said, "Natasha Romanoff didn't approach you on purpose, but just met you by coincidence. She never tried to get anything from you.

"What about you?" Nat asked again.

"Hungry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Ye Bai, a friend of Natasha Romanoff, and a major shareholder of Marvel Technology. Have you heard of that company?"

Nat nodded, she has indeed heard of it, or is there anyone in this era who hasn't heard of it?

In the past two years, Marvel has successively produced many emerging technology products, even revolutionized computer technology, laid fiber optic networks across the United States, built mobile communication towers covering North America, and even developed smart phones.

The mobile phone Nat currently uses is the third-generation fruit machine produced by Marvel Technology.

Nat was surprised to hear that he was a shareholder of Marvel Technology.

Is this shareholder too young, is he over 20 years old?

Here "has a job, long-term, interested?" Ye Bai asked her.

"I don't trust you, I need to talk to Natasha Romanoff." Nat said.

Ye Bai shrugged and reported Natasha Romanoff's phone call.

Nat took out his mobile phone and dialed directly.

After a few seconds, the phone was connected, and Natasha Romanoff's voice came from inside: "This is Natasha Romanoff, who may I ask?"

"It's me, Audrey. There is a guy named Ye Bai in front of me. He claims to be a major shareholder of Marvel Technology. Do you know him? Nat asked.

Nat still has a certain degree of trust in Natasha Romanoff, who has been his neighbor for two years.

At least in those two years, the other party hadn't conspired with her, and she also hoped that the other party was still her friend instead of having any purpose.

After a few seconds of silence on the other end of the phone, Natasha Romanoff's voice came from the receiver: "You said that guy, that's a dude who wanders around doing nothing. It is basically harmless. You can trust him or use him, at least he Very rich."

Ye Bai has very good ears. He was speechless when he heard Natasha Romanoff's voice on Nat's phone. He recognized the playboy, but what is meant by "you can use him? Is this what he said?

Nat and Natasha Romanoff briefly exchanged a few words and then hung up the phone. She stared at Ye Bai on the opposite side and said: "Tell me about work, and there is compensation.

"I need a personal secretary who is on the face, but actually a bodyguard in private. I think you are very suitable. As for the remuneration, you can open whatever you want and you can pay first." Ye Bai said that he is not bad for money.

...For flowers............

"For one year, 5 million USD will be paid in one lump sum. If my identity is discovered by the organization halfway through, I will leave. Nat-Vice will run away as soon as his identity is exposed, but the salary will not be returned to you.

Ye Bai didn't care about it, nodded and agreed: "Okay, is the transfer or cash? Or is it hard currency?"

"I want diamonds." Nat said.

Wait until "New York is here for you."

Ye Bai agreed. Five million USD of diamonds can fit in a small pocket, which is just right for someone like Nat.

If cash is inconvenient to carry, if you transfer money, it will be 5 million black money for a non-working person like Nat, and someone from the relevant department will come to check the water meter.

The two had breakfast and left the fast-food restaurant together.

"Where are we going?" Nat asked.

"I heard that there will be a circus show in this city tonight. I'm going to see it. As for now, let's go in everywhere.

They wandered like this for a day, basically shopping and watching movies.

Nat kind of believes Natasha Romanoff's words, this is really a dude who wanders around all day long with nothing to do.

At dusk, the two had dinner in the restaurant, and they came to the circus location somewhere in the western suburbs of the city. There are many tourists here.

There was an archery in the circus, and his hit rate looked at the audience in amazement.

This product is Clinton Barton, eighteen or nine years old, code name Yingyan.

If Ye Bai hadn't intervened, Nat and Hawkeye would have met for the first time in these two days.

In addition to being a circus archery player, Hawkeye also played a guest role as a superhero. One day when he snatched the dirt from a few jewelry thieves, the police happened to arrive and immediately treated him as a prisoner. In a panic, he got into a beautiful woman's car and escaped. on site.

That beauty is the Soviet spy Black Widow. After seeing the other party's Ability, she thought that the other party was worthy of use, so she was ready to seduce and use him.

Ye Bai knew about this and came here to find Nat. Although this Nat is not her Natasha Romanoff, he will feel that grass grows on his head when it happens. It is better to come in advance to destroy the acquaintance of the two, and then Nat stayed with her, waited for her favorability to rise, and directly registered her as a resident of Pocket Space, then there would be no problem. small

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