Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 36: A pure world for the blue! (Seeking collection evaluation flowers)

Seeing the familiar face of Congressman Kelly in front of him, Aiwen can be 100% sure that this guy is the unlucky person who was caught by Magneto in the X-Men movie and turned into a pool of liquid!

Seeing Councillor Kelly and Pierce talking affectionately like old friends, Aiwen couldn't help but complain:

"Could it be that this is the so-called stinking match? Because they are all villains, is it so compatible?"

"Oh, you said Aiwen's research direction is steel battle suit?"

After listening to Pierce's words, Senator Kelly showed a skeptical expression on his face and looked up and down Aiwen. Obviously he didn't really believe that such a brat could be compared to the genius Tony Stark!

But Pierce didn't know what to say to him, Senator Kelly immediately became more attentive again, and said:

"Since your research field is steel battle suit, then I will also introduce you to someone who is a pioneer in robot manufacturing. You two must have many common languages."

Then, he took Aiwen to a dwarf, stretched out his hand and introduced:

"This is Dr. Bolivia Teslak! His latest research is said to change the world!"

"Uh, hello..."

The muscles on Aiwen's face began to twitch slightly, and he stretched out his right hand to the dwarf somewhat hesitantly.

"Oh, boy, you don’t have to hide it. I know my appearance is very strange. However, although my figure is small, my product is very big! In a short while, you should be able to see the Sentinel I made. ."

Obviously he took Aiwen's reaction as a surprise to his size. Dr. Teslak, who has long been accustomed to such things, was not angry, but proudly talked about his Sentinel!

Aiwen of At the moment can only socialize with Dr. Dwarf without a single sentence, while screaming in her heart:

"Is there anything wrong? Why did this dwarf pop up too? What kind of charity dinner is this? Why are all this kind of people invited? Then who is next? Is it history..."

At this time, he heard his father's cry again:

"Aiwen, this Colonel William Stryker heard about your steel battle suit and is very interested. I want to see you."

Looking at the middle-aged soldier standing beside her father, Aiwen lost the strength to complain.


"Those mutant monsters are the tumors of the human world! We should completely eradicate them!" Colonel Stryker whispered.

Senator Kelly hesitated, and responded with a low voice:

"It's not that serious. At most, you just need to lock them all up. Eradication? Are we not Nazis?"

"I am very interested in their Ability. If you catch some Mutants, please let me study them."

Dr. Gnome said cheerfully, holding a glass of red wine.

Pierce pondered for a while and said:

"After listening to what you said, I also think that for national security, we must also consider how to deal with these Mutants! Otherwise, what if there is a Mutant who uses his Ability to assassinate the President?"

Listening to the speeches of these people nearby, Aiwen had to work very hard to restrain her urge to shake her head and sigh.

"What kind of mold did I get to get mixed up with these destined villains?"

Smiling secretly, Aiwen suddenly heard Stryker's voice:

"...Congressman, your idea of ​​establishing a foundation is very good! With the current situation, we desperately need an unofficial organization to study the problem of Mutant. Otherwise, maybe we humans will all be extinct by these monsters!"

"Well, what's the name of this foundation?" Senator Kelly groaned.

"How about the Purifier Alliance? These freaks should all be purified!"

"No, this name is too offensive and will arouse some people's disgust."

"I propose to call it Friends, of, Humanity!"

"Too academic..."

Hearing these weird names, Aiwen couldn't bear it anymore, and said in an ironic tone:

"I don't think it's better to call the Blue Universe, the slogan is--A pure world for the sake of blue!"

Stryker and the others turned their heads in amazement, and after staring at Aiwen for a long time, they suddenly applauded in unison!

"Good name, catchy."

"It also caters to the recent popular environmental protection concept, and it will definitely attract the attention of many people!"

"The slogan is also very innovative! I like it very much!"

Senator Kelly clapped Pierce's shoulder and smiled:

"No wonder your son wants to start a business at such a young age, and he is really flexible!"

Hearing this, Pierce was happy, but also moved in his heart, and then said:

"Since you are all optimistic about Aiwen, how about letting him join the foundation?"

Aiwen was stunned by hearing:

"You want me to hang out with these guys who are destined to be cold? Are you trying to cheat me?"*

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