Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 83: Fall, Yellow Ape! (eleventh more seeking subscription)

There was a moment of silence in the room, and a fifth old star holding Katana asked suspiciously:

"Who are you? Where is the chief of CPO?

The major replied in a low voice:

"You mean him? He is eating now, no! It is my team member who is using him to eat! It is said that the chief of CPO tastes really good!"


The five old stars were all horrified. After a few seconds, the other five old stars calmed down and asked:

"Who are you guys, what is your purpose for doing this kind of thing?"

"Aaa, hahaha."

The major laughed:

"We are the last brigade of the millennium!"

"As for our didn't exist from the beginning!"


A five old star with a must-have moustache shouted angrily:

"How can human behavior have no purpose! Don't talk nonsense!"

"Perhaps ordinary people are like this, but we are not. For us 15, being able to enjoy war is originally enough! It doesn't matter who you go to war with! This is to do whatever you want! Hahahaha!"

The five old stars are speechless, how do you communicate with such a lunatic?

At this moment, the major laughed thiefly again:

"My team members have gone to look for you. Anyway."

"Have you ever urinated? Have you ever prayed to God? Have you been hiding in the corner of the room, shaking and preparing to die. Hahaha...

The phone worm hung up.

Five old stars, look at me, and I look at you, and there is a panic on his face.

Their strength is not weak, but their bodies are delicate and expensive. I don't know how many years they have not experienced life and death battles.

And the monsters they face this time are almost impossible to kill, and they will become infected as long as they are bitten, and then they will become ghouls who bow their heads to the enemy! How to fight such a battle?

There was deathly silence in the room.

At the same time, Mary Joa outside, hundreds of vampires who have been strengthened by the virus, are madly ravaging the city of the dragon people!

"Asshole! Do you untouchables know who I am? I am Saint Rozwad. I am the great god of creation, Tianlongren! If you don't give it to me, go back quickly!"

An old man Hu with sunglasses puffed up his chest and said, but he turned pale when he heard Roar and screams one after another outside the room.

Several vampire soldiers standing in front of him glanced at each other and burst into laughter almost at the same time:

"Have you heard that he said he is a god."

"Ahaha, I thought we were crazy enough, I didn't expect there to be even more powerful!"

A vampire soldier grabbed a man with a snot on his face, took a bite on his face, and immediately vomited the meat:

"Bah! What a god! Meat is stinky!"

"Wow! Dad! Save me! Quickly kill these untouchables...

The man with nasal tears and tears, rolling on the ground in a ball.

"Saint Charl Rose!"

A woman hiding behind Saint Rozwald screamed when she saw it!

"You, you are so brave!"

Seeing his son injured, Saint Rozvard’s courage, who did not know where he came from, raised the pistol in his hand and pointed it at a vampire soldier!


After the gunshot, the vampire soldier looked at the wound on his chest with a weird face, and then squeezed the bullet out with a hard effort!

Then he slowly took off his gas mask, revealing a face full of blood, twisted shapeshifting, and grimly said to the Rozvard Holy Path:

"Let me think about it, should I chop all three of you into meat sauce, or eat it alive...


Saint Rozvard was so frightened that he finally fell to his knees, begging for mercy:

"Please forgive us! In any case, at least bypass my children and don't kill them.


The vampire soldier showed a weird smile and leaned into the ear of Rozvard Saint's ear and whispered:

"Okay, I can bypass them and not kill. But don't regret it after a while.

Then, as soon as the vampire soldier stretched out his hand, he grabbed the screaming woman who was hiding behind Saint Rozvard, gave a grin, and took a bite on her face.

A few minutes later, the panic of Rozvard Saint Roar resounded in the room:

Saint Charl Rose! Xalulia Palace! What are you going to do? I'm your father! Don't! Don't come here, ahhhhhh!"

On the battleship that had landed, the major threw the phone worm aside, picked up a radio, and ordered all the vampire team members:

"Masters, we have broken through to the enemy's capital! We will completely eliminate them next!"

"Please blow up whatever you see, and eat whoever you see! This god, Marioia, will become the most delicious lunch for all the kings!"

"Masters, come and create hell!"

On the air battleship, Aiwen, who had exhausted his energy, stood up, walked to the edge of the deck and looked down.

The Dead River of Arcado has spread to more than half of Marin Vando, and most of the 100,000 navy has been swallowed into the Dead River by him.

Ace was rescued by Marco a long time ago and returned to the Mobile.

But Doflamingo has also Awakening his fruit Ability, using the "white line of wild waves", strangling a large number of undead in the dead river.

Although Jin Shining pressed the Warring States Period and the two generals in the fight, it was impossible to win for a while.

Takatsuki Izumi fights Karp and Xiaomo fights Hawkeye, both of which are inextricably fought.

"I originally wanted to save these fifty thousand points, but that's it, so I'm going to go to 613 forever!"

Aiwen took out the golden armor from the system space, put on her body, and then said softly:

"System, spend 50,000 points, transform into Garna!"

A golden light flashed, Aiwen had turned into a man with short white hair, wearing a golden armor and holding a golden spear.

He first looked at two lights and shadows flying around in the sky.

"To prevent Huang Yuan from escaping, kill him first!"

Taking a deep breath, Aiwen's eyes shone like a blazing sun, and then the Indestructible Gun (Brahmastra) in his hand burst into a fiery flame!

"Brahma, cover the earth!

Parashurama (Parashurama) was given to Garna by the brahmins to the army and the national treasure.

The most powerful thing about this treasure is that it can track the enemy and make an absolute hit under the name of Gao Roar Brahma, which is almost on the same level as Odin's Eternal Spear-Great God Declaration in Norse Mythology!

"But if you want to kill Huang Yuan, I'm afraid this is not safe.

Aiwen said silently in her heart:

"Smash Varudo (the world)!

Then, the world is still!

Next, Aiwen concentrated all the arrogance of his whole body on the indestructible gun in his hand, and threw it at the golden figure that stopped in the air!

"Fall for me, Huang Yuan!"

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