“Baby Bear, I know a very nice donut shop, let’s go eat it together.” You can stay with me for the next two days, and I will ask Natalie to accompany Hannah, because the palladium poison attack may be in these two days. Tony called.

Half an hour later, on the roof of a bungalow, the two ate donuts on a giant doughnut-like signboard. Today Chen Yu was wearing a combat uniform, which Tony requested.

Tony felt that some superhero-to-hero activities should be conducted.

Chen Yu did not refuse, he knew what day it was.

“Sir, please get off the doughnut.” Just as the two were chatting while eating doughnuts. A voice came from the ground.

In the coffee shop, Tony and Fury sat facing each other, while Chen Yu stood next to Tony and was silent.

“I said I didn’t want to join your super boy group, and neither did Baby Bear.” Tony said weakly.

“Hehe, I remember, I didn’t come for this this time.” Fury said to Tony and looked at Chen Yu.

“Hello, Chen Yu, my name is Nick Fury, and I am the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.”

“Hello, I heard Tony say that.” Chen Yu was silent after softly speaking. This made Nick unsure of Chen Yu’s attitude for a while, and could only continue to look at Tony.

Tony wanted to laugh a little at this time, Tony knew that Chen Yu definitely did not have any prejudice against S.H.I.E.L.D., but did not matter at all. And this baby bear basically doesn’t talk much to strangers.

“I’m sorry, should I look at your blindfold or eyes? I’m not sure if you’re real or hallucinating. Tony shook his head and pulled down his sunglasses and said.

“I’m a real person, I’m the truest person you’ve ever met.” As soon as Tony finished speaking, Fury put his face in front of Tony and said.

‘When you kiss it, God does it.’ Chen Yu complained in his heart.

Then Tony turned his head and looked around for the staff, and said in his mouth: “It’s lucky to see real people, what about the employees here?” ”

Fury saw Tony turn his head and grab Tony’s neck, look at the toxins that had spread to his neck, and whispered, “This doesn’t look good.” ”

Tony sipped his coffee and said indifferently, “I’ve had times worse than this.” ”

At this time, Chen Yu saw Natasha wearing a black tights coming in from the outside and said to Fury: “I blocked the airspace of the entire area here, but it’s best not to spend too much time.” ”

After speaking, he looked at Chen Yu, who was wearing a combat uniform. And Chen Yu just glanced at her and turned his head away, continuing to remain silent.

Tony, who heard the voice, turned his head and saw the dressed Natasha open her mouth, and said after a while: “Oh, you were fired.” ”

“It’s not up to you to decide, now Miss Pepper is the CEO of Stark Industries, and you, make her angry.”

After speaking, he sat down next to Fury, and Fury saw the surprised Tony grinning. He looked up at Chen Yu, who had no reaction, and narrowed his eyes again.

“Tony, this is Agent Normanov.” Fury introduced.

“Hi,” Tony rubbed his eyes.

“I am an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and we know that you are sick, and Director Fury sent me to observe you.” Natasha explained.

“You’d better apologize to me first,” Tony said solemnly. Tony has been thinking highly of Natasha for more than two months, and really wants to cultivate her into a right and left hand.

Fury interrupted directly and said to Tony: “You’ve been busy, appointing your female assistant as CEO, running the Stark Industrial Fair, and letting your friend fly away in your steel suit, if I don’t understand the situation…” ”

“I didn’t give it to him, he snatched it.” Tony interrupted

“Oooh, what? He snatched it? Are you Iron Man, and he snatched your clothes like that? He beat you up and snatched your steel suit? Is this possible, Normanov. ”

“According to Mr. Stark’s security procedures, the system can avoid unauthorized use, and…” After saying this, he looked at Chen Yu next to him before saying.

“And Mr. Stark can also ask his ally, Tyrant Bear, for help.”

Chen Yu was still silent and did not react.

“What do you want me to do?” Stark was silent for a moment, then asked Fury.

“What do I want you to do? No, it’s what you want me to do. Fury said this, Natasha got up and walked out.

“You have become a problem character that I have to deal with, you may think wrong, my world does not revolve around you, there are bigger problems in the southwest region than you, you can’t learn from your friend Chen Yu?” A high school student is more sensible than you. ”

Fury’s words made Chen Yu shiver, forcibly patting Fury’s thoughts, and kept telling himself that Fury didn’t mean it.

Then Natasha returned, with a syringe in her hand.

“Let’s get an injection.” Fury said to Natasha.

When Natasha was about to inject Tony, she was stopped by Chen Yu. Chen Yu teleported to Natasha’s back and grabbed Natasha’s needle hand and said softly: “Natalie, what do you want to do.” ”

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