On this day, Gwen invited Hannah and Chen Yu to her house for dinner, and also said that she also invited Parker, which made Chen Yu stop Hannah who wanted to refuse.

Hannah is very puzzled, Chen Yu has never accepted the invitation of these classmates, how did he change his sex today?

“Little Bear Bear? Didn’t you never accept invitations from these students? ”

Faced with Hannah’s doubts, Chen Yu explained: “Hannah, that Parker suddenly had a power far beyond ordinary people two weeks ago, didn’t he humiliate Fleischer on the court last time? He could be a potential ally between me and Tony, and I’m ready to learn more about Parker’s character.”

“Huh? It’s true? That Parker could also be a superhero? How do superheroes come out so much at once? Hannah thought it was a little incredible.

“Hmm. Times are going to run out, so I have to do some preparation. However, I am not optimistic about Parker for the time being, an ordinary person who is often bullied will become after he has power, no one can say badly. You should know that a Spider-Man has appeared these days, and that person is Parker, who is looking for his uncle’s killer. ”

Chen Yu didn’t like Parker’s personality, Parker was a civilian hero, similar to those in Hell’s Kitchen, and was nosy all day. Chen Yu had never touched those people in Hell’s Kitchen.

And these nosy people have basically been living in pain, Parker will kill Gwen not long after graduating half a year later, and Daredevil and the Punisher are also relatives or lovers killed.

And looking at these superheroes of Chen Yu’s group, no one cares about those robberies, car theft, murder and other idle things, including Rogers, who has a sense of justice. At least not actively to care.

Chen Yu did not save Coulson, and Ben Parker a few days ago did not save him. Chen Yu felt that if Ben Parker didn’t care, he wouldn’t die.

At dusk the next day, Chen Yu and Hannah came to Gwen’s door and knocked on the door. After a while, the door opened, and the one who opened the door was a handsome little man about 11 years old, who very politely led Chen Yu and Hannah into the house.

“Oh, you must be Chen Yu and Hannah, famous high school couples in school,” a middle-aged man in a suit said to Chen Yu and Hannah casually inside. This man can vaguely see that he was handsome when he was young. A middle-aged woman next to her who still had the charm also looked at them with a smile.

“Oh, you’re Gwen’s father and mother, aren’t you? But really young, the one who opened the door for us just now is the very naughty brother that Gwen often says, right? But how do I feel deceived by Gwen? The little handsome guy is very polite,” Chen Yu also said with a smile.

“Haha, don’t be deceived by that little guy, that’s my youngest son, the second son and third son are in the house, Gwen is the eldest sister” Gwen’s father is named George Stacy, and he is very kind to Chen Yu and Hannah.

“Oh, dinner will be ready soon, it’s just a little bit of simmering, I hope you like lemon bass” Gwen’s mother also likes to be happy.

“Hannah, I knew it when Gwen was a child, but I heard Gwen say that I was very shy so I didn’t come.” George said and smiled and looked at Hannah.

Hannah also called “Uncle George” sweetly.

After a few conversations, Gwen’s mother said that it was time to open the meal, and then George ran up to call him a few children. And Hannah wondered why Parker hadn’t arrived yet.

“Parker has arrived,” Chen Yu smiled and told Hannah that Parker was already in Gwen’s room, startling Hannah.

“Little Bear, did you say Gwen and Parker? They, the two of them in love? Hannah said thief.

Chen Yu was amused by Hannah’s appearance, hugged Hannah and kissed him and said “I don’t know”, and then the two leaned together and waited for the meal.

“You two really can’t stick to each other.” Gwen and Parker followed Gwen’s two younger brothers downstairs and saw Chen Yu and Hannah leaning together, so they teased.

“What, Gwen you are, how did Parker get out of your room?” Hannah was a little shy, but she was talking about Parker. Parker and Gwen blushed, and after glancing at each other, they both dodged it weakly.

After everyone gathered around, everyone sat down around the table and started eating. At this time, Chen Yu found that Gwen’s three younger brothers were actually very handsome and had very good personalities, and Chen Yu thought that Gwen was also very beautiful, had a good personality, and was also good at studying. So sigh about the strong genes of this family.

After starting to eat, Chen Yu found that the taste of this lemon sea bass was actually quite good, so he ate very cheerfully. The eyes of Gwen’s mother on the other side narrowed with a smile.

“I have to marvel at your Huaxia people’s view of love, and get married directly so early?” George was a little curious. After all, who in the United States would get married so early?

“Well, we are like this in Huaxia, love is to get married, so we are very cautious in finding a girlfriend” Chen Yu bullied them and did not know the ** situation. Hannah blushed on the side, pouring drinks for Chen Yu from time to time.

While eating, he suddenly heard Gwen’s youngest brother next to him curiously say to Chen Yu: “Why do you still wear gloves when you eat, it’s not summer?” Several people at the table also looked over curiously and found that Chen Yu was indeed eating with leather gloves.

“Yes. I wear gloves because my hands are different from others,” Chen Yu didn’t know how to say it. Chen Yu didn’t mind telling them his true identity, after all, the Avengers except for Chen Yu had their looks public.

And the American side will not infinitely disturb your life because you are a superhero or something, most people are still very calm. Just as Rogers runs in Brooklyn every morning and there are no onlookers, America respects other people’s personal space.

“Really? How is it different? Can you let me see? The kid was very curious and unrelenting.

“Rudy, eat well, don’t go to the annoying house” George spoke at this time, thinking that Chen Yu’s hand was born deformed or something, so he glared at his younger son.

“Well, it’s okay, are you really curious? Then you come and help me cut the sea bass and I’ll show you,” Chen Yu felt that this sea bass was very difficult to cut, so he smiled at the kid.

“Good” After saying that, the child ran to Chen Yu, sat on Chen Yu’s lap and helped Chen Yu carefully cut the sea bass. Then he returned to his seat and looked at Chen Yu expectantly.

Several other people also looked at it with a smile, and it was very warm for a while.

Seeing this, Chen Yu didn’t say much, just took off his gloves and heard the sound of “ah” coming from the surroundings, and Parker said even more: “Then, that day, it’s you” Seeing Chen Yu look at himself, Parker was silent.

I saw Chen Yu’s slightly white palm with bear’s paw-shaped meat balls. And after the Battle of New York, everyone knew that the tyrant bear had balls of meat on his palms.

“God, you are a tyrant bear, the second brother has your doll, he is your fan” The little fart boy said in surprise.

And George looked at Chen Yu even more seriously and said, “Are you an avenger, Tyrant Bear? Last time Gwen told me that the Avengers went to your wedding except Thor, I still don’t believe it.”

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