Marvel’s Movie Destruction

Chapter 41-You Must Buy A Watch Next Time

Both Sari's eyes have been rounded, and the terrifying behemoth that everyone talked about in the supermarket was actually wiped out in the blink of an eye?

What's more, it is so easy to eliminate, as if it just killed two mosquitoes.

Since the other party possesses such terrifying strength, why bother to fool those people in the supermarket out to die in the past two days?

All kinds of conspiracy theories, from exclusion of aliens to weird experiments, popped up in Sari's mind.

After all, all the news about the monster so far was exposed by Li Qingyuan, and everyone was led by his nose.

No one has a clear answer to how this strange fog and these terrifying monsters came about.

Calculated based on the horror and suspense movies she has seen, a guy like Li Qingyuan who calls himself Interpol, if he is not the savior, then maybe he is the real master behind the scenes!

Feeling that she has seen the truth, Sari shivered all over her body. According to the flow of the movie's plot, is she going to kill her next?

It was even further calculated that those people who were killed by monsters these days were also eliminated because they discovered the secrets hidden by the other party?

Although the gate of the supermarket was not far behind, she felt that the distance of ten meters was like a moat.

Can he escape his life in the hands of such a big boss behind the scenes?

It was too late, and then soon, only a sinful palm was strangling against Sari's neck.


Sari let out an amazing scream, is she going to be silenced?

It's just that her cry just rushed out of her throat, and it was suppressed by a louder sound.

‘Boom! ’

‘Boom! ’

‘Boom! ’

A loud noise came from a distance like thunder, and the ground began to shake like a shallow earthquake.

Li Qingyuan dragged Sari to her side, looked at the giant monster that faintly appeared in his sight, and gave a depressed mouth.

Just know that the system is not safe!

The top big boss like Goat's Son has been arranged. Isn't this a deliberate play of people?


He yelled to the supermarket, but he didn't know if anyone could hear him amidst the trampling of the Goat Son.

‘Crack! ’

The supermarket is like a hollow can, trampled into a flat tin shell by the son of a goat.

After shouting that sentence, Li Qingyuan took Sari to turn around and ran away. Facing the existence of the Goat Son, which was impossible to contend with, even if he gave up the task reward, he would not rush to fight the opponent.

Son of Goat is the name given by sand sculpture netizens to the ultimate boss in the mist. It is said that this thing looks like the evil god black goat in the myth of Cthulhu, so it was given such a strange code name.

Because it is shrouded in the fog, it is impossible to see the whole picture, but the sense of oppression brought by this thing is absolutely full.

Six long legs like Optimus Prime. Each leg is estimated to be about ten meters in diameter. The area of ​​a foot is comparable to two side-by-side buses. Each foot on the ground will cause various vibrations nearby. harm.

As for the appearance of the goat's son?

If someone is still in the mood to study what the other person looks like in this situation, it will be either really awesome or really stupid!


The two severely wounded giant monsters screamed sorrowfully. They moved their crippled bodies and wanted to escape quickly, but the severely wounded they couldn't run fast at all, and then they were directly trampled into a mosaic by the righteous iron hooves falling from the sky.

The Goat Son is like an earthquake dragon in the Jurassic era. There has never been any idea of ​​active killing, but if your life is bad and you are trampled to death, then you can only admit that you are unlucky!

Fortunately, because this guy is too big, his movements seem to be slightly slow. As long as he pays more attention, he can generally avoid the opponent's heavenly justice.

But this kind of thing is easier said than done, after all, the child of the goat has six legs.

God knows that this guy will lift that leg next time!

Li Qingyuan feels like he has become a gopher in the game of beating the mole. A giant hammer head may fall from the sky at any time, and then he will be hammered into meat sauce.

The chick Sally didn't know where to go anymore, he didn't pay attention to whether she ran away or was trampled to death.

There is no way, under the crazy trampling of the Goat Son, it is not easy to save his life. He really has no energy and no ability to take care of other people's life and death.

Obviously the bastard in the system has changed the difficulty, otherwise how could the Goat Son catch him chasing him?

He ran a full W-shape for two kilometers, but the monster behind still followed his footsteps firmly.

He didn't know how many monsters and ghosts he had encountered along the way, but under the deterrence of the Goat Son, all the monsters fled in all directions, even if he saw such a prey, he was not in the mood to prey.

Definitely, there are some Tie Hanhan who dare to stay still, seemingly preparing to guard their newly-occupied homeland, and then.

They become a group of mosaics, fully integrated with the ground.

The Goat Son is at least seventy meters tall and weighs tens of thousands of tons. Even if it is thrown into the Ultraman series or the world of Godzilla, it can be regarded as an elite monster. In the newcomer map like Mist, I want to find strength and It's really difficult for it to wrestle.

"System I #@……#!*"

While running and cursing, if you say that the appearance of the child of the goat is not systematically hindered from it, even a ghost will not believe it.

Fortunately, all of my points are added to agility, otherwise, wouldn't I have to accompany those mosaics now!

Facing a monster of the level of Goat Son, all defenses were fake. He was planning to find a manhole cover to go directly in, but when he saw that the opponent stepped on the entire sewer pipe, he suddenly gave up the terrible idea. .

I can escape on the ground anyway, if I get buried in the ground, I will really die!

Running desperately all the way, Li Qingyuan didn't know what time it was, and deliberately took out his mobile phone to see the time, but the sound of soul-stimulating demon behind him made him not free to take out his mobile phone at all.

‘I must buy a watch when I go back this time! ’Only under this circumstance can he know why the main characters in the movie have to wear a watch. It is true that in this case, it is definitely more convenient to watch the time with a watch than with a mobile phone.




At the moment, several monsters roared suddenly in front of him.

Although these sounds are not as powerful as the trampling sounds of the children of the goats, they are better than the large number. There are at least a dozen kinds of sounds to distinguish them from the types of roars!


Hearing the roar of the alien beast from the front, Li Qingyuan, who was a little tired from running for a long time, suddenly brightened his eyes and rushed towards the front.

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