Master Fu’s Ace Wife

Chapter 422 Hello, Your Royal Highness

After Jiatong came back from Yue'an Building, she had a headache and felt uncomfortable, and she was about to take a lunch break before noon.

The attendant had just waited for her to take off her robe, and she hadn't waited for anyone to lie on the bed to rest.

Through a bead curtain, Yingran from outside hurried in.

"Mom, I have something to tell you!"

Jiatong withdrew her hand indifferently, and the attendants opened the bead curtain one by one from left to right and came out.

Looking at her mother who was only wearing unlined clothing, Yingran stepped forward and took a seat at the round table in the house.

"You had a quarrel with your uncle."

The very affirmative statement has obviously been picked up by the wind.

Jia Tong listened to her words and looked at the attendant at the door, "Who is talking to you?"

"Needless to say, uncle is in a bad mood today. He has already quarreled with grandfather. You must have quarreled when you were talking to him in the past."

Thinking of this, Yingran became even more puzzled.

Yin Sa has always respected Jiatong very much, although it is not as deep-rooted as Le Jia who has taken care of him since he was a child.

But he never speaks loudly to Jiatong, and even if he is really angry, he will always miss his sister's body and not get angry with her.

This was the first time Jiatong and Yin Sa had conflicts, and Yingran was also surprised for a while when she heard this.

She also thought for a long time before deciding to come and ask her mother.

"Don't always listen to the nonsense of the people below, your uncle is very good, we didn't quarrel." Jia Tong comforted her daughter.

Yingran obviously didn't believe this, she shook her head and denied, "I just met my father, and it was my father who told me to come and stay with you. If you weren't very sad, he wouldn't have told me so."

Yingran helped her mother to sit down, she knew in her heart that her uncle had always had a bad relationship with her grandfather, and the gap between them was the dead Aunt Le Jia.

Back then, the queen was not in good health after giving birth to Jiatong, and it was a bit difficult to take care of the child while dragging her sick body.

Moreover, Jiatong's health was not very good. At that time, Hatas's mother went to Tongshan to eat vegetarian food and pray to Buddha.

In order for the child to have good fortune, Jiatong, who was a little weak since childhood, was sent to Tongshan to be raised under the empress dowager's knees at the age of four, and followed her to eat fast and chant Buddha.

When Yin Sa grew up to be five years old and began to read and write, he could only see Jiatong twice a year, the two days of the Queen Mother's and Jiatong's birthdays.

In this way, the relationship between Yin Sa and Le Jia is naturally needless to say.

Even when Le Jia was executed for rebellion, Jiatong hadn't returned from Tongshan.

She took care of and served the queen mother in Tongshan, and she returned to the palace from Tongshan until the queen mother passed away.

It was already a year after Le Jia passed away.

Because Jiatong never mentioned anything about Le Jia, so naturally she would not mention her in front of Yingran.

"Mother, I heard from them that the reason why uncle and grandfather had so many conflicts during this time is because Wen Li looks too much like Aunt Le Jia?"

Yingran was obviously not very happy to mention this.

She didn't like Wen Li when she first saw him, and she refused to treat her mother when she came to the palace.

Unexpectedly, both uncle and grandfather were particularly biased towards her, causing criticism in the palace for being nice to her, which made her even more unable to like that woman.

"She is indeed very similar to your aunt, but only in appearance." Jiatong said without hesitation.

"No, she has a face similar to that of her aunt and ostentatiously in the palace, which caused the quarrel between you and uncle. I must talk to my grandfather about it. She must move out of the palace." Yingran was very dissatisfied. Joy.

Wen Li has caused so many troubles in the short time since he arrived here. When did his uncle and mother quarrel before?

If it weren't for her existence, it wouldn't be like this.

"Now she is a distinguished guest of the entire royal family. She healed your uncle's legs. Without her, your uncle would not be able to stand up. You must remember this." Jiatong said to her daughter.

Yingran shook her head to deny this statement, her eyes were extremely firm, "I can't deny that she has indeed cured my uncle, and I thank her, but if she really looks so similar to my aunt, as long as she is still walking in the palace for a day, there will be nothing wrong with her." Different from reminding the existence of uncle and aunt all the time, the conflict between uncle and grandfather must be getting bigger and bigger, so she must go out from the palace."

Besides, when Wen Li accompanied Yin Sa back here as the God of Medicine, the purpose was to treat his uncle.

Now that my uncle is well, I must leave immediately.

"Don't act rashly, the palace is still in chaos because of Ni Chang's matter, don't add to the chaos." Jia Tong looked at her daughter and said.

"Mother, don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter well, and I will satisfy both grandfather and uncle."

As Yingran said that, she ran out of the room in a hurry.

Following behind, Mrs. Jane glanced at the princess's leaving back and chuckled, "Princess Yingran is becoming more and more aware of the general situation."

"I've been relying on your teaching for a while, thank you for your care." Jia Tong looked at Mrs. Jane.

"Your Highness, you are being polite. It is my duty to leave the rules to Her Royal Highness the Princess. Why would you say thank you?"

After the embarrassing incident of the collision last time, Jiatong ordered Mrs. Jane to teach her the rules.

It is quite effective now, but how can a spoiled child empathize with ordinary people so easily.

Her deviation in doing things always needs to be corrected bit by bit.

"Don't worry, the princess will not cause trouble. She will definitely think of the best solution to deal with this matter." Mrs. Jane comforted her.

Jiatong rubbed her temple with one hand, "Wen Li is gone, at least without her face, it won't bring up bad memories of my father and Yin Sa all the time, and maybe the dispute between them will subside .”

Mrs. Jane nodded in agreement, those who have passed away should leave peacefully.

No matter what kind of way to make a comeback, it is generally not liked by the living.

Yingran returned to her palace with her attendants, and generously packed a box of jewelry from the cloakroom.

The wheels are all made of top-quality gemstones, no matter which one is put on the market, it is worth millions of dollars.

"Princess, are you going to give all these good things to that woman?" The attendant looked at Yingran who kept filling the king's box.

"What do you know? Since you are a guest, you have to send it away properly. If you don't come up with something good, how can you get rid of this person?"

Yingran finally got up and clapped her hands, "Take everything, we will go out of the palace to find her."

The attendant heard the words and said, "Princess, the God of Medicine doesn't seem to be living in the Royal Hotel anymore after being sent out of the palace. I'm afraid no one knows where she lives in the royal city now."

Wen Li's whereabouts are kept a high degree of secrecy. I heard that His Royal Highness Yin Sa had received the news in advance, otherwise the woman would not have been found.

"Isn't Westia back? Call him over."

As long as West Asia is around, he will definitely be able to find Wen Li's whereabouts.

"Yes, I will invite you now."

Yingran weighed the box in her hand, these should be enough.

She wasn't stupid either, now her grandfather and uncle were on Wen Li's side, and she even healed his uncle's leg.

Confronting her head-on at this juncture will only make grandfather hate her.

Sending some gifts politely sent him away. Now that my uncle has recovered from his illness, I am afraid that this person will no longer have any reason to stay in the palace.

When the time comes, the grandfather and uncle will know that she sent him away politely, and they will not be able to find fault with her no matter what.


Near the afternoon, a row of black vehicles came to the entrance of the villa, but they were not parked at the main entrance, but on the side.

These cars came along the main road, and finally stopped in front of the side door, and parked them neatly.

The person who got out of the car wore black sunglasses and looked cold.

After knocking on the door very politely, the bodyguard inside heard what the person at the door said, and turned sideways to let the leader in.

Xia Chen led the people through the pavilions, and finally stopped by a pool.

There were three girls sitting neatly with their backs facing them, with a fishing rod in front of them.

The little girl in the middle looked expectantly at the quiet pool, not waiting for a fish to take the bait.

The little girl obviously lost her patience, "We've all been waiting for such a long time, when will this fish take the bait?"

As she spoke, she raised her hand, and Wen Li, who was sitting on her left, said calmly, "If you blow up this fish pond, you won't be able to go out for a few days."

Hearing this, Gu Ningxi angrily withdrew her hand.

Su Jingjing chuckled, this little girl was bluffing all day, with such abilities, she can come and go freely.

If you don't use some tricks, I'm afraid you won't be able to trap this little girl.

"I think you don't tease her." Su Jingjing said and looked at Gu Ningxi, "You have been to the whole royal city, since there is nothing to go, why not stay here and try to catch fish in a few days Come up with this fish."

Wen Li spent all his energy trying to trap this little girl running around, and put the only fish that was different into the pond.

And promised Gu Ningxi that as long as she can catch this fish, she will take her for a walk on the intercontinental border.

Although this little girl has a flamboyant temper, she is pure and simple, and she is a very nice little girl.

"Boss, His Royal Highness Yin Sa's people have come to pick you up." Xia Chen said.

Wen Li and Su Jingjing turned their heads at the same time, and looked at the leader who was in charge of picking them up.

"Miss Wen Li, I am here to pick you up by His Highness's order."

The visitor was very polite, and the posture of bowing between speeches was regular.

"Your Highness has figured it out and wants to take Wen Li back?" Su Jingjing asked.

If Yin Sa knew what Wen Li meant, he would certainly know that bringing Wen Li back when he was about to succeed the king would mean great trouble.

Princess Le Jia, who was clearly executed for treason, survived, and even left behind an heir.

If this secret is leaked out, I'm afraid it will cause quite a stir.

Furthermore, if Yin Sa is determined to find out the truth, I am afraid that too many people's status will be shaken invisibly.

Another mess.

"Our Highness said, Miss Wen Li, please feel free to go with us, and he will take care of the rest."

Su Jingjing raised her eyebrows and looked at Wen Li, there was almost no need to ask, Wen Li's answer was yes.

"Then I'll wait for you here." Su Jingjing turned around and sat beside Gu Ningxi.

The little girl just took off the fish caught on the hook, but the color was wrong, so she put it back again.

After repeating it twice, I continued without the slightest bit of discouragement, and my earnest appearance was extremely cute.

"Let's go."

Rows of black cars drove away from the villa very imposingly, and went towards the palace very steadily.

After the car drove for half an hour, Xia Chen glanced at the glazed dome of the palace that was already faintly visible in the distance.

Under the sun exudes a light luster.



The two called out at the same time.

The road outside is obviously different, it is not the direction to the main entrance of the palace, they pass along the back of the palace.

It seems that they are going to go back after going around the palace.

"Wait." Wen Li just replied softly while holding the ring in his hand.

When the two heard the words, they sat obediently and did not move. These people seemed to be not quite right. They walked around the palace and did not enter through the main entrance. What kind of saying is this?

Wen Li lowered his head and brushed his fingers over the transparent emerald. In the end, these people couldn't hold their breath anymore.

After driving along the palace wall for a while, the car stopped at the back gate of the palace.

"Miss Wen Li, you've arrived."

After following the attendants into the palace wall, Wen Li saw the person who brought her here.

He was standing with his back to Wen Li, holding a broom and bending over to clean the dust on the ground.

Wen Li also vaguely recognized who this person was from the back.

"Miss Wen Li, hello." The man turned around, still holding a broom wrapped in cloth.

"Hi Your Royal Highness." Wen Li opened his mouth and uttered these words.


About half an hour later, Su Jingjing was still sleepy while fishing with Gu Ningxi.

She yawned and persuaded, "Little girl, why don't we give up? I'll take you out to play."

Gu Ningxi skillfully threw the fishing rod out, "No, if you promise, you have to do it. I will stick to it for a while."

Hearing this, Su Jingjing rubbed her waist and stood up, but she couldn't stay with this little ancestor, she was even more stubborn than Xi Moqian.

I don't know whether to say that she is innocent or stupid, but she is not worrying.

"Then I'm going to rest, you play alone, don't run around, and go after Wen Li when it's almost done."

For a little girl who always wanted to play around, it was quite embarrassing to be detained by Wen Li's side for such a long time.

"Miss Su."

Just as Su Jingjing got up and walked a few steps, Dongqing and several bodyguards walked in at the entrance.

"Why are you here?" Su Jingjing frowned.

Dong Qing said with a calm face, "I am following His Highness's order to come and take Miss Wen Li back to the palace."

Su Jingjing raised her eyebrows, looked behind him, "Are you here to pick Wen Li back?"

Yin Sa's people are only here now, so who is the person who came just now?

Thinking of some possibility, Su Jingjing darkened her face, "Contact Your Highness and tell him something happened."

Wen Li came to pick up Wen Li so blatantly in broad daylight, the other party obviously had nothing to fear.

Dongqing understood what Su Jingjing meant, and quickly contacted Yin Sa.

Miss Wen Li has disappeared.

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