Master, I Need Charging

Chapter 63: News time

At 6:30 in the morning, a turning tweeter floated downstairs into Gu Anbao's room on the second floor.

Gu Anbao was lying on the bed with his eyes wide open, listening to the babbling Huangmei drama in the radio downstairs.

I don't understand.

But... Grandpa got up early.

Gu Anbao got up, she turned over the small comb in her shoulder bag, carefully combed her hair, and then used her hands to smooth the sleeping folds on the skirt little by little.

Mr. Chen shouted downstairs with full energy: "Lazy girl! Get up for breakfast!"

Gu Anbao: "..." She is not lazy...

Helping the stairs downstairs, I found that Mrs. Chen and Aunt Xu were all there. Youtiao, steamed buns, tea eggs and tofu brain were on the table. Under the table lies a big yellow dog who doesn't know where it came from...

"Huh...Is the dog raised at home?" She looked at the dog in surprise. She hadn't seen it when she came yesterday.

Aunt Xu smiled and said: "The neighbor's house, often come to the door, come over and sit down."

Gu Anbao nodded and walked over to sit down.

Master Chen shouted and drank tofu brain, and quickly dried out two fritters, at a rate faster than that of Chen Yuheng.

Gu Anbao looked startled, but couldn't help saying: "Grandpa, your teeth are so good..."

But... so old, eating too fast...not good for the stomach?

Mr. Chen glanced at her sideways and tapped his chopsticks a few times to drink a clean white porcelain bowl. He said angrily: "Hurry and eat, grind."

Having said that, he stood up and walked to the sofa, picked up the remote control and turned on the TV, and began to look.

Gu Anbao whispered to Aunt Xu: "Grandpa Chen wakes up so early every day?"

Aunt Xu nodded with a smile, "The old man is seventy-eight, this man, younger, feels young, and wakes up after a long sleep."

As if hearing someone say him, Mr. Chen suddenly turned his head to look at him, staring at Gu Anbao for a while, and said roughly: "Why don't you eat it? You don't get used to eating thick tea and light rice? Don't say I abuse you when you look hungry!"

Gu Anbao had to pick up a bun and gesture to his mouth, while turning his back around, not to tell the old man to see what he was eating.

She can't really eat it...

Gu Anbao asked Aunt Xu for help with his mouth: "What should I do?"

Aunt Xu grinned and made a wink at the table.


If the big yellow dog under the table felt, he looked up at Gu Anbao, his tail wagging cheerfully.

Gu Anbao was looked at by the dog like this, his hands shivered, and the buns fell. The yellow dog caught his mouth and ran away with the buns in his mouth.

Gu Anbao: "..."

Aunt Xu smiled kindly and stood up to clean up the tableware and chopsticks. Gu Anbao hurried to help. Since she lives here, she always has to do something.

Aunt Xu stopped her, waved her hand and said, "No need, no bowls, don't get oily, it's not easy to wash, go watch TV with grandpa."

There was something in his mouth, and he swiftly piled up several empty bowls in his hand and returned to the kitchen.

Gu Anbao walked up to the sofa and picked a space to sit down.

Master Chen kept pressing the remote control.

Gu Anbao watched it for a while, and saw a pattern-Mr. Chen watched all the news, and he watched the news of several stations together, each watched for about ten seconds, and immediately jumped to another station, and then Watch for ten seconds, then change channels...

Aunt Xu came out after washing the dishes and saw that the old man was changing channels and asked, "Is there news from Yuheng Company?"

The old man muttered: "Not for the time being. It is only 7 o'clock now. There are several news broadcasts at 8 o'clock and entertainment information at 10 o'clock."

Gu Anbao understands that this is not watching the news, this is watching the grandson...

Gu Anbao couldn't help saying: "Grandpa, you are very tired of such non-stop channel changes... In fact, if there is any news about RK, just search the Internet and you will know."

Mr. Chen looked at her suspiciously, "You guys will search for me?...Which time did he go to the news not to hide from me? You will kindly search for me?"

Muttering in the mouth, but throwing the remote control to Gu Anbao, that means nothing more...

Gu Anbao: "..."

Picking up the remote control and switching to Internet TV, I searched for the keyword "RK", and the latest date of the "RK" related video immediately jumped out under the search box. The title is: President RK beats the famous director.

"Really there is..." Gu Anbao had been following the news progress last night, so he recognized at a glance that this news was newly released this morning.

But this title...

"Look at it!" Master Chen urged her while touching his reading glasses from the coffee table and putting them on.

Gu Anbao clicks on the video, and the picture really is what happened that day...

Unlike the video captured by mobile phones on the Internet before, this video was taken by the surveillance camera inside the RK Building. Looking down from the angle, you can see the three people Xu Zhicheng, Gu Anbao, Chen Yuheng, and the security guards nearby, and Various passers-by passers-by.

There is no sound from the surveillance camera, but it can be clearly seen that Gu Anbao was intercepted, Chen Yuheng turned around to pull away Gu Anbao but was stopped, and then Xu Zhicheng's various frivolous movements... Chen Yuheng was furious, punching him on the face of the man next, and then Punch on the side of Xu Zhicheng, and then the man behind Gu Anbao—

The video hasn't finished broadcasting Chen's face is already too dark to be black...

With a shivering stand, the old man picked up the phone to dial and waited for a while, and the call was connected. Gu Anbao saw that the old man Chen took a deep breath and shouted: "Rabbit! Cub! Son! How can I teach you how you Have you forgotten?! Is it tickling?! Ah! Beating! You can bear you! You are good! You hit the news all the time, right?!..."

Chen Yuheng on the phone seemed to be explaining something.

At the moment, Chen Yuheng on the TV was frantically kicking the two men on the ground. Master Chen was so angry that he patted the coffee table and yelled at Gu Anbao: "Look what to see! Don't hurry and shut me down! You must be mad!" me!"

Gu Anbao deflated and turned the television off. I thought to myself: obviously you want to see...

Mr. Chen is still screaming on the phone: "Are you alive?! Isn't it?! Do you think you are a child? If you are wrong, hit someone?! Who taught you? Who taught you? !!!......You don’t explain! I tell you! It’s useless! Don’t think about me this time! It’s clear in the news video! I’m old! But I’m not stupid! My eyes are not blind!...”

Aunt Xu seemed to have taken the old man's manic habits seriously, smiled, and poured a cup of tea for the old man.

The old man scolded and hung up the phone! Sitting angrily on the sofa.

Aunt Xu persuaded him: "You look at you, you are angry, and you are distressed when you are beaten. It's better to beat someone than to be beaten..."

The white beard in the corner of the old man's mouth shivered, but said nothing.

Gu Anbao silently flipped out his mobile phone and watched the news online... I just watched the video just now, and I haven't had time to listen to the host's comment.

A search.


I made another headline on Weibo...

Look at the comment area below Weibo...

Blown up.

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